Tsukasa's Part 1 (4/5)

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As (Y/N) followed behind Lord Tsukasa, they reached the landing where he crouched down, allowing the elderly woman to climb down safely.

"My, such a big help! Thank you so much. What a nice pair of husband and wife!" she exclaimed, beaming at them. (Y/N)'s face felt like it was about to erupt into a full-on volcanic explosion.

"Right~ fate brought us together~!" Tsukasa declared dramatically, throwing an arm around her waist and pulling her in for a bear hug. (Y/N)'s mind momentarily short-circuited—(Y/N).exe had stopped working!

"Oh my! Thank you again! You both are such nice youngsters!" the woman chirped, completely unfazed by Tsukasa's antics.

"Not at all~" Tsukasa replied with a playful wink as he released her, and (Y/N) finally regained her composure.

"Uh—yeah! T-take care!!" she stammered, trying to sound casual while still blushing like crazy.

Once the woman waddled off, (Y/N) turned to Tsukasa, her cheeks still flushed. 'What is up with him?! One moment he's bold, then shy, then bold again!'

"You know what, (Y/N)?" Tsukasa's gaze locked onto hers, his smile bright and sincere, washing away all her confusion and embarrassment. "I never felt like this before..."

"Felt what?" she asked, genuinely curious as she tried to decipher his expression.

"A true feeling—happiness!" he proclaimed, a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling in his tone. "Before all this, I was always with Amane... and I felt way too possessive of him, even though he's my brother. I love him, but it's... complicated. Then, after the moment I see you, everything suddenly changed."

(Y/N) watched him closely, a swirl of emotions dancing across his face. Was it sorrow or Confusion? Maybe perhaps a touch of anger—It was hard to tell.

"I feel like, in another universe, I might be the villain! Like, I could be someone who makes his own brother scared of him, maybe I have another soul inside my body and that's not me!" Tsukasa continued, his voice softening. "I don't want to be that guy..."

"Tsukasa, you're perfectly fine just the way you are!" (Y/N) reassured him, feeling a surge of warmth. "You can be mischievous, you can be kind—just be yourself! But remember one thing: protect your pride. Be open and honest with yourself, okay?"

"Yeah... I guess you're right, (Y/N). Thank you!" he beamed, his energy brightening the mood.

But then, as if a light bulb went off in his head, his eyes widened in shock. "S-sorry! I wasn't thinking... I've been blabbering about myself, and now we finally have some time alone, and I—uh, how do I put it..."

'Oh, Tsukasa...'

"It's totally fine! I'm glad you're sharing all of that with me. It makes me happy, so don't worry about it!" (Y/N) smiled softly at him, feeling a strange warmth between them.

"...I see." He let out a tiny sigh of relief, the tension in his shoulders visibly easing.

'Honestly, he really doesn't need to walk on eggshells around me... he can just be himself, like when we first met.'

"Would you care to take a short rest over there, Lord Tsukasa?" she suggested, pointing to a nearby bench that beckoned them.

"Oh, yes! Good idea~!" he chirped, leading the way with an exaggerated bounce in his step.

They plopped down on the long bench nestled within the shrine grounds, where a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the tall trees swaying overhead, creating a soothing melody.

"...Kyoto's such a lively place, isn't it? So much energy everywhere, and the landscape is gorgeous!" Tsukasa said casually, leaning back with a relaxed grin.

"These trees are stunning too! Just wait until autumn—the leaves turn gold and red. It's like walking through a painting!" (Y/N) gushed, reminiscing about the breathtaking scenery from last year.

"Really? They sound amazing!" Tsukasa blinked at her, clearly intrigued by the thought.

(Y/N) couldn't help but chuckle at how easily he got wrapped up in the excitement of her words. Maybe he was more like her than she realized—playful, curious, and just a little bit unpredictable.

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