EPISODE 7: Krishna wields Sudharshan Chakra on Day 3

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Bhishma started destroying the troops of Pandavas. The soldiers of Yuddhishtir started running away as Bhishma killed mercilessly.

Partha's arrows were failed by Bhishma. Dharma Raja shouted, "O Soldiers, this is not the way a warrior behaves. Get back and be like a warrior and fight against bravely"

A voice was heard, "Leave them, O KIng. Today it is me, who will destroy this mighty Bhishma and Bharadwaj's son Drona!

Every warrior from Pandava'troops was startled to see who said it. It was Vasudev Krishna.

Vasudeva Krishna was looking like a volcano that is going to erupt its lava, filled with wrath.

Krishna's anger was like the rising sun that caused the lotus to bloom and its beautiful petals were as sharp as a razor. On seeing that the great Indra's younger brother was angry and roaring and that he was wielding the chakra, all the beings shrieked in lamentation.

Keshava was displeased to see the inability of the soldiers to defeat Bhishma and mild fight of Arjuna

Krishna immediately stood and said, "I will bring down this man of the vow and this entire Kuru troops. No one will escape from my Sudarshan chakra."

Saying so, Sri Krishna wielded his Sudharshan chakra which appeared in his finger by the order of his master

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Saying so, Sri Krishna wielded his Sudharshan chakra which appeared in his finger by the order of his master. Sudharshan chakra was glowing like golden lotus whose stalk was the finger of Madhava.

Kaurava troops seeing this fled. Mourns from each side were heard. God's eyes were reddish in color which was enough to kill everyone.

Bhishma without any fear said, "Oh Vasudeva, the God of this Universe, Wield your Sudharshan chakra and bring me down on the earth

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Bhishma without any fear said, "Oh Vasudeva, the God of this Universe, Wield your Sudharshan chakra and bring me down on the earth. Let me be the fortunate one who will get liberation from his vows and attain heaven". Saying so, Bhishma stood fearlessly. Sri Krishna proceeded towards Bhishma to kill him.

Sri Krishna with his Sudharshan Chakra rushed towards the mighty Grandsire. Dhananjaya seeing this, trembled, ran soon, and caught the thighs of Sri Krishna.

As Arjuna tried to stop Krishna by catching his thighs, Krishna forcibly proceeded. As he was swiftly advancing towards Bhishma, Partha forcibly grasped him by the feet. Thus grasping him with force, Kiriti (Arjuna) succeeded in stopping him at the tenth step.

As Madhava stopped, Partha said, 'Oh Keshava, I swear on my mother, brothers, and Panchali. I will fulfill my duties and vows as per your instruction. Please, Give up the idea of attacking Bhishma and break your vow."

Hearing these words, Janardhana (Krishna) felt happy, returned, and sat on the chariot. Arjuna relieved, continued to fight against Bhishma and Bhurishrava (Grandson of the brother of Shantanu).

Meanwhile, Bhima and Hidimba's dear son, Ghatotkatch attacked Duryodhana and other Kauravas.

Ghatotkach's valor was praised by everyone in the battle. He surpassed his father, Bhimasena himself.

Bhima shot an arrow on the chest of Duryodhana

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Bhima shot an arrow on the chest of Duryodhana. Suyodhana fell senseless. His charioteer immediately took him away from the battlefield. His troops also started to flee. Bhima aimed many sharp arrows and destroyed the troops.

Meanwhile, Satyaki and Subadra's son slaughtered the Gandharas. Dharma's son, Yuddhistir destroyed the troops which came along with Drona.

While raged Kiriti (Arjuna) started the mass destruction of Kauravas in wrath. Gandhiva's roar trembled the opponents. Arjuna killed ten thousand charioteers and seven hundred elephants that day.

Day 3 ended with the victory of Pandavas. Savyasachi's (Arjuna is called like this that means Arjuna can use his bow using his both hands) Gandhiva created a terrific problem to Kuru troops.

This angered the mighty Bhishma. He was filled with wrath and was in deep thoughts at the night.

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