EPISODE 13: Sons of Pandavas scare the Kauravas on Day 6

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The sun rose. It was the 6th day. Dhrishtadyumna commanded his army to form the Makara Vyuha while the Kaurava warriors, on the command of Bhishma, formed the Krauncha Vyuha. Warriors from both the sides attacked each other ragingly wishing to destroy each other as the conches were blown by the mighty warriors

Bhimasena was on the rage to kill Duryodhana's brothers. As he rushed towards them, Dronacharya stopped and attacked him. Dhrishtadyumna countered the arrows of Drona, letting Bhima proceed.

1000's of Kaurava warriors surrounded Bhima. Bhima, with a thunderous roar, jumped from his chariot and slew whoever came in his way. Kaurava warriors mourned in pain as killed them mercilessly. Seeing Bhima, Dhritrashtra's sons trembled.

King Drupada advised Dhrishtadyumna to help Bhima. Drupada engaged with Drona in the fight. Panchala prince rushed towards Bhima and took him in his chariot. They both attacked the sons of Dhritrashtra. Dhrishtadyumna shot the Pramohana Astra and made them fall unconscious. Drona immediately pierced Drupada's chest with 3 arrows and rushed, and shot Prajna Astra which nullified Dhrishta's Astra.

Bhima fought with Dhritrashtra's sons, while Drona encountered Dhrishtadyumna. Yuddhishtir advised Abhimanyu and Upapandavas to help his uncles as he was tensed. Pandavas wished to fulfill Bhima's oath on that day.

Seeing that Bhima was undefeatable, the brothers of Duryodhana fled from the battlefield. Abhimanyu with his army stopped them. They were caught in between Bhimasena and Abhimanyu and they knew they cannot escape anymore.

Arjuna started destroying the Trigathas and Samshaptakas. Abhimanyu fought fiercely with Chitrasena (Kaurava) and Vikarna. He killed the charioteer of Vikarna and destroyed the chariot. Vikarna fell unconscious by the arrows of Abhimanyu. Chitrasena immediately took Vikarna and fled from the battlefield. Abhimanyu proceeded in helping Bhima in the destruction of Kauravas.

Bhima pierced Duryodhana with many of his pointy darts. Bhima slew the steeds and charioteer of Duryodhana. With another two of his shafts, he broke the bow and flag standard of Duryodhana. And with his six pointy shafts, he pierced Duryodhana in his shoulders and chest.

Jayadratha came for Duryodhana's aid. He fought with Bhima while Kripacharya helped Duryodhana who was blood bathed. 

The 5 Upapandavas began vanquishing the Kauravas. Arjuna's son, Srutakarma skillfully defeated Durmukha (A Kaurava) and made him fall unconscious. Seeing this all Kauravas advanced towards them, but nothing could shake the confidence and bravery of Draupadi's sons.

The afternoon has passed. The evening has arrived. Will Bhima fulfill his oath on this day?

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