Mental Breakdowns

857 27 115

Its already the next morning.

Kokichi's pov.

"Nyaaaaa~", i woke up and looked around the room.

Shuichi was gone.

I ran downstairs to see a note on the table.

It read," Morning kokichi i thought it would be better if you stayed home this time . Your food is the fridge and breakfast is on the counter. Ill be back bye 6 .
Stay Safe."

He left me home...
He's not allowed to do that...
Why did he leave me alone....
Its not fair....

With out realizing i was rolling around on the floor everywhere .
Bumping into everything .

Knocking the vazis down..breaking the tables.

Im hungry i got up and ran to the kitchen.



I started to eat the pancakes and boy were they delicious.

But..... i was alone.

I threw the plate to shattering it and leaving a mark on the wall.

I started breaking every single thing in the house.
Jumping and rolling everywhere.

I dont wanna be alone.

I curled up in the corner and just sat there.


Knocking? I wonder who it is .
I don't have to be alone!
I opened the door slightly and saw a lady.

"Who are you?", i wonder who she is.

"My names kirumi dear, im your neighbor.
I heard some noises and wanted to check if you were okay. You dont have to be afraid of me , saihara's friend.", she gave me a bright smile.

"Im fine! No problems at all ! B-but im l-lonely can i  s-stay with you ?", i dont wanna be alone here anymore.

"Yes, ofcourse !" She smiled and then picked me up and headed toward and light green house or some sort of cottage.

When she opened the door there where a few kids inside.

A scary looking girl with red eyes,a boy with  dark pinkish hair, 2 blonde girls but they looked very different. And a little robot boy.  A boy who was playing with bugs, a girl who looked like a witch? And a  boy with long hair and a ... i dont know what that is.(ryoma)

(did i have a reason for doing this , no , no i did not i just thought it would be funny.)

They didnt look much like kids but they looked around 18 and over.

"Hey guys im back i found who was making the noise.", kirumi said putting me to stand.

"H-hi", the all looked so tall its not fair.

"Shuichi , is gonna puck you up in an hour or so, so make yourself at home untill then",she then walked to another room.

"Hello there!", one of the blonde's spoke.
"Hi !", i replied.

"My names , kaeda(kaedead bitch) ill introduce us . Everyone please line up.", after she said that everyone was in a straight line.

She called thier names and age in the order they were lined up in.

"Me,keada:18, tenko:16,himiko:16, Gonta:17 , Miu:19 ,", she faced to turn kiibo. "How old are you exactly", she whispered to him.
He stood blank for a second then answered",15 in human years".

"Kiibo:15, korekiyo:17, ryoma:18,kaito:20 ,
Maki:19 ., Say hi guys."

"Hello""hi""nice to meet you" all of them said greetings except maki.

I walked up to maki and just sat their .

And then i pounced on her head .

"Do you wanna die?", she asked.
"Do you ! Wanna go to prison", i already dont like her but she'll be fun to annoy.

She growled at me.

Kaito came and took me off her.

"Nyaaaa!, What are you doing dont touch me !", he wasnt listening. Maki took me from him and held me up and started to glare at me.
"You should listen to your elders", she said with a blank face.

"Im 23, bitch", i smirked right in her face. She got angry and started walking towards the pantry. She opened one of them and then sat me in there.

"Wait no! I'm claustrophobic!", she shut the
door right on me.
I started crying.
I want shuichi!
"Saihara-chan~!", my tears started flowing even faster and i was crying louder.

No ones pov

There was a knock on the door. Kaeda went to open it . And there stood shuichi.
"Hey guys i cam to get kokichi.", he said smiling.

"Well.... um..-", she was cut off bye loud crying noises.

Maki just glared at the pantry.
Shuichi noticed this.

"Maki , where is he.", the blueberry's face went serious.

"In there",she pointed at the pantry and everyone just stared.

"Who the fuck put him in there!", shuichi ran over to the pantry and opened it. Revealing a sobbing mess. "S-s-saihara-chan!", kokichi continued to cry and sob loudly.
Kirumi ran in the room.
"Oh dear! What happened",she said with a worried expression.

"Kiibo ! Who did it!", shuichi shouted. He put kokichi in his arms and started rocking him.

"Maki put him in the pantry", the robot answered.

"Maki! Why the hell would you do that!", shuichi was filled with anger but he had to come kokichi down.

Kokichi was stilling crying.

"Shh~ its okay , your safe.",shuichi whispered to the little grape.

He stopped crying and just started whimpering.

"Where leaving", shuichi stomped out of the houseand slammed the door.

He walked to the house with kokichi.

He opened the door revealing the mess in house.

Shuichi had already been home so it didnt bother him much he already had cleaned some of it up.

He walked upstairs with kokichi in his arms rocking him.

Once they where in his bedroom, shuichi laid kokichi on the bed and took off his coat .

He then layed in the bed with kokichi and held him to his chest.

The blueberry kissed the purple gremlins  forehead.
The little whimpering grape cuddled up to shuichi. "Im sorry",shuichi whispered in the grapes ears.
The grape was silent.

They both fell asleep a few minutes later.

The author:
Welp it izz what it izz,... anyway hope your enjoying the story so far .

Word count:1,020

Update in two days

Next chapter: Playdate.


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