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Toph sighed as Katara stopped for what felt like the millionth time to check out some fancy robe hanging in front of a shop. The three girls had ventured into the middle ring to check out the markets. More specifically, Suki and Katara had ventured into the middle ring to check out the markets, Toph had been dragged along against her will. If Toph was being perfectly honest she had gone because Suki had asked her to.

Sokka spied a water tribe themed restaurant and broke out the puppy dog eyes so that Zuko would let him go in. They entered the restaurant and sat in a corner booth. Sokka was barely able to contain his excitement at the sight of the food that he had missed sorely on their adventures. However, he was also excited about the box of fire peppers he had hidden in his bag so he could spice up Zuko's food.

"Hi, can I take your order?" The waitress arrived at their table wearing a painfully imitative water tribe outfit.

"I'll have blubbered-seal jerky and seaweed stew please" Sokka exclaimed excitedly handing the waitress his menu.

"I guess... I'll have... arctic hen, and seaweed noodles" Zuko said hesitantly also handing their waitress his menu.

"I need to go to the bathroom; I'll be back in a minute Sokka. Keep an eye on Ra for me"

Sokka grinned to himself as the waitress brought their food and he hid fire pepper pieces in Zuko's seaweed noodles. He noticed Ra looking at him and made a shushing motion at the little dragon, which looked at him very inquisitively.

"Wow, they brought the food really quickly" Zuko noted sitting back down and placing Ra on his shoulder.

"Hell yeah!" Sokka excitedly exclaimed as he tucked into his food.

Zuko smiled and started on his painfully mild meat and noodles. "Oh, Spirits there are fire peppers in here! These aren't water tribe ingredients" He stated suspiciously narrowing his eyes at his grinning boyfriend.

"Again, my doing" Sokka smiled at him.

"Sokka, you're the best!" Zuko smiled lovingly at his boyfriend, while feeding Ra little bits of meat.

Once the boys were done eating their food, they walked out to one of the markets and ran into Toph and Suki, who had once again forgotten Katara.

"Where's Katara?" Sokka asked the girls.

"We ran into twinkle toes and they went on an impromptu date" Toph fake gagged.

"So, we're wandering around continuing our shopping trip" Suki smiled at Sokka and Zuko.

"We're on a shopping trip of our own" Sokka smiled, holding onto Zuko's hand. Zuko smiled lovingly at Sokka and they waved goodbye to the girls and continued their market wandering. Zuko spied a Fire Nation shop and dragged Sokka to it by the hand and started looking at various cloaks, shoes and robes.

"Aahh, young man, you look like a person of good taste! May I interest you in this cloak? My wares are all garments befitting of the Firelord!"

"Befitting of the Firelord huh?" Zuko looked at the vendor, raising his eyebrow.

"Zuko, need I remind you that you have about five of these cloaks packed in your bag?" Sokka crossed his arms and stood next to his boyfriend.

A few minutes later Zuko and Sokka were walking away from the stall, though not without the vendor recognising Zuko and worshipping him for a bit, all the while Zuko looked suitably uncomfortable.

"Oh, Sokka look there's an ice rink!" Zuko excitedly grabbed his boyfriend's arm and pointed. Ra seemed to match his companion's enthusiasm and started excitedly climbing around Zuko's torso, finishing his excited adventure on the Firelord's head, resting against Zuko's crown.

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