Confrontation pt. 2

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*Trigger warning!! We all know what happens when Zuko and Jet are alone together, if the Jet content makes you uncomfortable please either don't read this one, or proceed with caution! This is a monster of a chapter I'm sorry! okay trigger warning over!!*

"Do you know why I'm here?" Zuko stepped forward into the room, hearing the door close behind him. After days of deciding and thinking, it was happening, his choice was here. The Firelord's eyes were trained on his tormentor whom was sat before him.

"Can't say I do, firebender" Jet spat the last word out of his mouth like it were a bad taste, still not bothering to look up at his victim.

"Then let me clear that up" Zuko spoke lowly as he took a few steps towards his tormentor. He watched Jet look up at him when he stopped walking.

Zuko looked down at the man who had tormented him for months and finally, he controlled the situation, he held the power. He could feel the lightning crackling and surging in his hands. This was it. This was the moment that all those nightmares, those nights laying awake feeling Jet's hands still on him, the invasive feeling, it all culminated here. 

This was the moment Zuko made his choice.

"I, Firelord Zuko, protector and ruler of the Fire Nation, son of Ursa and Ozai, sentence you to die" on the last word of the speech that the Firelord had been turning over, and over in his head for the past few days, he produced two swords made of crackling lightning.

The lightning weapons were made to imitate the swords he had left in Sokka's care outside the cell. If Zuko was overpowered, Jet could use his swords against him.

"Why now? Why here? You could have killed me when I attacked you outside the tea shop, you could have killed me that night, so I ask you, why now Firelord?"

"Because every time I close my eyes, every time I sleep, there you are, torturing me, haunting me, I'm afraid that because of this, I have to sentence you to death" Zuko gave the most mocking, almost simpering smile possible, as he held the hilt of the lightning sword in his left hand and rested the point of the sword on his right index finger.

"You're wrong firebender, I'm not dying today" Jet was oddly calm and sure of himself; it was making Zuko rather suspicious. He had to have his guard up at all times. The firebender had suspected that Jet would fight back.

"Do you really want those to be your last words?" Zuko smirked, he was impressed at how level his voice stayed throughout the encounter.

"You're not hearing me properly, ash breath" Jet's voice was low and menacing as he slowly stood. "I'm not going to die at the hands of another cruel fucking firebender!" He screamed at Zuko as he got hurriedly to his feet.

"Then fight back, fight for your life and show me you deserve the breath in your body!" Zuko readied his crackling swords and sank back into a stance. He wasn't going to let any of Jet's tricks slip by him.

Zuko swiped his left sword as the freedom fighter ran at him throwing a punch aimed at the firebender's face.

"What's going on in there Toph?" Sokka asked wringing his hands outside the cell. He could feel the panic start to set in as he thought of all the horrific things that could be happening to Zuko.

"Jet attacked, don't worry Sparky's on top of this fight so far" Toph tried to give Sokka a play by play of the fight happening inside without worrying him.

Zuko whirled towards Jet in a flurry of lightning and fire. 

No matter how much hatred was coursing through the firebender's veins he had to admit, Jet was a worthy opponent. 

The two clashed together and Zuko's concentration broke, accidentally dismissing his swords. They threw punches and kicks left right and centre. The freedom fighter made a grab for the firebender's hair in an effort to gain the upper hand, but that was something Zuko wasn't prepared to relent. The Firelord managed to land a kick to the back of Jet's leg, causing his legs to buckle.

The freedom fighter quickly regained his balance and ran at his opponent, but Zuko was ready for him. Jet let out a spluttering cry as the Firelord's fist connected with his abdomen and he fell to his knees, curling over, nose on the floor.

Zuko dropped his defences and began to produce his weapon, however, with all the hindsight in the world, he couldn't have prepared himself for what happened next. Jet flashed him a cocksure grin, whipped the belt off the prison uniform he'd been issued, leapt towards Zuko, and blindfolded him with the belt. The firebender thrashed, punched, and kicked, completely blind. He could only feel as Jet forced him to his knees and then pushed him down so he lay flat on the floor.

The freedom fighter held Zuko down flat on his back. The firebender could feel Jet's breath on his face as he spoke.

"We're going to have some fun Hotshot" Jet whispered seductively to his captive firebender.

"Don't call me that you low life peasant! Only Sokka gets to call me that!" Zuko snarled at his captor.

"You think that because a crown sits on your head, you control me, well I've got news for you Firelord, you have no power here!" Jet growled as he plucked the headpiece out of Zuko's hair and tossed it aside. The firebender could feel tears pricking his eyes as he heard the clatter of his crown on the stone floor.

"Where's Sokka? He can't protect you now" the freedom fighter whispered menacingly. He had one hand on Zuko's left arm, and his leg on his right arm, pinning him down, and another hand tangled in the firebender's hair. Underneath him his captive struggled, kicking and flailing.

"Such a pleasing thing like you can only be protected for so long" Jet told his victim as he stroked his hand through Zuko's hair and moved to sit astride the firebender, the freedom fighter's legs pinning his captive's arms to the floor. The hand that was on Zuko's arm moved to his hip, and the hand that was moving through the firebender's hair held his chin.

"Get off me Jet! I hate you! I HATE YOU!" Zuko screamed at his captor earning him a hard blow to the face.


Oh nooooo whatever will Zuko do?? Tune in in about 10 years when I post another update to find out what happens next.

As always please like the chapters and comment and all that jazz okay I love you all.

Follow to kick Jet in the balls.

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