Who is the best bender?

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When Katara woke up she was instantly met with Aang's voice. Curious to know what Aang and Zuko were talking about she went to investigate. She walked over to find the others sat in a circle and she sat down in between Aang and Toph.

"Well, Aang's firebending isn't as rock solid as it could be, I don't think he stands a chance against me." Zuko bragged as he leaned back on his hands and stretched his legs out in front of him.

"Yes, but he's the Avatar" Sokka said, as he stroked his chin with his thumb and forefinger.

"Is he allowed to use the Avatar state?" Toph asked.

"No way, that unevens the playing field." Zuko protested scrunching his face up in disgust.

Katara held up her hands in front of her "woah woah, okay, back up! I'm lost, what's happening here?" She asked the group.

"We're trying to work out who's the best bender here" Aang finally spoke up.

"You know you, Zuko, Toph and I are all anointed masters by the white lotus, right, Aang?"

"Yeah and I invented metal bending, twinkle toes. Also, Sparky defeated Azula in an Agni Kai!" Toph protested.

Sokka normally didn't enjoy bending conversations but watching Team Avatar debate who was the best bender was pretty funny.

"I've got an idea. How about instead of talking about who's the best bender we show who's the best bender!" Suki said excitedly as she stood up suddenly.

"Suki and I can judge!" Sokka yelled excitedly, also springing to his feet.

"Alright but Suki has to judge Sparky's bending. You've got a bias Sokka." Toph teased making both Sokka and Zuko go red in the face.

Aang didn't know why Zuko and Sokka resembled tomatoes, or why Toph said Sokka had a bias, but screw it, he was hyped for a bending match. "Alright, first Aang is gonna fight every element except air, which he isn't allowed to use!" Suki started explaining the rules then handed over to Sokka,

"Then the winners of the match with Aang will take each other on. First up is Zuko and Aang with fire. No lightning please, I want a nice clean Agni Kai!" Sokka explained holding a white cloth square. Zuko and Aang took their positions at the end of the long slab Toph and Aang had brought up from the ground.

Katara watched a bare chested Aang and Zuko kneel on the ground facing away from each other. She could feel the heat rising to her face. "I'm blind and even I know you're blushing Katara" Toph laughed and Katara giggled as the two girls sat next to each other.

"All right, Zuko knows the rules and he wrote them down for me in his messy ass handwriting, so for the uninitiated I'll read them out" Katara watched Zuko silently seething as Sokka insulted his penmanship. Zuko and Aang stood, shedding their shoulder garments as they rose and turned to face each other.

Toph sat listening out for Sokka's rules, she was so excited to watch twinkle toes get his butt whooped she couldn't sit still.

"Okay, the first person who gets burned wins, we got master healer Katara on hand for medical treatment afterwards. Zuko wrote down death is encouraged but I'm gonna ignore that. The person who issues the Agni Kai can set three additional conditions, that's me we'll get to that later. Zuko also wrote that you have a maximum of 20 turns to complete the match but we're ignoring that again, because I don't wanna limit Aang from whooping his majesty's butt. My three additional conditions are lightning is banned, don't kill each other, and Aang stick to fire!" Sokka reeled off the rules.

Zuko got into a stance. "Bet you didn't think you'd be facing another Firelord in battle did you Aang?" Zuko taunted. He waited eagerly for Aang's comeback as the Avatar got into a shoddy firebending stance.

"I already beat Firelord Ozai, I'm fairly sure I can beat Firelord Zuko" Aang smiled wickedly as they both waited for Sokka to drop the white cloth square.

"Ready" Sokka raised the cloth square. "Set" he took all but his thumb and forefinger off the cloth. "GO!" He yelled as he dropped the cloth square in place of a gong.

This signified the beginning of the Agni Kai.

Suki watched in fascination as the new Firelord fought the Avatar. It had been a while since she'd seen Zuko and Aang fighting each other. Sokka sat next to her cheering Zuko on while the others cheered for Aang. They threw blast after blast at each other, none of them hitting as they were both excellent at dodging. Zuko suddenly switched from defensive to offensive forcing Aang into defence, which Zuko knew was his firebending weak point. Zuko pushed against Aang and suddenly the Firelord dropped to the floor shoulder first and spun with one leg out shooting a curved fire blast at Aang. Zuko's attack hit Aang's right leg and the Avatar fell on his back. Sokka held up his hand and examined Aang's leg looking at the minor burn. He then checked Zuko for burns and Suki declared Zuko the winner. The Firelord smiled and went to help Aang over to Katara to heal the tiny burn on his leg.

Next was Aang v Toph. The two took their place on the Agni Kai slab which they decided was going to be the battle ground. Toph's feet looked out for the feeling of the white cloth hitting the floor. Once her feet told her the cloth had hit the floor, and Sokka yelled GO she sprang towards the Avatar. Two sheets of metal had been laid beside the Agni Kai slab in case the mood struck Aang to suddenly grasp metalbending. Toph used two flat discs of earth to glide towards the Avatar dodging and bending away the tiny rocks being pelted at her. She created a metal whip and, gliding around Aang with ease she started to wrap his body in the metal wire. Toph was so immersed in the metalbending she didn't feel the small disc of rock coming towards her feet. The small rock knocked her off her transportation and she rolled across the Agni Kai slab, immediately springing to her feet and pulling the metal back towards her. Twinkle toes had distracted her, she could not let that happen again. After Toph throwing a few more rocks at Aang and him holding his own against her, it was decided there would be a time limit set on the matches in case of a draw or stalemate.

When Katara and Aang went head to head they held back. "Fight properly" Zuko heckled at them. "I'm not going to hurt my girlfriend, Zuko!" Aang retorted, clearly offended, "would you hurt- Aang was cut off by Katara gripping his wrists with water, cuffing him in ice behind his back and pulling him towards her. While Aang looked betrayed Sokka, Toph and Zuko were laughing their asses off. In fact, Zuko laughed so hard his headpiece threatened to fall out of his hair.

"Sorry for betraying you sweetie" Katara apologised to Aang, planting a small kiss on his cheek.

"That's okay Katara, but I'm going to beat you in the next challenge!" Aang said determinedly while Katara rolled her eyes at him.

"Whatever you say, Avatar!" Katara grinned wickedly.


Okay this is my first attempt at an Avatar fic and even though I know absolutely no one is reading this, Imma still ask for people's opinions. 

What did you think? If this gets likes and comments I'll continue the story.

Message for the friends who I know are reading this and will roast it in the group chat later: What did y'all think? Did it live up to the hype?

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