Chapter 3. Past vs. Prsent

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As Daniel transported the unconscious man to the cell, I transported to my bedroom. I see that the bed is hanging by chains from each corner and the all the furniture is black as the walls are painted blood red, expect for the ceiling which is paint so it looks like the night sky. I made it so the ceiling can change to any type of sky you want and it also comes with sound effects. I walk into the bathroom that has black marble counter top and shower with a separate black bath tub. By now if you don't realize my fav color is black. I turn on the shower as I take off the straight jacket that has not been washed in 2 years. I think of 5 copies of it, but 2 in the color black, 2 in the color red, and one in white. I transported the dirty one to the washer room to get washed and stepped in the shower. I washed the shampoo through my hair for a third time to get all 2 years worth of dirt out. As I finish my shower and get dressed in my black straight jacket as I think of everything that happened in my life. My mother was Brittanian and my Father was Spanish. Mom was Lelouch's Mother's best-friend since the time she was introduced to the court of nobles. My mother was the most trusted right hand man of the King and was the most powerful noble. As such some thought that she was to powerful and that a woman should not have that much power. Most of them were the 4s. My father was a lowly 4. That's what Birttanians call Spanish people after they took over Europe. On my 12th Birthday Lelouch's mother got murder and Nunally became blind and paralyzed. But the thing was you know how blind people's eyes are open, but the pupil is grey not black, yeah well guess what the bitches eyes were always closed shut. Blind you tell me, Ha yeah right. Turns out that bitch was lying all this time. Knew it.

Happy birthday to me.

On January 1st at 12:00 midnight my other died of suffocation due to a pillow. When my father was able to get free from the other mans grasp it was too late. At the funereal on my 14th Birthday my families most trust grauds (Daniel and Damen) thought they would try to murder me and my father. Well the were right, those monster bombed the entire building with all of my mom's side of the family still inside. Did i cry, did i scream until i could scream no more, did i try to run in and save some of them. NO I watch as the building burned to ashes taking the people inside with them. Watching expressionless.

Happy birthday to me.

On my 15th birthday i was driving with my father to go see the king about the area 11 terrorist attacks. Oh did I forget to mention that every meeting that my mom went to for or with the King I was right beside her. So I knew everything and I took over my mom's job. The King was still upset with what happened and that the can't find the killers because Mom was his childhood ffriend since the age of 4. Anyway as we were driving a car hit us on the diver's side head on and then 2 people came out of the car and pulled me out of my seat. As for who I am, I healed and was not affect, but except for pounding headache for my father on the other died on enpacked. Also it was a stage attack by a group of Brttianins that thought my father killed my mother. So the broke into all of my fathers side family's houses and shot all of them dead.

Happy Birthday to dear c3.

They put me in a nice room it had bed, a bathroom, a shower. They provided me with good food, clean water, nice cloths. But that only lasted for one year until my 16th birthday came. See when a supernatural noble or royal turn 16 the have to get their first blood. It can be meat, blood, soul, man's love, someones heart, but they need to get it so the are able to control there supernatural side and be able to take there father's or mother's place when the time comes. Well my 16th birthday came and lets just say that by the end of the night half of the people in the building were dead. After that the scientist saw what I could do and the others were afraid of me. They put me in a straight jacket and through me into a cell. I only wore that one straight jacket, they didn't let me bath or brush my hair. They would beat me every night just for fun. They would drag me by my hair to the lab. They would chain me down, stick things in my arms, head, eyes. They tattooed a c3 on the back of m neck. On day i met c2. She was quiet, nice girl, but we had to be. She promised that if she every got out that she would come for me. If i only knew she was a lying shack of shit. When they heard that here containment unit got high-jacked and she escaped, they thought that she would come for me, so the put me in a containment unit and burned the place and moved me to a place in Europe. On my 17th birthday they got a new project, so the took a break and through me into me cell. 2 weeks later i met project orange. He was a outgoing young man, that used to work under Lelouche's mom. I asked what has happened to get him here. He told me everything that was happening outside. As soon as he heard i was Kerri's daughter he could not believe what the had done to me and went on a rampage. Again i got put in a containment unit and shipped to another laboratory, but this time in japan. i just gave up trying really i lost my smile, my beautiful colored hair is now black with dirt, my skin is chapped and cracked and ME THE HEALTH AND CLEAN FREAK! The kept me asleep intill i woke up recently. Then they tired to move again, but this time my protectors found me. I will get my revenge on that little shit. I will bring this world to it's knees. I will make this world where supernatural can live peacefully without being persecuted and in fear all the time. I look in the mirror to find the my face and eyes pale and lifeless, but the black geass symbol still on my forehead. The bones showing and my outfit hanging on me, but i didn't worry because my meal that will return me back to normal is down in the basement waiting for me awake.

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