Chapter 8. They're alive

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After I knocked out Lelouch. Daniel turned back to his human from as i gave a unconscious Lelouch to Damen. We walked back to where we entered the forest. We activated our Knightmares and Daniel put c2 in his nightmare. As Damen was putting Lelouch we heard someone say.

"Stop right there."

I turned around to be greeted by the Gawain, the Lancelot, the Guren S.E.I.T.E.N., and the new Knightmare frame the Princess: the Lancelot is Ogi's,the Gawain is Zero'd, the Guren S.E.I.T.E.N. is Kallen's, and the Princess is Nunally's. I looked towards the Lancelot and said

"Long time no see Shinichiro. Did you miss me."

In return I got

"Well i kinda miss you...Shinichiro...Anyway, we want the people that you have in your Knightmare."

"Aww i thought that you would. That hurts my feelings..."

"Don't try to change the subject. Now give us the people you are kidnapping."-Zero

I looked at the Gawain and glared at his Knightmare.

"Well how about, we make a deal."

He go out of his Knightmare ignoring the warnings of his friends.

"What kind of deal."-Zero

"Well how about we fight each other and we can use anything we have on us or find. If i win you have to let us go and you can't follow us and can't do anything related to us..."

"What if I win"-Zero

i glared at him for cutting me off.

"If you win you can have the people and you can also arrest us too. Deal."

Daniel and Damen looked at each other and smirked.


"Okay the rules are that there is kill shot, your team and my team can't interfere, unless one of use tries to do a kill shot, if you can even land one."

"Well isint someone full of them self, but okay."

We took 10 steps away form with are backs turned. I saw that he had a gun on him and that he was getting it out to use. Ha like that is going to cause any harm to me. Daniel blew a whistle that he got from somewhere to start the battle. Zero turned around and shot me in the leg. I slowly turned around as the bullet wound in my leg healed. His hand loosed around the gun as he saw the wound heal. He gripped his gun and shot until he had no more bullets. I sprung towards him as he ran towards me. I uppercut him as he tired to punch me in the stomach. I kicked him in the stomach making him go flying and hit my Knightmare. He did not get up. I walked over to him and picked his head up.

"Stay down Suzaku, i don't think you really want Lelouch and c2."

I saw his eyes widen through the mask as i said that. He punched me in the face. I didn't even flinch. I smashed his head down into the ground.

I looked towards the opponents and smirked. I got into my Kinghtmare and took off.

                                     With Zero

Zero's POV.

How did she know who i am. How did i lose to a girl, a girl that had no training at all. I laid on ground in shame. 

"Zero, Zero are you okay." 

I heard Nunally's voice say.

"She has them. She has Lelouch and c2."

"NO the can't be alive you killed them in front of us."- Shinichiro

"I don't get it either, but somehow their alive and i lost."

"It's okay we'll deal with that tomorrow."-Naunally

We got into are Nightmares and took off for home.

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