3: Goodbye

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Yibo knew human relations are fragile and some people just passes by in our lives and don't stay. String of fate has always been thin and easy to severe. So, who is he to complain to God as he watched his brother, Zhan and himself drifted apart?

When the older two started University and focused on their future careers, they had less time to spend together. Less until barely until it ended up to not even.

Zhan, as boundless and carefree as he was, spread his wings and leave the Xiao's abode and guidance. He was determined to stand on his own feet, make a name for himself, build his own company, and not just ride his father's coattail like all the other spoiled brats with a silver spoon in their mouth. He has always been brave and courageous. And that what makes him, him.

Little did Yibo know about Zhan's little secret which pushed him to his limits and made him decide to distance himself from the Wang brothers.

As for Haikuan, he yielded to Mr.Wang's truces with Yibo being always at the end of the bargain. Without his brother saying anything, Yibo knew he was the weight his brother carries in his back. A shackle which prevents him from following his true desires and set himself free. Selfless as he has always been, Haikuan still bears the smile in his face and says everything is alright as long as they're together. But is it?

Why can't he leave that mansion? Why can't he study the field he desperately wants?

'Is it all because of me?' Yibo asks in silence everytime he sees the veiled sadness in his brother's eyes.

And so, when another talent scout approached Yibo, he didn't dismiss it as he usually did in the past. Neither did he give it much thought, and just instantaneously made a selfless choice. He agreed to leave everything behind, the luxury of being a Wang, his brother, his Zhan-ge, the few friends he had earned in the last 3 years, for an unsure future the entertainment industry may offer.

Mr.Wang erupted like a wrath of volcano when he heard about Yibo's decision, but does he really care about the second born son? The mirage of the wife he despises the most?

"Leave and forget you're a Wang!" Those were his parting words. Vile and heartless, the old man always has been.

It should've sting to be disowned, but Yibo did not feel a thing. His heart for this father has long been stone and cold.

And so at the age of 15, Yibo let himself and his brother free from all those who and those of which are holding them back. With this escape route, they will be able to live the life they should've lived a long time ago.

Things packed and ticket ready for his departure the following morning, Yibo laid himself on his bed, closing his eyes as music bursted in his ears. He had never felt so relieved. "At last." He breathed letting a tear fall from his closed lids.

He doesn't know how many hours had passed, the music on his playlist ran out, but sleepiness doesn't dare visit him.

He then listened to the solemn quietness of the night, replaying the memories in his head, both the good and the bad. Suddenly, his thoughts drifted to one particular person. There came the tightness in his chest again. How he wishes to see him before he leaves. 'One more glance. One more sight. One more chance.' Yibo seeked, but he doesn't even know where he is or where to start looking for him. His Zhan-ge.

"Does he even know I am leaving? Does he even care?" He sarcastically murmured, but heart silently wishing, 'At least once more, I'd like to see him.'

As if the Heavens heard him, Yibo heard the door creaking quietly and soft footsteps approached his side. The waft of that person's scent only meant it was who Yibo was eagerly waiting for.

Stupefied with the sudden visit in an unGodly hour, Yibo kept his eyes closed and pretended to be asleep.

A gentle caress then ran from his temples and lingered on his lips. Tracing every curvature to imprint it in a never-fading memory bank. That touch melted all of Yibo's worries and longing, with the same after-effect it did on Zhan.

"I wasn't expecting it will be so soon. I wanted to be a man you can be proud of. A man who can protect you. But I'm still nothing. And now you're leaving, and I have no say to that." Zhan lifted Yibo's hand to reach his face. Silent sobs escaped his lips, muffling the sound as he poured his love on Yibo's soft hand. "I'm sorry if I've distanced myself from you. I did not intend for things to happen...for feelings to grow, but I fell in love with you. I knew it was wrong to harbour such feelings when you only see me as someone close like a brother. It made me feel like I betrayed your trust. So I'm deeply sorry, Bo-di." He planted a long and tender kiss on Yibo's finger, placing a cold and thin strand of metal on the latter's palm.

"Take care, my Yibo. I wish you'll reach your dreams. Goodbye." Zhan breathed and let his warm palm touch Yibo's cheek for the last time. How they both wished that warmth will stay forever and never disappear.

But it wasn't their time. They are still young, uncertain of the future. They knew they still need to grow, be better and prove themselves to the world.

When Yibo heard the door clicked close, he opened his eyes and tears just instantly welled up from there.

He kissed the spot Zhan's lips had touched on his finger. Opening his hand thereafter, finding a silver necklace with an ox head pendant.


That was the word he was seeking to describe his feelings towards that man.


How blind he had been to think Zhan loves his brother and not him!?

But he let his own feelings linger in the silence. He knew better to keep his feelings hidden in the dark.

"Goodbye, Zhan-ge."

Author's note:

Play: How I Can Not Love You while reading this chapter. Feel the sadness overload 🙈

Okay, I'm not rushing. It might seem fast-paced but it is NOT! This is just an introduction. Oh yes! They're still babies at this timeline. So let's meet the current them on the next chapter!

Did Haikuan achieve the dream job he wants? Did he leave the Wang household as well?

How about Zhan? Is he now a CEO of his own company?

And our baby Yibo? Did he make it to the entertainment circle? Did he find happiness in the sham cheerfulness of limelight?

June 13, 2020

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