He's caught?!

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Kyo, Shingo, Terry, Athena, Benimaru, Aiko and Nakoruru came out of the Karaoke bar only to see a police van leaving with sirens blaring into the night.
They were even more surprised to see Iori emerge from the dark alleyway, an unconscious Scott in his arms. Terry ran to him.
"What did you do to him?!" Terry demanded. "What happened to him?"
"He fainted," Iori said truthfully.
"How?" Terry asked, taking Scott in his arms instead. "What happened back there?"
"Well, we were feeding cats, and a weirdo tried to kill us," Iori said lightly. The others gasped. "This poor kid was so stunned he couldn't speak. He tried to run away but I stopped him and asked him to get behind."
"And then?" Kyo asked, interested.
"I did this," Iori said, demonstrating how he set himself on fire. The others gasped again. "Then I neared the murderer and threatened him."
"Oh my gosh," Aiko said, concerned. "What did he do then?"
"He fainted in surprise," Iori ended.
"Then what about Scott?" Terry asked, concerned for the boy. "How did he faint?"
"Oh that..." Iori said, grinning. He was still on fire. "He saw me like this and fainted."
"Yagami..." almost all of them said together.
"Niisan, you better stop before anyone else sees you," Aiko said, touching her burning brother's shoulder. "Someone else might faint too..."
"Yeah you look like freaking Ghost Rider like that," Benimaru said, annoyed. "I dislike it when Kyo does it, and now you!"
Iori grinned and put the flames out.
"Anyway, let's get back to the hotel," Iori said.
"Wait wait, what happened to the killer?" Terry asked. "You didn't just leave them there, did you?"
"Nah," Iori said, smirking slightly. "I called the cops! The weird guy tried to kill the policeman too, but luckily he managed to tase him and take him away."
"That's a relief," Terry said. He then remembered something. "By the way, was this guy by any chance dressed in black, wearing a crow mask?"
"Uh... yeah?"
"That's the serial killer that's been lurking around South Town!" Terry said excitedly. "Yagami, do you know what you have just done?"
"Umm... I caught a serial killer?" Iori said obviously.
"No! I mean, yeah," Terry said, nodding. "The guy always manages to run away, but you managed to catch him! Also, there's a slight possibility that it might be Freeman."
"Who's that?" Athena asked, confused.
Terry explained as he walked them to their hotel. Scott was still unconscious in his arms, not in the least bit aware of what's going on.
"He must be too shocked when he saw you on fire, Yagami," Terry said, looking at the pale boy in his arms. "Look at him. His colour is all gone too!"
"He didn't exactly faint when he saw me like that," Iori said. "Rather, when I told him I had powers."
"Oh boy..." Kyo said, thinking about the time when Scott finds out that all of them had powers. "Well... should we tell him?"
"I think we should," Terry said regretfully. "But don't go overboard like what Yagami did."
They arrived at the hotel and all of the foreigners, besides Benimaru went in. Benimaru was actually there in Florida for an event and decided to drop by when Robert called him. Robert had invited him to stay over at his place.
"I need to go back to Miami tomorrow," Benimaru said. "See ya later, guys."

"Phew what a day..." Iori said, laying back on the bed as soon as he entered the hotel room. "Well, at least we managed to catch a criminal."
"Well at least you managed to catch a criminal," Aiko said. "You were in the back alleyway, doing Ghost Rider stuff when we were inside, having a karaoke session together. Now where's the fun in that?"
"Why didn't you just leave with me?" Iori asked, puzzled. "You seemed to be happy to sing King's parts too."
"Fine..." Aiko said tiredly. "But yeah, it was fun. But not as fun as scaring a serial killer by setting yourself up on fire!"
Iori started laughing hysterically.
"It really was fun," Iori admitted. "Especially since I could practically smell that psycho's fear. Hey, I'm actually pretty surprised that he was scared at all!"
"Who wouldn't be taken aback after seeing a man on fire, walking towards you as if nothing has happened?" Aiko pointed out. "Even I would be slightly taken aback."
"Actually, yeah..." Iori agreed, getting off the bed to change. "You're gonna sleep now?"
"Yeah I'm really sleepy," Aiko said before yawning.
"Same..." Iori said, searching in his bag of clothes. "Anyway, I wanna get changed."
He grabbed his clothes and went to the bathroom to change into his sleepwear. Aiko took the chance to change too before getting to bed.

Terry carefully laid Scott on his bed. He turned the lights out and shut the door before leaving the room. Rock and Andy were waiting for him outside, demanding an explanation.
"What happened to him?" Andy asked. "Did he fall asleep or something?"
"He's just in shock, that's all," Terry said, leading them both to the living room. "He accidentally saw Yagami's powers and fainted."
"Why did he do that?!" Rock asked, shocked. "Even I didn't show him my Reppuken yet!"
"Yagami was defending him," Terry said, sitting down on the living room, couch. "That serial killer was about to attack them."
The two other men exchanged weird looks.
"You mean Yagami managed to get South Town's infamous masked serial killer?" Andy asked in shock. "How?"
Terry, rather exaggeratingly, explained the story to them. The two others listened in shock.
"Oh my gosh..." Andy said, shocked. "I think South Town has to do something to thank Yagami."
"I think so too," Rock agreed. "What should we buy him?"
"I dunno, he's a bassist, just like you," Terry said with a shrug. "He's a guitarist too actually."
"I heard he likes vintage guitars," Andy said with a shrug. "But I think the South Town police would get him something too."
Speaking of which, Kevin had brought the criminal to the police station. Vanessa, Ramon and Mary were very surprised to see him drag South Town's notorious serial kill in with another cop.
"Kevin, how?" Mary asked, getting up in surprise. "How did you catch him?"
Kevin told them about it and they were shocked.
"So Yagami is the one that actually caught him?" Vanessa asked, surprised. "How?"
"This jerk was targeting him and Terry's new kid friend," Kevin explained. Mary gasped, remembering the teenaged boy that visited her home and played with Anton. "Seems like were feeding the alley cats with some milk when this guy ambushed them."
The masked man stayed silent, not saying a word.
"But how come this dude is still in one piece?" Ramon asked, confused. "If Yagami caught hold of him, wouldn't he be torn apart?"
"That's what I'm wondering now too," Kevin admitted. He turned to the psychotic murderer and crossed his arms. "What exactly happened there?"
"The- The man... he was... BURNING!" He exclaimed in shock. "He was literally burning! He isn't human if he didn't mind being on fire like that!"
"Typical Yagami..." Vanessa said, imagining what Iori had done. "Anyway, Kevin, rip his mask off and expose him. We need to take mugshots of him."
Kevin reached over to take the mask off, but the man held his arm back. The other cops held him down as Kevin took his mask off.
They all had expected Freeman under the creepy crow mask but to their surprise, it was someone else.
It was a man with jet black hair with ivory skin and pale blue eyes. They had expected to see a psychotic man with unkempt hair and bloodshot eyes but, this man looked all too normal to them.
"State your name," Kevin said, taking out a clipboard.
"Tell him, you nutcase!" Ramon demanded, shoving his back. "Say it if you don't wanna die!"
"They call me Crow," the man said grudgingly. "I don't know my real name."
Kevin shook his head in disgust and jotted down this bit of info.
"Twenty-four," Kevin's eyes widened when he realised how young he was.
"This beast is so young," Kevin said, jotting it down with a grimace.
"Younger than me..." Ramon said, shaking his in disgust.
"Yeah, and you're the youngest in the lot you know?" Vanessa said, putting her elbow on his shoulder. "And the shortest too, among the guys that is."
Mary frowned when she said that.

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