All men must die Pt. 2 - man in the middle of a complicated plan

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"You're new" Jet whispered, looking up at the unfamiliar man who had entered his cell. His voice wasn't used to being utilised and even those two words were difficult for him to get out. He braced himself for what he knew was coming, and sure enough the moment the doors closed two metal brackets shot up from the floor and pinned his hands to the wall above his head. He stared the new soldier down as he approached him with a tray in his hands.

"My name is Xhian" the man introduced himself as he approached. "I've been assigned to guard you"

Jet eyed the man approaching him. Ever since Zuko had visited him the guards had elected to bind his hands whenever food was brought to him. He was fed up of being treated like an incapable child. His hands were pinned above his head with metal, and food was delivered to him via a guard feeding it to him. He tried his best to make his sunken eyes bore into Xhian's soul as he sat before him. As he was staring the guard down an idea came to him. "Would you like to play a game Xhian?" He winced at the scratchiness in his voice.

"I'm not meant to talk to you Jet" the guard was eyeing Jet like he was a dangerous animal.

"Oh come on, what am I going to do by talking? My hands are quite literally tied" Jet rolled his eyes so hard that for a moment he was afraid he'd roll them right out of his skull. "Come on Xhian, entertain a lowly prisoner?" Speech was coming easier now.

"Alright, I'll play" Xhian uncovered the food and prepared the chopsticks with which to deliver the blandest rice known to man. "What's the game?"

"Normally the game would involve alcohol but I doubt you have any of that on you" Jet started. "I will make a statement about you, and if I am correct you will let me know" Xhian was nodding so Jet continued. "If I'm wrong you will let me know" Jet smiled. "Oh, and one more thing" the two locked eyes. "No lying"

"Okay, you first" Jet smiled, quickly working his dulled mind trying to work out how to use this game to his advantage.

"You come from a poor family" Jet guessed.

"Wrong" Xhian's facial expression looked smug and Jet narrowed his eyes.

"No lying" Jet hissed.

"Okay, fine... you're right" Xhian looked off to the side, fixing his gaze on the wall. "My family isn't well off, and after the Plains Village fell into major disrepair my family moved to Ba Sing Se"

"Let me guess, you lived in the outer ring, growing up among crime, and thought you could make a difference by becoming a guard here" Jet smirked as Xhian's face fell. Nailed it.

"You're right... I guess you win" Xhian gave Jet a sad smile.

"Where are your family right now? Are they okay?" Jet schooled his face into an expression of concern as he began to form a plan that just might work.

"They're still in the outer ring" Xhian rested his arms on his knees as he drew his legs tightly into his chest, and Jet was suddenly struck by the fact that he looked to be just a little younger than he was. "They're not doing so great..."

"I can help you Xhian" the young guard looked up. "All you have to do is get a message to Smellerbee and Longshot of the freedom fighters, they'll ensure your family has the means to live comfortably and free of worry" Xhian's face broke into a bright smile.

"What do I need to do?" HIs voice was almost pleading, and Jet was reminded of why he set up the Freedom Fighters. The Fire Nation had ruined his village, they had ruined Xhian's village, and they had yet to pay the price.

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