2- worlds away

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"Feels like we're a world away, but we're in the same room, be my girl today at least?"
-lil peep

The school day came and went, it was boring.

I'm pretty smart, but that doesn't mean I like school. School's all the same. I walk with Ponyboy every morning, we meet outside in front of our houses and it's only a few blocks away.

We don't have many classes together although we take similar honors courses.

After school, I did a little bit of homework. My mom was working late tonight, but she told me I could go to the movies.

At first, after the accident (which was eight months ago now), she was more wary about me going places by myself but lately she's let up a bit. I try to be careful for her but yesterday was probably the least careful I've been. That was a mistake on my part. But she doesn't know about it.

When the sun began to set, I met Ponyboy and Johnny at the Curtis', and off we went to the corner of Pickett and Sutton. When we got there, Dally was standing by the streetlight smoking a cancer stick. He held out the pack, offering one to us. Johnny and Ponyboy both took one, but I passed. The boys smoke all the time (especially Ponyboy!) but not me. I only smoke when I'm really nervous, because it's calming. Besides that? I hate the flavor.

As we walked to the drive in, we all talked about pretty random topics. I was grateful for the zip-up sweatshirt I wore, because the air seemed to get chillier as the night began. It was early October, so the weather in Tulsa would be  freezing in the morning, almost like summer in the daytime, and chilly at night.

When we arrived, we snuck in through a hole in the fence. Dally doesn't like to do anything the legal way.

We sat down in some chairs since we didn't have a car, and then some Soc girls sat in front of us. Weird. Usually the Socs bring in their fancy cars here.

I recognized the two as well. Cherry and Marcia, both popular cheerleaders, and they were in Ponyboy and I's grade.

Dally tapped the redhead, Cherry, on the shoulder. Oh, God. Here he goes.

He started dirty talking to her, and she looked pissed. He was saying enough to even make me blush, and I was grateful that it was dark outside to cover it.

Ponyboy and Johnny both scolded him, and eventually Cherry, in a fit of rage, screamed, "get lost hood!"

Dally flipped over his chair and stormed off.

Cherry and Marcia both flipped around to face us. "Let me guess, you guys are gonna start in on us too?" She spat, mostly directed at Ponyboy and Johnny. But she gave me an evil eye too.

"No," Ponyboy said plainly.

Cherry's glare turned into a smile. "Well, you don't look the type. What are your names?"

"I'm Johnny," Said Johnny.

"Kaylee," I answered.

Ponyboy paused. He hates telling people his name.

"I'm Ponyboy," he replied shyly.

Cherry tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "Ponyboy," she said, "I like that name. It's very original."

"My dad was an original guy. I've got a brother named Sodapop." He shrugged.

"I'm Sherry, but people call me Cherry cause of my hair."

"And I'm Marcia."

"I know," said Ponyboy, we go to the same school. We've even got a couple classes together."

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