Bumped into an enemy

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Iori picked Terry up in the spaceship and they all had a practice session. Their rehearsal was the next day and they waited eagerly.
The Band Of Fighters set off to the DeLuxe building. They were gonna rehearse. Their practice sessions went really well and they had no issue with the rehearsal. Aiko joined them too. She brought her violin and her saxophone.
They rehearsed and the manager was pleased with the results.
"Good," Konosuke said, clapping. "Alright. Be here again tomorrow. We need you to rehearse with the models too.
"We need to tell Benimaru," Kyo said, packing his guitar. "And we better make him wear a really good outfit."
"And get enough sleep," Iori added. "I'll keep my saxophone away, don't worry."
"I feel like the audience would also request us to perform other songs too," Athena suddenly said. "It's just... I have an intuition and it isn't often wrong."
"That's good," Terry said, grinning. "We can be more famous!"
They laughed and decided to go out for lunch together. Kyo also informed Benimaru about the rehearsal.
"Yeah Konosuke already told me," Benimaru said. "I already have an outfit ready."
"Don't stay up late," Iori said, eating a plate of lamb shop. "Get enough sleep."
"I will if you don't come playing the sax in my backyard," Benimaru said. "But don't worry, I'll sleep with earmuffs tonight just in case."
"Look what you've done, Yagami," Kyo said, turning to Iori with an annoyed look. "He's still paranoid."
"What did he do?" Terry asked, eating a giant club sandwich.
"He played the saxophone in my backyard at night," Benimaru said. "I shouted so much at him and called the police. He left, but my sleep never came."
"Poor Beni," Athena said. "Why did you actually do that, Iori?"
"Long story," Iori said with a grin. "He did something to Aiko and yeah that was my revenge."
"I should've known," Terry said, realising what might have happened. "Beni, why do you actually do stuff like this?"
"Don't ask..." Benimaru said, annoyed. "Anyway, I gotta go. I need to prepare some stuff for tomorrow."
He said goodbye and hung up.
"What did he exactly do?" Athena asked, eating some churros. "Seems like something silly, considering that Iori only played the sax as a revenge."
Iori and Aiko explained to them and they started laughing.
"He actually told me that he loved only me," Aiko said. "He was drunk by the way."
"There is a saying," Athena said. "A drunk man tells no lies. And I've confirmed this with Master Chin. He would only lie when he's sober."
"Yeah I've seen this myself," Terry said. "Joe would do lots of planning behind our backs. If we wanna know what he's hiding, we would just bring him to Pao Pao and buy him lots of beer. Then we interrogate him. And then we make him pay for it."
"You're worse than me," Iori said, shaking his head. "But hey, that's a good idea. Best way to interrogate someone."
They had their lunch and then went back to their homes. This time, Terry brought his entire household.
"You guys don't wanna look around Tokyo?" Terry asked. "There's so much to see!"
"Sure," Rock said. "Scott?"
"You don't have to ask," Scott said with a grin. "Come on!"
They went around Tokyo and saw lots of things. They even went to Disneyland.
"Thanks, Terry and Andy," Scott said, grateful. "I wish dad was here."
"Don't worry, Scott," Terry said. "Your father is progressing well at rehab."
"I'm glad," Scott said. "Can we go see him when we return?"
"Sure," Andy said. "We'll take you."

Meanwhile in Okinawa...
"Can't believe that seven nights can go by this quick," Shermie said sadly. "What time is our flight tomorrow?"
"At ten," Yashiro said. "We have to be there at nine."
They groaned at the thought of their holiday ending. They packed up the next morning and set off back to Tokyo. Yashiro was happy that he found Tatsuuru. He got a special licence to allow his pet onboard.
They arrived at Tokyo one hour later, just in time to just dump their luggage, and take their van to DeLuxe. It was a good thing they have portable instruments in there.
"I don't think you need to bring the drums in, Chris," Yashiro said, taking his guitar out. "Because they actually have their own drum set."
"That's a relief," Chris said. "It's too big to carry."
They went up and went to the rehearsal room. There was a stage there and some instruments. But there were also people playing there.
It was the Band Of Fighters. They were playing there with Aiko.
"You've got to be kidding me..." Yashiro said, glaring at Iori. "Red-hair!"
Iori heard him and glowered back.
"Snow-head!" Iori spat out.
"Yashiro, please!" Shermie said, pulling him back. "We came here to rehearse!"
"I don't want anything to do with this event if red-hair is here," Yashiro shouted, stomping out of the room.
Shermie and Chris gave the watching Konosuke an embarrassed smile and went after Yashiro.
"Yashiro!" Shermie shouted, pulling Yashiro's arm from behind. "What is the meaning of this?!"
"I don't want red-hair," Yashiro said. "Ask him to get off!"
"Yash, he didn't even disturb you," Chris said. "He's just playing!"
"Well, I don't want to play in an event that he's also in," Yashiro said arrogantly. "I want nothing to do with him."
"Yashiro, this event will bring our band more fame," Shermie reasoned. "Besides, I don't think Yagami even wants anything to do with you either."
After much urging, Yashiro finally agreed. They went back into the rehearsal room. The Band Of Fighters were still playing. Iori smirked when he saw Yashiro's annoyed face.
At the same time, a thought crossed his mind. His eyes were blue, a dead giveaway that his curse was lifted. He remembered the sunglasses on top of Aiko's head and planned to steal it later.
They played a few songs and Iori turned around to face Aiko. He swiftly snatched her sunglasses and put it on, imitating the way K' did. This infuriated Yashiro even more.
They climbed off the stage and Iori wore the smuggest look he ever had.
"Sup, Yashiro?" Iori said, smirking at the taller man. "Can't stand the sight of me?"
Yashiro looked like he was about to burst. Chris soothingly rubbed his back.
"Calm down," he whispered. "We'll show that we can do better."
They climbed onto the stage and started playing a more simplified version of Rhythmic Hallucination. Yashiro sighed at how empty the song sounded.
"We should play something else," Yashiro told his band mates. "We lack the instruments."
They agreed and played Bloody. They were glad that the song only had three instruments. Shermie played the bass using her keyboard.
"You guys are amazing," Konosuke said. "Even if you only have three members, you are still very good."
The CYS smiled when he said that. The BOF were watching them.
Soon, it was the models' turn. Benimaru came and did his best. Everyone were satisfied, mainly Iori. He was glad that he managed to make up for getting him fired.
Kyo was confused at why Iori was wearing sunglasses indoors. He leaned towards him to ask.
"What's with the sunglasses?" Kyo asked. "You trying to copy K'? The room isn't even bright."
"Yeah but my eyes are," Iori said, showing his eyes to Kyo. "They don't know that I've lifted the curse. Let them think I'm still cursed."
"Good idea," Kyo said. "But they would know if you don't go into the Riot Of Blood state when they want you to."
"They won't do that," Iori said. "They have no use for it. Look at them. They would be resurrecting Orochi if they actually cared."
"That's true too," Kyo said. "But you better be alert, Yagami."

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