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Zuko charged at Jet, slashing, and whirling his swords at the freedom fighter. He fought like a cornered animal, no matter how many times Jet knocked him back, he got right back up and charged him again.

Jet gave Zuko's swordsmanship a run for its money. His slashes were well timed and calculated, he had got inside Zuko's head so effectively that the firebender wasn't thinking or fighting properly. However, Jet was also making mistakes, he was too smug and sure of Zuko's psychological unravelling and the firebender saw a gap that he could easily get through.

As soon as the gap between Jet's blades was wide enough Zuko rushed in and pushed the freedom fighter back with his sword and jumped up and kicked both feet as hard as he could into Jet's chest, hearing a satisfying crack from the freedom fighter's ribs, somersaulted back and landed in a crouch just in time to watch Jet topple back into the freezing ocean.

Zuko was breathing hard and physically exhausted. After sheathing his swords, he put his trembling hands out in front of him and ignited them, he sighed with relief as he produced a small lightning bolt and some fire and collapsed on his back looking up at the stars. He was breathing hard and was still in the middle of a panic attack, too exhausted to do his usual routine of pacing back and forth and wringing his hands. This fight shouldn't have taken this much out of him, he was so confused and distressed he almost didn't hear his friends approaching him. He smiled at Ra as the dragon crawled onto his chest and buried his face in Zuko's neck. The Firelord rested his hand on top of the dragon, letting the dragon know that everything was okay. Zuko let out a heavy breath and closed his eyes.

"Zuko!" the firebender's eyes shot open and he sat bolt upright as he saw his friends charging at him. On his knees, propped up by his feet, he held his arms out as he saw Sokka running towards him. The non-bender ran into Zuko's embrace and hugged him so tight the firebender could feel his life force being squeezed out of him.

"Sokka, I love you, but this is no time for hugs Jet's here! I just fought him off and pushed him into the sea! He could come crawling back out at any moment!" Suddenly feeling like he had enough energy to punch the sun, Zuko started pacing back and forth, pulling on his hair, and rambling at his friends that they had no time to lose.

"Zuko, the only footprints here are yours, Jet wasn't here" Sokka said softly going over to his boyfriend and gently taking hold of his wrists.

"No! He was! I saw him! I fought him!" Zuko rambled fighting Sokka's grip.

"Zuko! Look at the footprints!" Toph urged her friend to try and believe them.

"I think we're all right" Aang spoke up and immediately wished he hadn't when everyone's heads whipped around to look at him.

"Explain" Zuko narrowed his eyes at Aang.

"Only Zuko has left footprints because he was the only one physically here. I believe Zuko saw a manifestation of his trauma with Jet. A physical manifestation of his inner demons, we can't see this version of Jet because he's taunting Zuko from inside his mind!" Aang thought he sounded insane but was pleasantly surprised when everyone made noises of agreement.

"That makes sense" Katara folded her arms trying to comprehend the enormity of the situation.

"So how do we stop this from happening?" Suki posed the question to the group, who had now formed a circle, the Kyoshi warrior was sat in between Katara and Toph.

"I have an idea" Katara said, twiddling her fingers in her lap.

"Go on" Zuko said wearily, leaning his head on Sokka's shoulder while Ra was cradled in his hands, the Firelord seemed to hold his little companion in his hands when he was upset or nervous.

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