The fall

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Your pov
"Eren! Mika! "I yelled to Eren and Mikasa as I caught up to them. We where all on our way to our houses I live a little over from Eren and Mika.
"How was your check up yesterday?" Eren asked a little worried.
"Oh fine your dad just gave me a shot. I don't know what for though" I replied.
We reached my house. "Bye you guys." I say running torwards my front door.
"Bye (y/n) " they yell back.
I walk into the house and the my parents are at the table.
"Come sit down" my dad orders me. I sat down thinking I was in trouble.
"Now sweetie " my mom said sweetly. "We are going to ask you again" Here it comes agian I guess I'll tell them this time. "Have you decided what you wanna do when your older? They both ask.
I sigh and respond "I want to become a member of the scouts"
They look at me in disbelief. Then my father blows up "MOST DEFINETLY NOT!! MY DAUGHTER WILL NOT GO OUT JUST TO KILL HERSELF!!" He yells.
I jump out of my chair.
With that I run out of my house crying out of anger. I spot Eren he looks a angry too. When he see's me he places his soft hand on my cheek as I nuzzled it into his had he always did that when I was feeling down.
" What wrong " he asked looking at me with his torquoise eyes.
"I got in trouble for wanting to join the scouts." I sobbed a little.
"So did I" he replied.
Me , Eren , Armin , and Mika were by the river. Armin was talking about how it's only a matter of time before the wall could break, while me and Mika were playing with each other's hair. We're practically sisters. We tell each other everything. I was braiding mika's hair when the ground shook us all and we herd a big Boom.
We all ran to the middle of town where we could she the gate. And there...right around the top of the wall....was a Titans hand.
"Oh god" I herd others say. The 50 meter titan looked down apus. Then kicked a hole in the wall.
Giant boulders went flying threw the sky I saw where they were landing.
"Near my house" I whispered.p
"Moms all by herself" I hear Eren say as we all run to our own houses.
"Mom!! Dad!! yell as I see the house on both of them. I tried to lift them out.
"(Y/n) you need to run." I hear my mother say.
"NO! I won't leave you here!" I scream.
Just then a titan coming from the defection of Eren's house was heading torwards us.
"RUN" my dad orders. As the titan is getting closer. I step back a little. I'm about 5 feet away when the titan is above my house.
I stop and all I can do is watch. The Titan picks up both my parents. Suddenly some picks me up and runs carrying me.
"I'm still watching as the Titan as it bites down on both my parents.

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