Chapter 6. Hide and Seak

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I smiled as i saw that my plan is working as I sit in my chair in my office with the back facing the door. My smile fell as i replaced it with my expressionless mask; i need it for this game. I hear the door open and Daniel tell me that the Kinghtmare is ready to go. I wave him off as i get up from the chair. I walk to the mirror and changed into my true and sent the image to Shinichrio. I changed back to the human from and walk to the under ground headquarters. I see everyone that was running around stop and line up against the wall as i walk past them. Once i past them they go back to what the are doing, preparing for our take off. I walk to the launch pad. I was greeted by Daniel and Damen infornt of their Knightmares. I look at the one in between their to find my Knightmare standing tall and proud. I smiled at the sight of the normal looking Knightmares. See are Knightmares in our army are not just normal ones. The control system inside is a suit that makes you stay inside the unit and whatever you do the Knightmare will copy it; it covers your inter body, except for your hair. It is like a 2nd skin. You are the Knightmare, the Knightmare is you. When you wantt to control the wheeling system the regular system pops out of of the ground of the control room. Also the normal Knight is like the person human form and when the person transformers into the true form the Knightmare also transform into what your true form is. now do you remember my true from when i was freaking out Shinichiro. Well my Knightmares true form is razor sharp horns on it's head, razor sharp wings that can fly 100 mph, razor sharp metal nails that can come out of it metal fingers, razor sharp tail, and a dragon like face that has Sharp metal-ripping teeth, and a pointed tail. It can transform into any of my supernatural. Also the Knighmare can transform into a piece of jewelry of your choice and the control system is in it chest not in the head. I smile and nod to both them as we get into are Knightmares.

"Are you guys ready to have some fun?"

"OH HELL YEAH!"-Daniel

"After you."-Damen said politely

I smirked as i get my controls to the wheelies and took off. They followed behind me as we drive into the city. As i looked around the city i see children laughing and smiling. Some not even realizing what they are. When we reach Kyoto it was around 2:00 pm on a Saturday. Since we don't need any sleep we decided to look for Lelouch and c2. We were passing by some fields when I saw a wagon coming towards us. I heard something i thought i would of never heard.

"Isn't that right Lelouch"


I smirk. Found you.

I drived towards the wagon to see a girl with green hair laying in the wagon and a young my in the front Lets play hid and seek.

"Found You."

Their heads turn to our Knightmares as their face turns to shock. I lift my hand and throw it down on the wagon. The jumped of in time. The start to run in the forest. We look at at each other and have the same thoughts. We transform the Knightmare into are jewelry, theirs being dog tags and mine being a ring on my ring finger; it is a red gem surrounded black smaller gems. We smirked at each and run after them.

Let The Games Begin

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