Everyone else got a life changing field trip with Zuko, now it's Azula's turn

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Zuko's life changing field trip:

Azula had decided that she was already sick of Zuko and Sokka being married, and was wondering if she could get the Firelord arrested. For the last three days they had been making oogie eyes at each other, and referring to each other as 'husband' in the sappiest voice they could. She was starting to suspect that they were doing it on purpose to annoy everyone.

Azula decided to glare at her eggs for a bit. She hadn't seen Ty Lee for three days because she'd gone to visit her family for a while. Watching Zuko and Sokka being all lovesick and intimate felt like a punch in the feelings. Her staring contest with her breakfast was interrupted when a piece of scrambled egg splattered her hand, and she turned her burning glare on her sister.

Zuko was in the midst of staring lovingly at Sokka, and was drawn out of his unashamed love fest when a sharp movement caught his eye. He looked up and saw Kiyi with her hands over her mouth, and Azula glaring daggers at her, aiming a bread roll at her chest. A piece of ostrich horse egg was on Azula's hand, clearly having come from Kiyi's plate. Zuko steeled his nerves and prepared to defend Kiyi from Azula.

A silence so thick and intrusive it could have been sliced open with one deft blade entered the room, and settled over the table. Every person in the room was waiting for Azula to strike. Kiyi was petrified, Ursa was nervous and shaking, Sokka was ready to protect his husband, and Zuko was trying desperately to tell himself Azula would never attack their sister, not after what she had been through.

The atmosphere shifted. As did Azula. She gave Kiyi a subtle wink and flicked the bread roll sideways, hitting Zuko square between the eyes.

Azula found herself laughing as Zuko sat rigid in his chair, staring at the bread roll that had ricocheted off his face and was now sat staring at him on the table. She could hear Kiyi and her mother laughing too. Azula leaned back in her chair and wiped her eyes as the laughter came to a pause, but started up again once Zuko and Sokka ended up in stitches as well.

Though what happened next brought Azula to tears with how hard she laughed. Kiyi had grabbed a bread roll, taken aim at Zuko and thrown it. However it didn't land its mark. The projectile missed Zuko's face and hit his crown instead. The metal headpiece tore itself free from the Firelord's hair and skittered across the floor, hitting the wall behind the table.

At the sound of the metallic clatter of the crown hitting the wall, the room went silent and still. That was until Sokka flicked a cherry at Kiyi to defend his husband, and at that point Azula launched a volley of bread roll and lychee nut projectiles at him. When the crown was in her father's top knot, a food fight would have been punishable by Zuko's death. But the crown wasn't Ozai's anymore, and hey, throwing food at her brother in law sounded like fun to Azula.

Zuko leapt up onto the table, defending his husband from the barrage of edible projectiles. It was at that point that both Kiyi and Azula got on top of the table as well and Ursa decided to back her daughters up in lobbing food at Zuko and Sokka. Speaking of Sokka, he leapt up onto the table and joined his husband in fighting off his sisters. 

Azula could see her mother out of the corner of her eye, smiling. It wasn't the first time since her mother's return that Azula's direct actions had made her smile, what with Zuko and Sokka's wedding, Zuko's distress about his name not being an original one and the assassination plot. In fact when Azula thought about it she realised that it often came down to Zuko, but now her mother was smiling because of a silly food fight, that Azula had started. Her mother was happy and joyful because of her.

Rudely, Azula was pulled out of her pride by a blinding flash of light catching her eye, and all movement in the room ceased. Azula looked over at her partner in crime and saw a look of shock painted all over Kiyi's face.

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