Game of cabbages round 1

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"Okay you lot here are the rules for the game" Zuko spoke as he paced back and forth in front of the group. The others were sat in a semi-circle in front of him, ready to receive the rules of the game and continue to beat each other up. Sokka and Toph were sat either side of Zuko.

"First up, Toph please create a long metal pole for everyone except Katara and Aang" Zuko turned to their resident metalbender.

Toph created the requested weaponry out of the metal she still had wrapped around her and threw it to Zuko, who caught it in his left hand and held it at his side. She made one for herself and set it down next to her. She threw the next one to Sokka, then passed the last one to Suki.

Sokka caught the bat Toph had thrown at him and looked up at Zuko awaiting the firebender's explanation of the game. However, the non-bender was distracted by the way Zuko was twirling the metal pole in his hand. He didn't realise how long he had been staring at the firebender's hand until he cleared his throat.

"Sokka, please pay attention" Zuko chided, swinging the end of the pole up to grip it in his right hand and hold it in front of his chest.

"The rules are, Katara and Aang stick to waterbending the cabbages only and they'll pelt them at us, mine and Toph's bending is allowed, the matches work in a best of three format, we win if we land a hit on Aang and Katara, and you two win if you knock all of us behind this line, and we have these poles to bat the cabbages out of the way" Zuko gestured to the straight line he had carved into the ice earlier.

"Sounds good Zuko" Aang yelled cheerily airbending himself to a standing position. He grabbed Katara's hand and dragged her to their place on the icy platform.

Once Katara and Aang were in place the rest of the group stood near the new line.

"We're gonna win this sweetie!" Katara proclaimed confidently as she placed a kiss on Aang's cheek.

"Gross!" Sokka yelled at them.

"Disgusting!" Zuko fake gagged.

"Get a room!" Suki cupped her hands over her mouth and yelled at them.

"Eew" Toph joined Zuko in fake gagging.

"Oh, you two can shut the fuck up!" Katara pointed at Zuko and Sokka.

"We do not know what you're talking about Katara" Sokka said turning to Zuko and gripping the firebender's chin with his hand.

"Absolutely no idea" Zuko smirked as he leaned in to kiss Sokka.

"Don't you two do it!" Toph warned the two boys.

Sokka and Zuko pulled away from each other, fearing Toph's wrath, and readied their stances. Zuko stood with his feet shoulder width apart, gripping the base of his bat with both hands. Sokka stood next to Zuko with both hands gripping his bat holding it, so it was draped over his head, with his feet together.

"I've got an idea" Suki announced quietly to the group as Aang got the hang of throwing the cabbages.

"What's your idea?" Sokka asked.

"They'll expect Zuko to cover you, and Toph to cover me; my idea is that we switch" Suki informed her team.

"Okay, good idea! That'll throw them off!" Toph grinned.

"Alright, when they start throwing the cabbages, Suki cover me, Sokka cover Toph" Zuko confirmed their plans and the team nodded at him.

"Alright we're ready when you guys are!" Aang called to the opposing team.

"Zuko, you came up with the game, you start us off" Katara hovered some cabbages around her.


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