Confrontation pt. 3

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*Trigger warning!! We all know what happens when Zuko and Jet are alone together, if the Jet content makes you uncomfortable please either don't read this one, or proceed with caution! This is a monster of a chapter I'm sorry! okay trigger warning over!!*

"Zuko's been hit!" Toph cried before she could stop herself. She immediately regretted it when she sensed Sokka's heart rate rising rapidly and his breathing got heavier and shorter.

"What happened Toph?" Sokka cried, finding that breath wasn't coming to him as easily.

"Jet punched Zuko, he has him pinned to the floor"

Sokka was having a full-blown panic attack now, he couldn't contain it any longer and threw himself at the door. What he was trying to accomplish he didn't know; all he knew was that Zuko was being hurt and Sokka wasn't there to protect him. His dream was right, when it came down to it, he couldn't protect Zuko from Jet. He couldn't keep his promise.

"It's all my fault!" Sokka cried as he weakly pressed his right fist to the metal. "I couldn't protect him! I promised him! I've failed! He won't love me now! He can't love me! I've failed him! I broke my promise!" His words were running together and becoming more and more nonsensical as he went. Sokka could feel the tears streaming down his face and his breath was coming in sharp and short.

At first Sokka struggled when Toph and Suki put their arms around him and then he leaned into the girls' embrace, hyperventilating, and shaking.

"How does Zuko calm you when you're upset?" Sokka heard Suki's voice as if he were hearing everything submerged in water.

"Hand... hair" Sokka managed to spit out between heaving breaths.

He felt Toph's hands softly raking his hair, and Suki rubbing his arm, in an effort to calm him.

A little of what was happening could be seen from under the blindfold and Zuko paled when he saw Jet's blood-stained hand pull away from his face. The firebender could feel blood seeping into the back of his throat and his scar was throbbing from where Jet had struck him.

"A Firelord who can't protect himself, how sad" Jet simpered as he wiped his bloodied fist on his clothes.

"Now, let me ask you a question helpless Firelord. Who do you belong to?" Jet hissed as he got his face closer to Zuko's.

"No one" Zuko spat the blood that was pooling in his mouth at the freedom fighter.

The blood spatted Jet's face, just under his left eye. With the back of his left hand he cleared the mixture of spit and blood from his face. Looking down at his struggling, helpless victim he slowly licked the blood off the back of his hand, he decided that the firebender needed to be taught a lesson of obedience.

Another blow to his face. Jet had slapped the other side of Zuko's face. Hard.

"Let me ask you again, who the fuck do you belong to?"The hand that had struck the Firelord grabbed him by the shirt andpulled him off the floor slightly. The freedom fighter let go of his victim's clothing and laughed a little as he heard the thud of the firebender's back on the floor.

"No... one" Zuko managed to force out through gritted teeth. The pain in his face was becoming unbearable.

"You're obviously delusional, so I'll spell it out for you" Jet planted a soft kiss on Zuko's exposed collar bone. "You are my firebender, to do with what I please, do you hear me?" the freedom fighter hissed in Zuko's right ear.

"Please... let me go..." the Firelord could feel the tears coming down his face as he pleaded for his freedom.

"And stop all the fun we're having; I don't think so" Jet shook his head and leaned down to kiss Zuko's lips.

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