EPISODE 4: Death of Uttar Kumar and Shwetha

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Bhishma pierced Satyaki and Dhristhadyumna too with many arrows. Bhimasena immediately came and attacked Bhishma. But Bhishma destroyed his chariot and he fell down.

Bhimasena with a wild roar attacked everyone. He pierced Bhishma, Kripa, and Kritaverma with many arrows. Uttar attacked Shalya with many arrows that injured him and his cart. Shalya became wrathful. He hurled a weapon made of iron and in the shape of Snake. It killed the brave Uttar.

Uttar was slain. Shwetha, the brother of Uttar, seeing his brother dead, immediately attacked Shalya. 7 warriors- Vrihadvala the ruler of the Kosalas, Jayatsena of Magadha, Rukmaratha, the son of Salya, and Vinda and Anuvinda of Avanti, Sudakshina the king of the Kambojas, and Jayadratha, the ruler of the Sindhus.

The showered 100's of arrows towards Shwetha. But Shwetha countered every arrow. He cut off the bows of those warriors with immense power. They again shot of 7 darts which were again made failed by Shwetha.

Shwetha shot an arrow against Rukmartha who fell and swooned. The charioteer loyally took him away from the battlefield.

Seeing the valor of Shwetha, many warriors including Duryodhana and Bhishma came for the protection of Shalya. The great Grandsire immediately showered arrows on Abhi, Bhima, Dhristadyumna, Shwetha, and Satyaki. Sikandi (who was born as a female, but turned to male due to a boon, brother of Draupadi)  appeared to support Shwetha.

A tremendous battle went on between Bhishma, Shalya, Kripa and Bhima, Abhi, Shwetha, Satyakai, and Dhrishtadyumna. Shwetha created havoc to Kaurava armies to revenge for his brother's death. He killed many princes and mighty warriors.

Shwetha fiercely fought so much that the warriors who were protecting Bhishma fled, while Bhishma created havoc to Pandava armies, by destroying them. Shwetha encountered Bhishma. He struck him with seven warriors in return Bhishma pierced him with more than 10 warriors.

Shwetha with his 10 arrows cut off Bhishma's bow into pieces. Seeing this Pandavas rejoiced in joy, while Duryodhana was burning in rage. He with others rushed to protect him.

Bhishma took another bow and pierced Shwetha again and Dhristadyumna attacked him with a lot of arrows. Shwetha stood fierce unmovable and again broke the bow of Grandsire.

Seeing Bhishma fighting weakly in front of Shwetha, Duryodhana was in distress. Bhishma with fury took again a big bow and shot 7 big arrows that destroyed the chariot of Shwetha making him fall. Shwetha immediately picked a dart that was golden in color and resembled a snake shape and shot it against him. Bhishma failed it.

Shwetha filled with rage, said, "Oh, might Bhishma, today I will become your Yama" and he attacked Bhishma with mace which destroyed Bhishma's chariot.

Drona and Kripa came to the aid of Bhishma and they fought with Pandavas and Satyaki. Bhishma smilingly rushed towards Shwetha, struck Dhristadyumna and Satyaki with 100's arrows. Bhishma took his bow and aimed an arrow given by Brahma which resembled death. The mighty arrow struck the chest of Shwetha. The Great Commander of Virata, fell. 

Seeing this, Pandavas lamented. Kurus rejoiced. Dusshashan danced in joy. Krishna and Arjuna seemed cheerless.

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