Chapter 11. The Master Plan

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Lelouch sat at the left side of the table from my chair as c2 sat at my right. I went to the kitchen to get the food. I put a plate of tri tip and salad as i put a plate of pizza in front of c2. I had a bowl of ramen for me. We all started to eat.

"So what is the plan now."-Lelouch

I looked at him with noddles hanging out of my mouth. I slurped the noddles in and then spoke

"After I finish dinner"

After i said that no one spoke. I finished my meal with a last slurp. I got up from the table and took their plates with mine. They followed me silently as i walked to the underground headquarters. They looked around as we descended the elevator. I walked out of the elevator and walked to the meeting room where Daniel, Damen and every head of all the Stations around the world; that positioned and assign the strongest and most loyal people to that job. I slammed the doors opened and a talking ceased. I looked around to see all the people that i called there. I walked to the front chair, also known as my chair and sat in it.

"Hello Ladies and Gents lets get down to business."

"Okay we are at your orders. When every you want to attack we are ready."- Lauren said; head of the Britannia division. She is one of my best friends and is very kind and gentle. She would place herself in front of anyone else. She is the werewolf princess. She is can snap though and that would be very bad. She is very respected.

"No, first we need to get Lelouch's Knightmare back and then go from there."

"Well after that what are we going to do, just wait around doing nothing."- Savannah said; head of the Europe division. She is trigger happy and has some anger issues, but once you are a friend and get past that she is a kind and fun girl to be around. If you say something about her friends or her family she will get pissed off and deadly. She is Mother Nature. I looked at her and did a duh face.

"That would be exactly what we will do. We want them to make a move and have a game of cat and mouse."

"I like that plan"-Daniel; head of the Russian and Germany division. He is very loud and has anger issues. He is kinda like Savannah and they get along. He is werewolf and his power is that he is stronger then any other werewolf, except for the Alpha or the royal family. He is also one of my protectors.

"So do I"-Damen; head of the Asia division. He is very gentle, kind, sophisticated, and soft spoken person. He is a Demon that can transport and is one of my protectors. He is very loyal to me and if you say anything rude about me he will turn into a real demon.

'What why would we do that. We should take the offense."- Savannah

"Don't you see, if we do we would attract more attention to use, then needed."

"So what is the plan then"-Lauren

I grabbed Lelouch and c2 and sat them in the chair in the front of the room. I stood behind them and said

"This is Lelouch..."

"Do you mean the Lelouch that was Zero."-Lauren

"Yes, now this is c2."

"Wait you mean the c2 that left you in that awful place to rot."-Savannah


Savannah leped at c2 to attack, but i froze her in midair.

"As i was saying she is very sorry and tried to find me, but coudn't. She is going to help us with this. We need her." I said that is smirked, but then whispered so only my people hear

"For Now"

Everyone just grinned at what i said as I unfroze Savannah and she dropped on the ground. As she got up she said with a glare

"I still don't like you or trust you. I'm watching you."

She went back to her spot as i continued to talk

"Lelouch is going to make a appearance and tell everyone about us and then i shall say somethings for my people. Then after that we will make no moves, but watch how this peace falls and watch the black knights squirm. They will make a attack on a coordinate that we will give them, but they will think that we did not know when they get there. We will be ready and attack, but let Zero, Nunally, and Kallen go. Capture or kill the others. Then while the are away from the city we will have someone hack all there radios, phones, laptops, and T.V.s. We will show them what we been through. What pain they put us through. Show them that they are the true Monsters not us."

"All hail the Queen"-Daniel and Damen said taking a knee with left hand behind their back and their right hand in a fist over their heart (The Attack On Titian salute.)

"Finally peace!"-Lauran said jumping up and down.

"They shall know what true power is."- Savannah said looking at me with her fist in front of her.

I patted Lelouch's and c2's head and walked out. I walked to my Knightmare and stared at it in thought.

They shall finally know who the real Monsters are, they can not stop this form happening. We shall win. For I am leading it and I never fail. I start to laugh crazily at the thoughts of them beg and pleading for me not to crush them.

Lelouch's POV.

I watch as she laughs.

"Don't worry she does that."

I turn around to find that it was that girl named Savannah.

"She's been thourgh alot. This is just one way she copes with it."-Savannah said walking towards the ballcony that i was standing on. She looked down at c3 and similed as c3 walked towarsed the elvator to go up.

"How long have you known her."

"I have known her since 2012 at age eleven. She was such a happy girl, always smiling. But then everyone she new turned old and died. Sure she had me, but was still hard. It was even hard for me, but after everyone she knew died she turned back to the age she was the happiest at; which was 11. She brought all her family back and started a new life in this time period. But like before they all died."

"Wait 2012, that was 108 years ago. Does she have geass. I know that she has the mark on her forehead, but it's black. I thought it was just a tattoo."

"Don't you know. She has something better. She has every power that has been discovered."-Savannah said looking at me with disbelief.

"No she never told me. How is that possible."

She turned to look at where c3 just was and said with a smirk

"That girl is the Devils Daughter. Her true name is Hydra Saten. She is every supernatural ever known and has every supernatural power. Some people belive that because of who she is that she is pure evil and wants total destruction of the everything, but all she wants is a perfect world where supernaturals and humans can live together, with out either one being persecuted."

And with that she walked away. A perfect world. Huh she has high expectations.

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