Love me, kiss me, hold me and never let me go!

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"Hello, Zuko"

"Hi, Mai..." Zuko averted his eyes from his ex girlfriend as he walked through the doors of the asylum. The Firelord walked past her with his head bowed.

"Zuko, wait!" Mai turned and called after her ex boyfriend. "I know you don't want to talk about what happened but we need to" she moved to grasp the firebender's wrist but he pulled it away.

"There's nothing to talk about Mai"

"Zuko, if you don't want to make amends because it's me asking you to do so then fine, but think of Azula, she has enough on her plate without her brother and close friend fighting! Do it for her sake"

"Fine, you want to talk about it, I'm listening" Zuko said flatly as he turned around to face her. He could hear Ra growling lowly from his shoulder. The dragon had his tail wrapped around Zuko's left wrist and curled around his arm with his head coming up to rest on the firebender's shoulder. He reached his right hand up to pet the dragon in an attempt to calm him down.

"I'm sorry. I'm ashamed of what I did, I shouldn't have cheated on you" Mai felt tears forming in her eyes.

"I understand why you did it, I was cold and distant because I was struggling with feelings for Sokka and that wasn't okay" Zuko was trying hard to keep his voice from cracking.

"I'm sorry for kissing a guy in front of you" Mai hung her head in shame.

"Me too" a slight smirk tugged at Zuko's mouth.

"Never thought you'd say that"

"If I'm being perfectly honest, me neither" Zuko crossed his arms and smiled.

"Thank you for letting me apologise Zuko" Mai smiled. Once upon a time that smile would have made the Firelord's resolve crumble, and make him weak at the knees, not now. Not after what she did. "Do you think we can work our way back to a friendship?" Mai furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at her ex boyfriend.

"I think we can, would you like to join Sokka, mother and I for tea in the palace tomorrow?" Zuko attempted to extend a metaphorical hand to Mai in hopes of amends.

"That would be nice, Zuko" Mai gave him a small smile before turning and walking away.

Zuko smiled and walked down the asylum hall and arrived at Azula's door. He knocked and heard his sister's voice telling him to enter.

"Hey Zula, woah what's on your shoulder?" Zuko could barely believe his eyes as he looked at the baby phoenix on his sister's shoulder.

"It's a phoenix Zuzu, what does it look like?" Azula narrowed her eyes at her brother.

Zuko was taken aback at this. His sister's eyes were narrowed at him, she was leaning forward in a threatening stance and her tone was indicative of her being angry at Zuko. She must have noticed his confusion as she quickly cleared everything up.

"Sokka has been teaching me how to use sarcasm, did I do it right?" She asked with her eyes shining in triumph.

"I meant why is it here, fool? And yes, I think you did sarcasm right" Zuko grinned as he sat cross legged across from his sister and watched as the bird hopped off Azula's shoulder and strutted over to him. He tentatively reached a hand out to pet the small bird.

"I don't know how he got here, but he was just in my room one day and his wing was broken, I kept him company while the healers in here fixed him up" Azula explained as she held her arm out for her new friend. "I believe he thinks I'm his mother" she said offhandedly as she pet the small bird's head.

"Wow, what are you gonna name him?" Zuko asked.

"I don't know, but I'll think of one!" Azula smiled at the bird perched on her forearm. She set him down on the floor as Ra uncurled himself from Zuko and the two sat on the floor looking at each other. The little bird hopped up on Ra's head and perched there.

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