EPISODE 1: The assembly of Kurus on Day 1

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नारायणं नमस्कृत्य नरं चैव नरोत्तमम्।
देवीं सरस्वतीं चैव ततो जयमुदीरयेत्।।

Narayanam Namaskritya Naram Chaiv Narottamam,
Devim Saraswatim Chaiv Tato Jayamudeeryet.

I bow down to Lord Krishna who is Narayana himself and his friend Arjun and the goddess Saraswati who has graced us by revealing the secrets of the Mahabharat and the writer Vyasa. By destroying all the negativities, one should start the chanting of the epic of Mahabharat.

The troops of both side mustered in the great land of Kurukshetra. Sage Vaisampayana described that the whole earth seems to be empty. This means the men of the whole Bharata has assembled in the Kurushetra. Only the children and women were left at home.

The sage described the situation very clearly. There was a great amount of silence. The troops were arranged as per the order of the great and righteous Yudhishthira. The mighty Bheema was very enthusiastic to enter into a fight against the Kauravas.

Before the beginning of the war, there were a lot of ill-omens indicating the destruction that was going to happen. The war was about to start.

Devi Durga blessed Phalguna (Arjuna) for his victory.

The Pandavas blew their conches- Yuddhishtir blew Anantavijaya, Bheema blew Paundra, Arjuna blew the Devadatta and the twins, Nakula and Sahadev blew Sughosa and Manipuspaka respectively. Sri Krishna blew his Panchajanya.

Warriors from both the side looked cheerful and the fragrance of their garlands spread throughout the battlefield. But Lord Vasudev Krishna sensed that Partha is confused and not cheerful, unlike others. 

Madhu Sudan (Sri Krishna- Slayer of the demon, Madhu) observed that Parth is muddled in deep thoughts.

Dhananjaya: Oh Madhava, take me to the center of the battlefield so that I can witness both the sides. I desire to see all who fight.

Sri Krishna drove his chariot towards the mid of the battlefield.

Madhava: Look Dhananjaya, all the Kurus are assembled. Fulfill your wish of observing them. Let me know your mind, dear.

Arjuna: O Hrishikesha, Seeing my friends, relatives, and respected people against me, my body is shivering. My fighting spirit has disappeared. I could no longer hold the Gandhiv bow firmly. I could see the only destruction. O Govind, what will be the happiness even if I win against my relatives by murdering them? What pleasure will I get from it? Would I not get great sin by killing my own relatives?

Saying so, Arjuna kept his bow down and sat with intense sorrow. Seeing his Parth with tears in his eyes, Sri Krishna, the devotee of his devotees, spoke to console him.

Madhava: O Kaunteya, what has happened to you? This type of impurity in your mind doesn't suit a great warrior. They do not lead to fame and liberation. O son of Pandu, Give up this weakness and arise to chase your enemies.

Arjuna: How can I attack the people who have to be worshiped by me? How can I attack the people who deserve love and blessings from me? O Kanna, I am confused about what to do. I am confused about my duty. I feel very weak.

O Madhava, you are my bosom companion. You know what is correct and what is wrong for me. You always think about my welfare. So from now, I am your disciple. I am surrendering to you. O Madhusudana, guide me.

Saying so, Arjuna fell at Sri Krishna's feet with joined palms.

Sri Krishna smiled and pressed his palm on Parth's shoulder.

Krishna: Okay, Partha. Listen to my words and teachings. This will not only enlighten you, but it will also enlighten the people who hear this when they face difficult situations.

||Jai Siya Ram||

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