Chapter 2. Jail break

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I'm I moving in the truck yet. Ugh, my back. That hurt dame it. Watch how you drive. Wait I here voices.

"Are you sure this is her's containment unit."


"Well excuse me for trying to find the right one so we don't die."

Those voices I know them. Could it be Daniel? Damen?

"Well open the god damn thing before the po po show."

Yup that is definitely Daniel. I see a crack open at the top. All of sudden smoke fill the area around me. After the smoke clear I see two buff men standing there looking impatiently back and forth. As the look at me their faces turn to shock, I studied their faces to make sure that they really are Daniel and Damen. One is about 6ft tall, brown short tuffed hair, muscular body, green eyes, and has the my protectors mark on his arm. OK that's definitely Daniel. I look at the other one to see, red pricing eyes, black emo styled hair, muscular but not as much as Daniel, and the same mark on his arm. It's Damen. Oh my god I missed them so much. I got kidnapped and the age of 15 and I am now 18. "Muf... uhh...ddjdu...ken uio geft thif offf off mef."

"What did she say"-Damen

"I think she said to get the god damn thing off her mouth! Stupid."- Daniel

Yup this is them. Still the same.

The untied the thing around my mouth.

"Uh thanks guys"

"No props"- they say at the same time.

We jump out of the car after they unbound my legs and arms. As we turn to run away we see 2 nightmares and 2 cop cars come rolling in.

"Shit"- Daniel

"Don't worry I need to practice my powers a bit."

I telaported inside one of the knightmares and broke the guys neck. With the other one I backed filped and kicked it into a wall ran up to the head and punched my arm through the head and ripped him out.

"We need back up. It looks like a girl with long black hair with blue eyes. She took down 2 nightmares. I repeat we..." I caught the cop off guard and pulled his neck and filled him to the ground knocking him unconscious. I look at the other one and think of him exploding and he does exactly that.

"Take the one unconscious and bring him with us. Is the house and headquarters ready."

"Yes the have been prepared as you instructed." - Damen

"Good, lets go"

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