Chapter 4. Back to Normal

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When the are taking through each other's mind I will use this ~. K


I ran down the stairs with my hair whipping behind me to the dungeon. Once I got there I saw Daniel inside the holding room with the man know as Shinichiro. He was part of the rebellion that was lead by c2 and Leloch. Daniel was just poking the guys arm and the guy was freaking out and thrashing around in the chair chained.

"How long has Daniel be poking him."

Damen jumped at the sound of my voice. He slowly turned around and smiled at the sight of me.

"You look hungry. Oh and about 5 minutes after we got home."- Damen

"He looks delicious can I have him now."

He just simply walked to the door and opened it. Daniel walked out of the holding room and I took his place.

"So your name is Shinichiro. Right" - I say as I take a seat across from him at the table. I folded mt hands and put them on the table. He did not answer me, but just glared at the floor.

"I'm sorry about my partner and him poking you. I did not know about that or I would of have not do that."

"Who are you! What do you want from me!"- he scream at me trying to get out of the bonds that hold him.

~ Are you ok- Daniel screamed in my head~

~Yes. I fine he just lashed out.~

"Oh I just a girl looking for her sister and a old friend."- I said with a baby voice and a innocent face.

"Who are they?"- he said questioning my change of of acting.

I smirked at his question.

"I am c2 sister and my old firends you might of heard him his name is Lelouch vi Britannia."

As soon as he heard that name he got a face of shock and disgust.

"They both were murder by Zero."-he said not looking at me.

I got up of the chair and walked to his side. I truned the chair, so the back was facing the door and the table.

"Is that what you really belive." -i say as I sit on his lap with my legs wrapped around the back legs of the chair. He started to get nervous as sweat dripped down his face.

"Well I did see someone that did look like them." He said as he looked in my eyes.

"So where did you see this people?"- I asked batting my eyelashes.

"I d-d-don't re-emem-mber."- he said lying.

"Oh really maby I can get you to remember."- I said as I leaned towards his neck. I licked the area that soon was bitten. I hear him moan as I sink my fangs deeper into his neck. I feel myself fill out my outfit and my face return back to normal. I see my hair get it's shine and life and my eyes trun from red-black to my blue-grey eyes. I finish my meal and lick the wound to make it heal, but there well still be bit mark for about a week. I lean back to see that his eyes are close and that he is panting. I lean towards his ear with a smirk on my face and ask again

"So where did you see these people again"

Still dazed he replied

"In a little town in Kyoto, but that still doesn't mean that they are alive! Right?"

"Oh, but you see their like me they can't die unless by a special weapon and i doubt that you have it. So you know Long Live The King.Well thanks for the info and the meal."- I said as I transported him to where all his firends will be. Oh and he is still tied to the chair. I walk out the door of the holding room to be greeted by Daniel.

"You changed where is that happy-go-lucky girl I used to know."- Daniel said looking at me with sadness swimming in his eyes.

I just look at him with a expressionless face and said

"She died a long time ago."

"Come on Sh..." - Daniel

"It's Hydra or c3 now. I no longer use that name."- I say walking away.

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