Chapter 21 I Can't Decide

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I opened the doors to find all the newborns running around and messing around. The headmaster was in the corner being ignored.

"Alright. Now freeze and line up in alphabetical order."

I screamed using my demon voice. They all froze an looked at where i was standing with my arms crossed with the file sticking out. Their eyes widen when they saw me. They flew into there spots and standed up straight. The headmaster came over and greeted me.

"What do we owe the pleasure of seeing you this evening. We did not know you where coming over. I am so sorry you had see that disorder."- Headmaster

"Do not worry about it, but may I speak to the newborns alone. It well not take long."

I flash her a polite smile to add to my act.

"O-o-of course your highness."- Headmaster

He bowed and exit the room. I put up a sound barrier so he could not hear me yelling at this brats. My simle turned into a frown. All the newborns gulped at the sign of my glare.

"What were you thinking when you choose to ignore your Headmaster."

I screamed at them. All they did was flinch and looked at the ground. I looked at all of them. I spotted a girl with green hair standing there with her arms folded looking at her nails, tapping her foot. I smile as I walked over to where she is standing making sure that with every step makes a noise. All of them flinched with each step think that I may be walking towards them. I stoped right in front of her tapping my foot to get her attention. She looked up and as soon as she saw my face she had a look of shock. I knew of what she had said to Lauren and that is why she snapped. The only thing I don't know to do is should i have her killed now for threatening my or should I keep a live and take a chance of you maby betraying me. I have not have my full share of games from her, so I shall keep her around. For Now.

"Hello C2. What a nice surprise to see you here."

"C-C-C3. It's nice to see you again."- C2

Everyone snapped their heads in our direction. They could not believe that I knew her and was not yelling at her. I grab her arm and drag her towards the head master office taking off the sound barrier.


As soon as I said that they ran off to either the girl's or boy's sleeping/bathing quarters. I knock on the office and hear a come in. I walked in and sat her down in the chair in front of the desk.

"I would like to train this one. I will train her on earth. So please sign the release papers,so I can take her now."

All he did was nod his head as he whipped out the release form and sign his name where it was needed. Then he passed it to me. I filled in the name and birthday of C2, then signed it.

"There you go my lady. Now she is your mentie."

I noded then grabbed C2 wrist and transported us back to my office. I sat her down in the chair in front of me. I lend over her shoulder. I similed a sinister simile. I whispered in her ear.

"Are you happy you are back because I know I am."

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