I'll be taking my reward now Your Majesty

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*!! Trigger warning !! - there's some PTSD in this chapter so please proceed with caution if it affects you !!* - this is a real long one, sorry.

Sokka blearily opened his eyes, and turned his head to see Zuko sleeping next to him. Deciding that his boyfriend would definitely be hungover he went to check on Shen and the crew. To his immense surprise the crew were up and performing their morning duties.

"Good morning Sokka" the water tribesman was greeted with a signature Fire Nation salute from the most senior soldier.

"Good morning Jay" Sokka had taken the liberty of learning the crew's names. "Where is Captain Shen?"

"The Captain deemed me in charge, gave me the day's orders and then said he had business to attend to in the officer's quarters with the Firelord" Jay explained, still not breaking salute.

"Ah, I see, thank you Jay, as you were" Sokka watched the young man walk to the bridge, presumably checking on the helmsman.

Sokka walked to the officer's quarters and found the Captain.

"Feeling hungover are we Captain?" Sokka asked jovially.

"How are you still alive? You drank more than the Firelord and I put together" Shen asked begrudgingly, looking like he was going to vomit. Sokka didn't think he'd seen a worse hangover until Zuko entered the room.

"Oh look, it's Death" Sokka grinned. His joke was definitely worth the kick in the shin he received from his boyfriend.

"Good morning Your hungover Majesty!" Sokka teased the glassy eyed Firelord.

"How long until we reach the capital?" Zuko asked in a weak, thin voice as he sank down onto the sofa. "Ugh, did I mention I hate the sun?" He groaned as he leaned his aching head back on to the sofa, trying to avoid the bright, glaring light from the window.

Sokka took the opportunity to go and sit on his boyfriend's lap. Again, the teasing was worth the slap on the arm he received. Though in the end Zuko abandoned the attempt to get Sokka off him, and resigned himself to wrapping his arms around his boyfriend, and burying his face in Sokka's neck.

Shen decided he should probably go check on the crew and left the room to go bark orders at the men.

"You really do look like death Zuko"

"Really? Because I feel fine!"


"No fool, I have a hangover" Zuko groaned, shutting his eyes and constricting Sokka tighter.

"You know what, that's rough buddy" Sokka grinned down at his boyfriend.

"Wonder if the unagi would like to eat you, we can make a stop at Kyoshi island"

"Come on Hotshot, I'm gonna do your hair, make you a coffee and teach you how to mask a hangover" Sokka got up, and led Zuko to their room.

A few minutes later Zuko and Sokka emerged onto the deck and everyone came to attention for the Firelord. He waved his hand and they all went back to what they were doing.

The boys went and stood at the prow of the ship.

"This evil thing, it knows me, lost souls surround me" Sokka murmured Zuko's song from last night under his breath. He turned to see his boyfriend looking at him. "What?"

"How do you know an old Fire Nation civil war song?"

"Wow you really drank last night, you don't remember singing that song? Wait, civil war?" Sokka had never heard of any nation fighting itself.

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