Chapter 18. Lauren in Trouble.

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I turned around to walk in the direction of where c2 ran off in. I looked all around me. Looking at the scenery of the broken down building. I walked till I got to a part on the top floor where there were many holes in the ground and the ceiling was falling down. In the middle of the rubble was c2 standing there with a smirk on her face with a silver sword in her hand, a gun on her hip, and 4 throwing knives.
"I have a sword and you don't. "
She bragged in a annoying voice.
"I so going to win. I am probably stronger then you, Savannah and c3. I could take all of you down at the same time. I don't think the c3 deserve to become Queen. I am sooo much better. How about you join me and we can take her down to gather."-c2
How could she say that about c2. I could never betray Shea. She is my best friend. That really got my blood pumping. I transformed into my 6ft long Brown-Black wolf that was 4ft high. My golden eyes shined with rage. I growled at her.
Her face was filled with shock and horror. She quickly changed her expression to one of humor and selfishness.
"Fine then I guess I will just take care of you now, then Savannah, and finally."-c2
I roared at her with so much rage that she was pushed back a in. I ran towards her. She lifted the blade and smashed it on the ground. I jumped back in time before it landed where I use to be standing. I jumped at her head, but she turned and I missed her head instead getting her shoulder. She hissed in pain unable to pick up the sword with the bone splitting pain coming with it. I jumped at her when she was to distracted with the sword to notice me coming at her. I bit at her throat ripping it out. I clawed at her stomach making her intestines come out. I ripped her legs and arms off one by one. I was to in raged with what she said to notice Savannah yelling at me to STOP. I got pulled of and slapped to come to realize that the one to slap me was Hydra. I look at the damage I have done to she that the body is not even recognizable and that my fur is stained in blood. I hang my head down in shame not listening to what anyone is saying. I get dragged to the shower room and my fur gets drenched in water. I her Hydra say those few words that will end my world
"Come to my office after you clean yourself up."
Their I knew I was in BIG trouble.

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