EPISODE 12: Bhurishrava slays Satyaki's sons on Day 5

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As Sikhandi shot arrows against the bowless Bhishma, Drona came and protected him. He started to engage in a fight with him. Satyaki, Bhima and Satyaki fought with Bhishma and Drona. Meanwhile, Arjuna rushed towards Bhishma with roaring Gadhiva.

Seeing Arjuna, Duryodhana got terrified. He sent 14000 troops with Dusshasana, Jayadratha, and Kalingas But nothing could stop Dhananjaya. He shot thousands of golden arrows at once and fearlessly proceeded towards Bhishma.

Yuddhishtir and Upapandavas fought with Shalya and his troops. Mighty Bhimasena fought with Jayadratha. Sahadeva fought with Vikarna while Chitrasena dueled with Sikhandi. Sakhuni and Duryodhana immediately rushed towards Matsya troops and started destroying them.

Sahadeva vanquished Vikarna and proceeded towards Sakhuni. Seeing the plight of Mastya troops, Bhimasena rushed towards Duryodhana and Dushashan. To protect Duryodhana, Drona, Vikarna, and Kripa rushed. Satyaki and Abhimanyu went to help Dharma against Shalya.

Bhishma was slaying Somakas and Panchalas recklessly. He broke Bhima's bow in rage. Satyaki immediately went to help him. Aswathama is engaged in a duel with Arjuna.

Ashwattama pierced Arjuna on his chest, blood oozed. But Arjuna stood like Mount Meru with a smile. Immediately Ashwattama attacked Krishna with arrows. The smile disappeared. Instead, Arjuna was filled with wrath when Vasudeva was attacked.

Arjuna shot arrows at a great speed which Ashwattama could not tackle with it. At times he was unable to notice the arrows. Arjuna made Ashwattama drench in blood. His bow was broken by him.

Arjuna said, "Oh Vasudeva, I do not wish to slay this warrior who is vanquished by me. I do not wish to hurt my Guru's feelings. Please ride the chariot away from him."

Meanwhile, Chitrasena and Abhimanyu fought fiercely. Lakshmana came to the aid of Chitrasena. Lakshman was no match to Abhimanyu in war. Abhimanyu broke the chariot of him and charioteer. He fell. As he was about to kill Lakshman, Kripacharya came to his aid and took him into his chariot.

Satyaki and along with his 10 sons and his troops fought with Bhurishrava. Bhurishrava immediately shot arrows which destroyed his troops and left only Satyaki and his sons. With thousands of arrows, Bhurishravas slew the 10 sons of Satyaki. Satyaki in rage destroyed the chariot of Bhurishrava. Both fought fiercely like two mad elephants.

The sun was about to set. Bhishma blew the conch. The war ended. It was not easy to say who won the day. Also, It did not appear to be a tie. Abhimanyu, Satyaki, and Arjuna became the heroes of the day.

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