EPISODE 8: Glories of the father and son on DAY 4

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Shantanu's son, Devavrat was full of wrath due to the result of Day 3. On the sunrise of Day 4, Bhishma arranged a mighty vyuha and he stood in front of his armies along with Dronacharya, Duryodhana, Bahlika, Durmarshana (one of the Kaurava brother), Chitrasena and Jayadratha (Sindhu Raja).

The Great and large army of the Kurus suddenly rushed towards Arjuna to do battle, like a terrible and flowing river. Dhananjaya with Janardhana as his chariot blazing like the golden fire, proceeded fearlessly.

Drona, Kripa, Shalya, Vivimshati, Duryodhana and Somadatta's son advanced towards Partha.

The two undefeatable warriors- Bhishma and Arjuna started destroying the troops of each other. While Kiriti's great son, Draupadi's beloved son, Abhimanyu proceeded towards the kurus. He marched fearlessly and attacked the Kings and warriors of Kurus.

The great kurus like Ashwattama, Shalya, Bhurishrava, Chitrasena, and Samyamani's son attacked Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu looked like a fearless lion fighting against 5 elephants. He countered all the weapons of the 5 warriors. No one could beat his valor.

Seeing his son's power, Dhananjaya roared like a tiger with great proudness. Seeing Subhadra's son oppressing the 5 warriors, many other kurus came for their support. But still, nothing could move him. He pierced Shalya and Ashwattama with many arrows, broke the chariot of Samyamani's son into pieces, and broke the serpent-like a dart of Somadatta's son (Bhurishrava).

All the 5 elephants who attacked a single warrior who roared like a lion trembled in fear. The Trigartas, the Madras, the Kekayas, with a number of twenty-five thousand warriors, surrounded Dhananjaya and his brave son.

Seeing Dhananjaya and his son surrounded by more than 25000 warriors, the Panchala prince rushed towards them with his troops. The mighty prince killed the warriors of Madra and horses of Kritaverma.

Samyamani's son attacked the prince with thirty arrows. Being wounded, Dhrishtadyumna pierced Samyamani's son with thirty-five arrows and cut off his bow. The Panchala prince, ragefully advance towards him and smashed the head of Samyamani's son with his club.

The warrior fell dead. The Kaurava army lamented seeing the fall. Seeing this Samyamani and Shalya attacked the Panchala prince.

Shalya pierced the prince with 9 arrows and sliced his bow into pieces. He showered many arrows on him. Seeing Dhrishtadyumna in danger, Subhadra's son advanced towards Shalya's chariot with rage and dashed it.

The sons of Dhritrashtra advanced towards Abhimanyu to protect the King of Madra fearing him (Abhi). Bhimasena, Upapandavas, Dhrishtadyumna, Nakula and Sahadeva joined Abhimanyu.

Durmarshana, Chitrasena, Durshaha, and Durmukha fought with the Panchala prince. Nakula and Sahadeva, the twins fought with their uncle Shalya. Abhimanyu fought with Satyvrata (brother of Susharma, Trigathas).

Seeing Duryodhana, Bhimasena advanced towards him. Duryodhana along with Magadhas attacked Bhima with full rage. Mighty Bhima with his club smashed the heads of Magadha troops. He made the warriors headless who rode on the elephants.

The King of Magadha, Jalasandha advanced towards Subhadra's son. Abhimanyu immediately killed his elephant on which he was riding. In the same way, Bhimasena killed every elephant with a stroke. Seeing Bhimasena, other elephants fled and some urinated in fear. The mighty Bhimasena smeared with blood and fats roared like a lion.

Duryodhana being burnt, sent many warriors to destroy him. Whoever came in the way of Bhima, they were smashed. With his club, Bhima crushed the horses, charioteers, and the warriors who attacked him. It looked like a tiger devouring all the animals with a largemouth.

Seeing the big loss of Kurus, Bhishma quickly advanced towards Bhimasena and shot hundreds of arrows against him.

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