EPISODE 9: Gatotkatcha creates havoc on Day 4

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As Bhishma attacked Bhima, Satyaki advanced and fought with Bhishma. His arrows made the troops of Bhishma tremble. Meanwhile, Alambusha, the brother of Bakasur who slain by Bhima, joined Kaurava troops for revenge. He pierced Satyaki with many arrows. But nothing could move the mighty Satyaki.

The Somadatta's son, Bhurishriva, with a desire to kill Satyaki, approached him. Satyaki with his powerful arrows countered his attack. Seeing Bhurishriva struggling, Duryodhana and his brothers surrounded him. While Pandavas came for the help of Satyaki.

Duryodhan and his brother Nandaka pierced Bhimasena with arrows. Bhima became very furious. He pierced Duryodhana with 10 arrows. Suyodhana in anger sliced his bow into pieces. He with a very sharp iron arrow pierced Bhima in his chest. Bhima fell down unconscious. Seeing Bhima in danger, Abhimanyu and Pandavas came for Bhima's aid and attacked Duryodhana.

After a few minutes, Bhima regained consciousness and attacked Duryodhana. Seeing the mighty warriors, Duryodhana fled. Seeing this, 14 sons of Dhritrashtra surrounded Bhima. Bhima's eyes were reddish in wrath. He immediately sliced the heads of Kauravas. Within minimum time, he killed 7 of the Kauravas. Seeing this, others fled in fear.

Bhagadatta immediately jumped on an elephant and quickly advanced towards Bhima. He shot arrows which were golden and sharp-edged. Bhima immediately fell unconscious being pierced and fell down. Bhagadatta roared in happiness.

Seeing Bhima losing his senses, Gatotkatcha became angry. He made the Kuru warriors tremble. He immediately created illusions. He created many elephants and rakshasas who rode on those elephants. He used to appear and disappear instantly to confuse the enemies.

The Rakshasas jumped on the elephant of Bhagadatta and pierced it. The elephant wailed in pain. Bhagadatta became furious. The roars of Gatotkatcha, Rakshasas, and Bhagadatta trembled both the sides, including mighty Bhishma.

Bhishma said to Drona, "Oh Baradwaj's son, Bhagadatta is in great danger due to the demons of Gatotkatcha. Look at the delighted Pandavas and frightened elephants. If we don't take immediate action, we may lose Bhagadatta. Drona immediately rushed towards Bhagadatta with his troops and many Kings. Seeing this, Yuddhishtir, Dhrishtadyumna and the Panchalas stopped their way. They engaged Drona and other warriors in the fight. The sun was about to set. Bhishma immediately rushed to Drona, "We should end the war. Our warriors are weak due to the mighty Pandavas and their warriors. I do not wish to fight with Gatotkatcha as I, my horses, and our mounts are tired. Not even Indra himself can defeat him today".

Drona immediately accepted. Bhishma blew the conch. The Kaurava armies retreated. Seeing this, Pandava troops encored in the delight of victory.

At night, the Kaurava warriors slept in shame of getting defeated in Pandavas. Duryodhana was in tears by the death of his brothers on that day. In Pandava camp, there was a celebration of enjoyment. Gatotkatcha was praised along with Bhima.

Thus the Day 4 of the great Kurukshetra war ended.

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