Beni's angry friends

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It was fairly early in the morning and Iori was fast asleep, having a nightmare of Benimaru kidnapping Aiko, especially because of what he told her in his drunk state.
"I love you, Aiko..."
Iori woke up in shock, covered in cold sweat. This wasn't new, he definitely had worse nightmares than this. But this one seemed scarier for some reason.
He decided to get out of bed and make some breakfast for a change. Aiko was kinda disappointed that she was the one that always had to do it.
So he pulled on some nicer-looking clothes, brushed his hair that looked like it had been electrified, and went out into the hallway between the living room and the kitchen.
He wanted to go to the bathroom and brush his teeth first, but then he stopped, hearing the most annoying sound that he's been hearing for the past week.
Iori groaned as he made his way to the front door to see who it was.
"What now?" Iori asked, opening the door without looking at the callers. "For the past week, someone keeps pressing my doorbell this early in the morning. Well, send the next guy with breakfast because I haven't eaten yet!"
He stopped short as he stared at his visitors. It was Kyo and Daimon. They just stood there, glaring at him with their arms crossed. They came to ask Iori for an explanation for what he did two nights ago.
"What do you want?" Iori asked, scratching the back of his neck. "Why do you guys always have to come here this early?"
"Well, why do you always have to do something that late?" Kyo asked, hinting the incident that happened two nights ago.
Iori realised what he meant and sighed.
"I needed to teach him a lesson but didn't think it would go that far!" Iori tried to defend himself. "I didn't expect him to get fired, get viral and get drunk!"
"I have never seen or heard Benimaru drunk before," Goro said in disgust. "But you... you made him do it within just a night!"
"I know, I'm sorry, okay?" Iori said. "I'll figure something out to make up for it, okay?"
"What did you do to Benimaru?" Kyo asked, slightly worried for his blond friend. "What did you do with him? He isn't answering his texts or calls!"
"He came here, drunk, and tried to give me one of those electric balls," Iori said, recalling the events of the night before. "Then he fainted. Aiko and I had to take him and his car home."
"And then?" Kyo asked, wanting more details.
"And then we left." Iori said.
"Did Benimaru say anything in his drunk state?" Kyo asked.
Iori hesitated. He perfectly remembered what Benimaru said before they left.
"I can't remember," Iori lied.
"You know, you're a much better fighter than a liar?" Daimon said. "Tell us, what did he say?"
"He said he loves my sister," Iori said reluctantly. "He said she's the only one that saw him as an actual guy instead of a model."
"Seriously, how are you two even related?" Kyo asked, annoyed. "She's such a sweet girl and then there's you..."
"Did you know what Aiko did when she heard Benimaru talk bad about our family?" Iori asked, a slight smirk forming on his lips. "She clawed him and even tried to burn his precious Lamborghini! You should have seen the way she stomped into the house, slamming the front door into his face."
"Well, she is your sister after all," Daimon said. "Anyway, Kyo. We need to go. We need to make sure Ben is okay."
Kyo nodded and left with the big man after giving the redhead another glare.
"You'd know if you had a sister," Iori muttered before shutting the front door.
He turned around and saw his sister waiting there, stunned.
"Aiko?" Iori said, trying to bring her back to reality. "What happened to you?"
"Were you spying on me the night I went out on a date with Benimaru?" Aiko finally asked. "How did you know I stomped into the house?"
Iori thought of a reason and finally got one.
"I didn't but I arrived home behind you," Iori said. "He dropped you off right when I came home in my friend's car."
"But I thought I felt your presence when we were at the club too..." Aiko said thoughtfully. "I could practically feel you there that time. And I thought I could smell you too."
Iori made a point to wear a different cologne when going to spy on her. Now he thought of a reason. He knew that lying about the fact that he was there was not going to do him any good so he decided to say something else.
"Yeah I was there," said Iori. "But I wasn't spying on you. I heard that a band was performing and came there with my friends. I was disappointed, however, when I saw who the band were..."
"I know," said Aiko. "I was just as disappointed."
"Yeah and I even ambushed them in the back alley," Iori said, remembering the action that happened a few nights ago. "I gave Yashiro an Ura 1207 Shiki: Yamisogi," Iori said with a smirk. "Then as he was wondering who I was since he apparently didn't recognise me in my disguise, and also since my fire turned red. He kinda did with my fighting style but thought otherwise when he realised I don't have the disgusting Orochi blood."
"Then?" Aiko asked, interested.
"Then as I was watching him pathetically come to me, my friends drove close and pulled me into the car," Iori said, trying not to laugh at how ridiculous it must have looked. "Then we made a u-turn to leave. When we were driving out, the sky suddenly started rumbling as a storm was brewing. Shermie transformed into her Orochi thingy and tried to shoot lightning at us. But we missed and they left me here, forcing me to go home."
"Oh wow," was all Aiko managed to say. "But why did they suddenly pull you into the car?"
Iori started panicking. How could he tell her that they did that to bring him to see where she and Benimaru were headed to?
"Tha- That I have no idea," Iori finally said. But then again, he really didn't know why they did that instead of giving him a phone call the old fashion way.
"I seriously have no idea," Iori said and then tried to change the subject. "Hey did you brush your teeth? I was about to make breakfast."
"Well, did you brush your teeth?" Aiko asked, giving him a knowing look. "It's so obvious you haven't. Your breath stinks!"
"Well, yours too," Iori couldn't help but say, a smirk on his face.
He sighed in relief as he went to the bathroom with his sister to get his toothbrush. They both prepared breakfast with their toothbrushes sticking out of their mouths, occasionally stopping in front of the kitchen sink to spit and gurgle.

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