Chapter 1 Who am I

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"Isn't that right Leloch"- c2

*smirk* - Lelouch

End of code geass season 2


Where am I

All I see is darkness.

There is nothing, but madness.

"She should be stable now. I have taken the last blood sample."

"Are you sure this is not going to end like c2."

"No, of course not c3 has all known supernatural blood in her and she is the devils daughter."

"Doesn't that make her more deadly."

"What can a stupid girl like her... ahhh!"

That voice angered me. I am going to get out of this darkness. Darkness, chaos, pain, suffering, Death. I shall bring the world to its knees!

"Is he all right."

"He just collapse and died."

"You don't think."

"She woke up!"

"Shut here down, we got to move!"

I am not going down with out a...

Ah not again, one day I will get out of here.

So lets go over they facts shall we.

~All my family is dead and in heaven where I can never reach them.

~My father is in the underworld and is Saten.

Nice guy by the way.

~I am the daughter of Satan.

~I am every supernatural.

~All supernatural bows down to me.

~I am one of a kind, but if I use to much power o will become weak.

~There was a guy named Orange that could cause hallucinations.

~I have a sister, well not biologically, but we were in the same containment unit untill she got transferred.

~The people who brought the war and peace stole here containment unit.

~She forgot about me.

c2 forgot about me. All well I didn't need her she can be just a pawn in this new game.

~c2 gave her power away.

~Lelouch got c2 power.

~Zero "killed" Leloch

~Suzaku is now Zero.

~Nunally is now Queen of the world

And I am going to get free and get my revenge on the humans for what they have put me through. You try having being restrained in a straight jacket , beaten because the way you looked at someone, and then have them stick needles in your arms, but if I didn't have this happen to me I wouldn't of known that humans are just pigs and should be servants and I wouldn't have known what I should do with this power.

So you ask me who I am.
I am c3 the unstable experiment, the devils daughter, or Hydra.

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