Multiple Reunions

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Misty had run off when no one was watching her. She ran out of the stadium as fast as she can and stopped next to a lamppost, holding it for support.
All of a sudden, she felt electrical energy flowing through her body, paining her. She could no longer stand and felt herself sinking down.
Huffing and puffing, she got up. She used the lamppost for support all the while. A man wearing a black cloak suddenly landed in front of her. His face was shadowed by the hood he wore.
The light of the lamppost illuminated his face when he looked straight at her.
"You..." she said, recognising him. "You're still alive?! What are you trying to achieve?!"
"That's what I was supposed to ask," the man said, crossing his arms. "What are you trying to achieve?"
"Power!" Misty said. "Isn't it obvious? You should know. You tried too. Well, you failed."
"Well, I know that it's not worth it," Igniz said with a sigh. "It isn't worth it, Misty. How much power do you need? Humans like us are meant to stay like this. No one can surpass the power of god."
"Hmph all this coming from the one that proclaimed himself to be a god!" Misty scoffed. "I always thought that idea of yours was pathetic!"
"I was pathetic," Igniz said, remembering all the bad things he did. "I'm just taking this new life as a second chance from god."
"Well, suit yourself," Misty said, turning around and limping away. "I'm gonna go see what happened to Ron."
"Misty..." Igniz said, catching hold of her arm. "It isn't worth it. I know that you made Botan control his mind. Let him live in peace, Misty. He has a life. He has a family. Well, I would've known the value of family earlier if my father didn't raise me to be a crime syndicate."
Igniz sighed and let go of her arm after saying that. All he remembered from his childhood was his father teaching him to be the most powerful being on earth.
Misty kinda felt sorry for her past lover too. She took hold of his hand, much to his surprise, and kissed him.
Igniz's eyes grew wide at this sudden kiss. He accepted, however, and put his arms around her, pulling her into a warm hug.
Kim and his gang were walking down that street at the time. Kim looked at them in disgust, pulling his sons away quickly. They giggled at their father's reaction.
"What outrageous behaviour!" Kim complained when they were out of earshot. "What's happening to this world? Can't they display their affection somewhere else?! Somewhere more private?"
"Why don't you book them a hotel, pa?" Dong asked jokingly. "Maybe they have no money to book one so they depend on the streets for privacy?"
"Dong-Hwan!" Kim shouted.
Even though they were out of earshot, Igniz and Misty could hear Kim lecturing his son.
"Isn't that the annoying Korean dude that cares so much about justice and tortures those degenerate criminals in the name of rehabilitation?" Igniz asked when they pulled away from the kiss. "It is, isn't it? Wouldn't wanna be caught dead in that man's grasp!"
"Couldn't agree more," Misty said with a slight smile. "Say, do you have anywhere where we can spend some time in private?"
Igniz grinned and brought her back to his hotel room.
"You literally brought a telescope here," Misty said when she saw how Igniz set his telescope up next to the window. "You always had an interest with UFOs hadn't you?"
Igniz laughed.
"They never cease to amaze me," Igniz said with a shrug. "That's why I moved into an observatory in Texas."
"You live in an observatory in Texas?!" Misty asked in shock. "How?"
Igniz went on to explain what happened to him when came back to life.

Meanwhile at the stadium...
"So he's okay?" Terry asked. "Poor Ron, it wasn't him."
"Misty asked me to control Ron's mind and body," Botan explained. "She said if we manage to use him to get the Dragon Spirit, we would be very powerful. And she said the only way was to use Ron's deadly powers."
"You beast!" Xiao shouted, shoving Botan back. "Just because you guys want power, you decide to ruin someone's life?! How could you?"
"It was Misty's plan," Botan said regretfully. "When she found that I could control someone's mind and body, she instantly made a deal with me."
"Hey Kotan?" Joe said, stepping in front of her. "Why don't you use these abilities for good? Use it to manipulate bad people instead or something?"
"It's Botan," Botan said, annoyed.
"I'm counting on you to use it for good," Duo said. "I think I'll take you under me."
"Under us," Ron added, putting a hand on Duo's shoulder. "But if you try playing any tricks on us, you're going to the Netherworld."
"I won't," Botan said. "You have my word."
They dragged her off. The Lons were glad that Ron was still a good man. They planned to return to the Hizoku land the next day.
Athena was glad too. She wanted to go to Tokyo in the next flight for the band. She sighed because she doubted she could make it in time. Terry was gonna do the same thing.
All of a sudden, Terry received a phone call from Iori.
"Hey Terry," Iori said over the phone. "Could you call Athena and wire her in too? We need to have a conference call. It's about our band."
"She's right next to me," Terry said, putting his call on speaker mode and motioned Athena to come closer to listen.
"Yes I'm right here," Athena said.
"Good," Iori said, relieved. "You guys haven't booked any flights now, have you?"
"We haven't," Athena said. "We were planning on taking the next available flight."
"Alright, what about you, Terry?" Iori asked.
"Haven't," Terry said. "Same story as Athena."
"Alright, good," Iori said, much to their surprise. "You guys just wait at some secluded field tomorrow morning and send me the location and the time. Okay? I'll pick you up."
"How?" The two people at South Town asked.
"Just wait there," Iori said. "I have a way."
He hung up and started texting Terry.
Iori: Aight
Iori: Athena's still with you right?
Terry: Yeah
Iori: Aight where are ya guys gonna wait?
Athena read the messages and turned to Terry.
"You know all of South Town," Athena said. "Where should we wait?"
Terry started thinking.
"Lets see now..." Terry said, thinking. "Creek Drive is okay, but there are many gangsters there. Spine Street sounds okay."
"Is it far?" Athena asked.
"No," Terry said, shaking his head. "But it's definitely secluded."
He texted Iori the location.
Iori: Aight
Iori: Oh n tell Athena that if her whole jingbang wants to come
Iori: They are welcomed
Iori: U too
Iori: Bring your gang if you want too
Iori: There's a lot of space
Terry: Okay...
"Iori said you can bring your friends if you want," Terry told Athena. "I wonder what this guy's up to..."
"That's okay, we'll find out tomorrow," Athena said, stifling a yawn. "Anyway, I'm tired. We'll meet you at Spine Street tomorrow. Bye Terry! Bye Andy! Bye Joe! Oh and bye Rock!"
"Now what's that redhead up to?" Terry asked, puzzled.
Athena shrugged. She returned to the apartment suite with her friends. Terry went back to the others to go home.
"Terry, won't you bring me?" Mary asked when he explained everything to her. "I wanna see you perform too!"
Terry agreed to take her along too. Scott badly wanted to come along too. Terry agreed without much of a choice. Andy refused to follow.
"You gonna be okay being alone for a few days, Andy?" Terry asked his brother while he packed.
"Of course I will," said Andy. "I have Rock, I have Ukee and I have-"
"You have Mai," Terry finished with a smirk.
"And I have Mai," Andy finished with a chuckle.
Athena and the others packed too. They were all looking forward to going to Tokyo. Her next concert was there too.

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