1. An Unexpected Friend Request!!!

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Oh My God I can't beleive it!!! squeeled Shivya in disbelief munching over her breakfast....

What's not to beleive dear asked her Mom concerned... serving her some more hot Parathas at the breakfast table...

Mom you remember this guy... Kaushal Bhaiya...she stated showing him her phone...

Well who...she asked confused...

Mom the guy Kaushal Bhaiya... Kaushal Agarwal...she emphasized

Oh...the one from your college...her mother recollected

Ofcourse Mom...the guy from College I can't beleive he sent me a friend request....she squeeled

Well that's good didn't you accepted that...she asked arranging the table

Well I am doing it now....she replied munching over her breakfast

Oh Go for it...she hyped and went back to her work

Well I still can't believe this...she stated again to herself thinking about the events..
Why because that's so random I mean it's been more than year almost and he still remembers me.....
I still feel it's not him...

Beta you must speak to him...her Mom suggested from kitchen

I will....she said grabbing one paratha from her plate

That's strange but a good strange...se commented swipping the phone screen checking his profile

Maa I am done...she shouted to her keeping her plate in wash basin

Shivya just finish whatever is served in your plate...
If you think you are going to loose weight by skipping over your meals then you are highly mistaken...he Mother shouted still working in kitchen

Mom you know it's never gonna happen
besides it's too much than my appetite..she reasoned out and turned to leave

Shivya wait...she tried to stop her but

Got to go Mom Sorry...she excused herself saying that...

In her room:-

I still can't believe it...he had sent me a friend request...God it's a nice feeling let's check his profile in detail...she suggested herself as started checking his activities last two years back now munching over the paratha she grabbed earlier...

Wow!! it's great to know that he is been working with great people around 2 years.... She exclaimed looking at his achievements...

Then texted him in DM saying...

It's so good to know about your achievements all those while... Congractulations and wish you more in coming future...
he was not online that t time so keeping her phone aside and wiping her hands with tissue reached for her pillow...

Closing her eyes she had a quick trip down her memory lane three years back when she was in College...

She recollected to herself...
I still remember how we meet in the College library and he helped me in finding my course book...
we ended up exchanging small smiles and gratitudes...

By the evening we meet again and he was the one who offered me his notes which were very much needed to a first year student with no external help from anyone else and no coaching classes....
I am really glad to him for that and will always be as his notes were a pure bliss to me...

But all this really reminds me of someone...

That someone is the person whom I never refer to anyone... not even my family knows about him...

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