"i love you"

492 19 72

Oh oh oh, oh here we go!

The next morning.

Shuichi's pov.

Lets see...kokichi is still sleeping.


I shouldve made a plan for this..What ever ill just go along with whatever.

"Come on kokichi"
"Why not?"
"Cause if i wake up you'll leave and i dont get cuddles.."

Right on point...

"We can just stay home and cuddle today?"

He shot up.


"Ill be down stairs making breakfast"

He nodded and i went downstairs.

As i walked down the stairs i remembered something...The ring! I dashed into the kitchen and opened tge draw. Good its still here.
I slippen the black bix into my pocket.


"Im coming!",kokichi shouted.

I heard little footsteps run diwn the stairs.

How old is kokichi now?
23+2? Oh 25..and im 27...hm.

Time skip brought to you by...we just really wanting to smile i haven't smiled in a few weeks now...

3rd persons pov

Shuichi sat on the couch,and turned around laying in forming a hill with his legs(you get the picture right its hard to describe). 

Kokichi crawled on top of him and hugged up.

They decided to watch an anime kokichi had been recommended...
Bananafish (😢)

"Hey shuichi you never answered me"
"I dont remember you asking a question"

"Ill rephrase  it..you never responded to what i said when we came home from the hospital"

Awkward silence

"I dont know what your talking sbout lets just watch the anime"

"No,i wanna hear your response!"

"I have no clue what your talking about.."

"Your lying!,i trust you enough not to use my skill so just tell me.."


"Why not!?"

"Because i dont want too"

"Im begging you!"



"Oh look the eji and ash are kissing ooooo"

"What",kokichi head turned to the screen.

. .

"Give me your response"


"Give it now..."

"What are we talking about again?"

"This isn't funny in the slightest shuichi! Just give me the Damn response!"



Kokichi turned into his cat form and was about to run away.
Instead shuichi picked him and hovered the cat over him looking directly into his eyes.

"And your going where?"

Kokichi   stayed silence not a sound was heard.

"Silent treament huh?"

Shuichi layed kokichi on his chest and petted him.

"Okay the... you really want an answer?"

The cat looked up at him.

"Fine then....."

"I love you too kokichi".

It was silent untill kokichi started whimpering and slighty crying....(do cats even cry?).

"Happy now?"

*poof* kokichi turned back to his neko form.

"Y-yes very much..."


"So um....do i get i kiss-"

Shuichi pulled him up and gave him a kiss.

He broke a little after for air.

Awkward silence.

Both shuichi and kokichi are both pink but kokichi literally has steam forming on the top of his head.

"So is it official?...",kokichi asked.
"What is?"
"Are we dating..like...um..bf's?"

(This is sappy..im dying;-;)


"W-what? Why not?"

"How old are you again"

'Met him at 23....*mumbling*' kokichi thought.

"Im 25!"

"Question...What is the legal age for marriage?"

"Marriage?...I think its 18...why"

Shuichi gave kokichi the box from earlier.XD

"I am mentally killing myself and this is embarressing...Open it.."

Kokichi layed there clueless.
As he started to open the box the tears burst out. He stared at the ring inside as the tears grew larger staining his cheeks.

"S-shuichi! If this is a joke it isn't funny!"

Shuichi sighed . He took kokichi off of him snd stood up.

'Time to mentally die'shuichi thought.

(Me too bro me too)

He bent down and position legs in the knight pose.

He took the ring out of the box and took kokichi's hand. He started to slide the ring on and he did ..he said,"I dont think asking you to marry me is s joke....do you?"

He tilted his head and gave a warm smile.

"No..it isnt and me saying yes isnt a joke either!"

Time skip brought to you by me being embarrassed to continue that for some reason.

"Shuuiiichiii, i want cuddless",kokichi shouted throwing himself at shuichi.

"Sure..we cant tell every one one tomorrow"

A year later:yes weddings take that long.

STUPID think i was gonna let you het that check!

The author:

Yall can get yall juice in the next chapter😗 .
Anyway this book is getting extremly close to its end...so um yeah...

See ya!

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