The world leaders

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"Oh fuck!" Aang heard Sokka yell as he rolled too far and fell off the bed. The young airbender watched as Zuko sat bolt upright and started laughing his butt off with Sokka glaring at him.

"Sokka, my love, I adore you but how are you so useless at staying in a bed? How did you not fall off Appa?" Zuko said through laughter.

"Aang I'm putting Zuko up for adoption, do you want him?" Sokka asked Aang.

"I'm cool with not having Zuko as my responsibility" Aang smiled at Sokka.

Katara burst into the room suddenly causing Aang to also fall out of his bed and Zuko start uproariously laughing again.

"Alright fuckers listen up! The Earth King is very strict about appearances so that means that Sokka can't look like a homeless person" Katara informed the group with colourful language.

The three boys nodded and Aang started getting ready.

"I've got dibs on first shower!" Sokka yelled running into the bathroom.

"Well then..." Zuko said looking around the room for his bag. He got out of bed and rifled through his clothes trying to decide what to wear. He eventually settled on his fanciest pair of shoes, a short cloak, the Firelord shoulder pieces, a knee length robe, a golden belt and red baggy trousers which he tucked into his knee-high shoes.

"How do I look Aang?" Zuko asked the airbender who had gone for his usual air nomad robes.

"Looks good Zuko" Aang grinned at him.

Zuko could hear Katara stomping around in the main area of the house and asked Aang what had got her so worked up, Aang said he didn't know. Wasn't the Avatar meant to be useful. Sokka was also acting slightly odd and Zuko wasn't sure why.

"Looking pretty as always Hotshot" Sokka beamed at Zuko standing behind him and wrapping his arms around his boyfriend.

"Thanks Boomerang" Zuko smiled as he tried to tame his long hair, failing miserably.

"Zuko, this is gonna sound odd, can I braid your hair?" Sokka asked.

"Of course, you can, Sokka" Zuko smiled at his boyfriend.

Sokka made Zuko sit cross legged on the floor as he knelt behind the firebender and started braiding his hair.

"How did you get so good at braiding hair Sokka?" Zuko asked as Sokka worked on his hair.

"The water tribes have a festival where we celebrate unity by doing each other's hair, brushing it with ceremonial combs, not unlike the one I'm using on you now, braiding ornaments into it stuff like that. This is the date of the festival and it's really important to me and Katara, that's probably why we're a bit worked up today" Sokka explained.

"Hold" Sokka ordered holding Zuko's crown above his head.

"Are you braiding my crown into my hair?" Zuko asked holding his headpiece up.


A few minutes later Sokka was done and Zuko looked in the mirror Sokka was holding up.

"Okay sit!" Zuko ordered walking up behind Sokka and pushing him down to the floor by his shoulder. "My mother taught me how to braid my sister's hair so I'm gonna practice on you" Zuko smiled at his boyfriend.

Zuko started braiding the long hair on top of Sokka's head and picked one of the four ceremonial headpieces Sokka held out for him. He settled on a white and blue porcelain water tribe symbol and braided it into his boyfriend's hair.

"All done" Zuko claimed holding the mirror up for his boyfriend.

"Thanks Hotshot! I love it!" Sokka exclaimed kissing Zuko on the cheek.

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