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Someone POV
Urgh... my head. What's going on?
I sat up and saw that I was in a crater. Was I in a meteor or something?
I got up and looked around. I was in a forest. Where am I? Where is this? And... how am I even alive? I thought I was vaporised or something?
I found the exit of the jungle and thank goodness it wasn't so dense. Well, it was but I was close to the perimeter of it.
I walked out into an unfamiliar street. It seemed too be in another country, not Germany. Is this... France...? I remember seeing streets like this when I visited Paris.
I wandered around, trying to figure out where to go. I seemed to not have anything on me besides the clothes on my back.
A man walked past me. He gave me a wide smile.
"Bonjour, mademoiselle," the man said with a smile.
Isn't mademoiselle a pronoun for young women? Does this guy think I am a woman just because I have slightly long hair?
"Get out of my sight, dimwit!" I spat back before walking away.
So I'm definitely in France. Well that explains the cafes and bakeries everywhere. Mmm the scent of coffee and pastries is making me hungry.
That reminds me, when was the last time I actually ate?
I couldn't help but follow my nose into a cafe. The smell only grew stronger, making me even hungrier.
Oh I really want to eat something. I frantically search my pockets and found a five euro note in my back pocket. I have no idea how it got there, but I'm grateful that it's there.
I walked over to the counter and looked at the prices. I saw that I could buy a sandwich and a drink and still have some money to spare.
I got myself a cheese sandwich and a nice cup of cafe au lait. I sat myself down and ate. The coffee was heavenly. The aroma was so revitalising. The cheese sandwich was really good too. The sandwich was toasted to perfection, causing the cheese to melt in the mouth. I can't remember when was the last time I had an amazing meal like this.
The bell at the front door rang. I looked over and got the shock of my life!
Two familiar faces entered the cafe together.
It was Adel and Rose! Rose looked as happy as ever and Adel watched over her protectively. They both went to the counter and ordered something.
I quickly finish my meal and ran to them. By this time, they had seated themselves at a table.
"Rose, Adel!" I say running to them. "Oh I'm so glad to see you!"
"Pardon me, pretty lady, but who are you?" Adel asks politely.
Wait... why is he calling me pretty lady?
There was a mirror next to the table that Rose and Adel sat. I looked at myself and my eyes widened in horror. I examine myself with trembling hands.
My moustache was gone. Instead, I had a clean shave, a slim face and a pointed chin. My hair was slightly longer than it had been with fringe framing the sides of my face.
My eyes were a little bigger, making them look more feminine. My figure was small with lots of curves that I never imagined to see on myself.
I let out a high-pitched, ear splitting scream as I run out of the cafe. I ran to who-knows-where and stopped for breath. There was a shop next to me and I looked at my reflection again to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
And sure enough, I wasn't. I took an even closer look at myself and realise that my bionic eye is no longer there. It is instead replaced by a natural eye.
My eyes were their natural light blue they were before I lost my eye. My right forearm was restored too.
What's going on? How did this happen? How did I become a girl? What?!
I felt myself crashing down on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. This is something I've never done before. Is my new gender the cause of this?
I didn't care. I bawled and wailed. People who passed by tried to help me but eventually gave up when I pushed them off.
My vision soon blurred and my hearing became buzzy. I was blacking out and eventually, I saw nothing. I was unable to move.
I couldn't hear anything besides muffled throbbing that I can't make out if they were voices or just noises. Soon, those noises disappeared too.

I groaned and soon found a headache made its way into my forehead. I opened my eyes and it was dark. I was on a bed, tucked under the covers.
There was a window next to me and it allowed some light that seemed really bright in this room. The silhouette of someone sitting in front of it was clearly seen. Whoever it was, they looked incredibly similar to my mother.
"Mom?" I said, my eyes adjusting to the darkness. "I had a really weird dream. I dreamed that I found myself in a different country. I was gender-bent!"
"It's okay," she said. "You're in good hands now, back to being a girl in Montmartre, France."
"A girl in Montmartre?!" I exclaimed, sitting up.
'Mom' turned the lights on and I had a good look at her. It wasn't my mother. It was a woman with blue-black hair, wearing riding breeches.
"You're not my mother!" I exclaimed, cringing at the feminine sound that I let out instead of my usual deep voice. "Who are you? Where am I?"
The woman seemed taken aback at the fact I didn't recognise her.
"I'm Elisabeth Blanctorche," the woman said in a proper manner. "You're in my house. And yes, I am indeed not your mother. Is there any way that I can help contact your relatives or friends?"
"So this is not a dream..." I said in dismay. "I am gender-bent in an unfamiliar foreign country."
"Don't be silly," Elisabeth said with a hint of a smile. "Those only happens in movies! Not in real life!"
"Well, search me," I said with a shrug. "I have no idea it was even possible. But believe me. I'm telling the truth. I am not a girl! Or at least, I wasn't up until now..."
"Betty, is she awake?" Another voice asked.
We both turned towards the doorway to see a teenaged boy. He had blond hair and his nails were done professionally. From a distance, he could be mistaken for a girl.
He looked at me and frowned thoughtfully.
"Are you by any chance related to Adel and Rose Bernstein?" He asked me. "You look kinda like Adel but you're a girl."
"Yes!" I said, grateful that he kinda recognised me. "I'm Rugal. Rugal Bernstein. I'm their father."
Elisabeth and the boy shot each other confused glances.
"You're kidding, right?" The boy asks, sitting at the foot of the bed. "When was the last time you looked at a mirror?"

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