A little ...Neko?!?

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Shuichi's pov
         As i walked home from work , i heard purring and small whines in a little alley. Since I'm a detective and all that why not check it out' i thought to myself .
  The whines grew louder and louder as i walked towards the ally way. As i slowly approached the alley i saw where the whines and purrs were coming from. They were coming from a small cardboard box.
       Once i was in the alley i looked in the small box to find a little cat. It had black and purple fur and was curled up in the corner. I stared at it for a few minutes then decided to pick it up.
But as soon as we made eye contact i could feel it staring into my souls. It purred and the 'Poof!'


         "Nyaaa~" " This feels much better than that body" i said as a looked up at the man. "What's your name?" I asked curiously." Eehhh !!" I looked up at him confused 'oh i get', "Your wondering what i am right ?"  "Y-yes ,  I guess" he said still looking at me in shock and disbelief, " Well my names Kokichi ouma ! I am a neko! So what's your name? "I-im  Shuichi Saihara , im a detective ." he said in a kind yet stuttering voice. " Pick me up!" I said wanting to be in his arms more than anything .

Shuichi's pov
   "W-what?" I was in shock a little boy ... no... neko ... was standing in front of me waiting to be picked up. I thought that neko's were just fantasy creatures but, I'm staring right at one.
" Please, Pick me up " he stared at me with huge purple grapes . I let out a sigh   " ok , fine" "Nyaaaa~" said  the small neko with a bright childish smile. I picked him up and held him closed to my chest in cradled him in my arms.
"Your actually pretty cute" " Nyo I'm not cute! I'm 23! I bet I'm older than you!"he said . I laughed a bit " how could someone so small be so old "  i said yet he looked at me as if he won something .
  " Your not older than me , I'm 25" i said . "Hmph"" i could care less Saihara-chan" i laughed a bit .... wait "C-  Chan where did that come from"  he looked at me confused " Cause you cute" he said with a bright smile "Im not cute " I whispered under my breathe.
      Soon enough kokichi fell a sleep . So i decided to carry him home
'I wonder how you take care of a neko' i thought soundly to myself.

So this is my first story i hope you like it 😊
See ya nuggets!!😊

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