5: Quick rescue

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Sara's PoV.:

The voice was still threatening and I couldn't stay asleep any longer. Without another force keeping me in the dream, the creatures in my head were stronger than me and I slowly woke up. At first, I didn't want to move but they knew I was only acting like I was out of it.

"Welcome to the land of the living" I heard a different voice in my head. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in some sort of cage. It seemed like glass but I knew they weren't so stupid as to use such weak material. Outside my cage, there were three forms. All of them had a humanoid form. The only difference was their skin and the clothes they wore.

"Do not be scared little one" The voice in my head belonged to the male standing in the middle wearing a black robe-like cloth. How I knew it was a mystery I didn't want to answer. "We are going to make some tests and then you get a nice and loving home" he continued. He started to annoy me so I tried the only thing I could think of, to get him out of my head.

Closing my eyes I tried to remember a rather strange feeling. I could recall it almost flawlessly, though I knew it was missing a very important ingredient. My team. I didn't dwell on that, instead, I pulled up the memory surrounding the feeling. An event I would remember for the rest of my life.

"Wow, you feel that?" I asked my companions. Death was flowing through my veins. It was the strangest I've ever felt. It was death, but it didn't feel evil. It was necessary.

"It's working," Amaya said on my right.

"All right now," I said. I knew we had one shot at this so we couldn't fail one more time. "Imagine a powerful light. Of pure goodness" I could feel mick yawning, even though we had our eyes closed. The six totems united and started to form a warrior. One capable of destroying a demon. We needed that and I was glad we could finally work together.

"Somethings forming," Vally said the obvious, soon followed by a question by Zari.

"Can I peek?" Not waiting for an answer she finished with a statement. "I'm gonna peek" I could feel her open up her eyes and also her shock. "Oh God," she said.

"Oh, God?" Amaya was confused. "What oh God?" She wanted to know what's going on as well as I did but all this talking drove my focus away.

"Everyone focus" I yelled at my team, but as always they did not listen. The next to speak was Amaya.

"Wait. Is somebody thinking of" She couldn't finish as she got cut off by Nate. By that time I was curious too. so while Nate spoke I opened one of my eyes.

"Sorry you said, think of something pure, and I thought" I had to cut Nate off. I couldn't believe his stupidity.

"No, you didn't" I couldn't fathom the fact that it was actually working with a team so childish.

"I said I'm sorry" Nate was now frustrated.

"Yeah, I can't stop thinking about him either" Zari interrupted. The truth was, by then all of us were thinking about the blue-furred plush toy that was forming in the middle of our circle. I shouldn't have been so surprised as our last encounter with the toy named Beebo, was when a group of Vikings decided he was the god of war and invaded America, because of an interactive toy made for three-year-olds.

I could feel the confusion of my three stalkers so I opened my eyes to look at them. They looked just as miserable as they felt. I focused my attention back on them, but instead of talking to me, they left one-by-one, the black-robed the last.

I was alone for the first time since I was here but I knew they were still watching me. I walked around the room. I somehow felt that they wanted to see if I make an attempt at escaping, that's why they left me in a cage looking like glass, but they underestimated me. I could tell by just one glance that it would not break at the pressure I can hit it with. I touched it and I could feel heat buzzing through it.

I couldn't watch for long, as after five minutes a door on the metal side and a human-like robot came in. I didn't know what to make of it until it tried to attack me. I jumped out of its way and reached under my coat hoping to find something there that I could fight with. Unfortunately, there was nothing. I had to apprehend it by my mind. I knew they were testing my physical attributes but I still wanted to kill them for trying to hurt me.

The robot came at me once again grabbing my neck from behind me. I didn't expect an attack like this. I wanted to kick myself but decided to wait until I'm finished with the metal trying to suffocate me. I grabbed the metal arm and jumped up to gain a little dash to my movement. I lifted my legs as high as it was possible. When my back was no longer pushed against the cold surface of the robot I kicked my legs down hard which pushed my body back to the robot sending it up to where I was a moment ago.

"I will definitely feel that tomorrow" I murmured to myself while crouching down. I used my hand still holding the metal arm to throw the robot over my head. I stood up quickly and waited for its next attack. It charged and tried to kick me but before it could succeed I grabbed the metal leg took a full turn lifting it away from the ground and let it go. It was surprisingly light but it flew to the other side of the cage-room. It seemed too easy but after five minutes of waiting I started to let down my guard and sat down on the bed thing.

It felt good to finally be able to actually punch something. I was stressed and I needed this fight and adrenalin rush. How aliens managed to get me so upset, I didn't understand, but somehow they made me feel worse than the demons I had to fight in my life. I lay down on the bed as there was nothing else to do.

I must have dozed off as I had to open my eyes when I heard a knock on the glass. I was prepared to be met by more tests and colorful skin but I couldn't have been more wrong. The person beside me did have colorful skin, but also a gun that only one human possessed.

"Step back Captain," Mick said and lifted his heat gun. I doubted it would work because I remembered the heat passing through the walls. Fortunately, I was wrong. At first, nothing happened except for a black patch appearing on the glass but after a whole minute of heat, it gave in and started to melt. When there was a hole big enough for me to step through Zari and Behrad appeared wearing the same disguises. Colored skin and white robes.

"Hurry Mick the explosives are planted," Behrad said right before I stepped out of my cage. We started to walk down the corridor when Lita appeared.

"They are coming," she said. We prepared for a fight but didn't stop for a moment. There was a turn and over the corner, we met ten aliens with some kind of weapon in their hands. Mick set all of them on fire and we walked past them. In the next corner, we didn't get so lucky. Twelve guards waited for us. Mick used his gun but some of them ducked and attacked us from up close. It was a fair fight though as five guards survived the fire, and all came at us.

Zari was cowering mostly. Behrad used the air totem Lita used some kind of heat gun, which I found a little strange, as she despised any kind of weapon. I hit one of the guards and for a second fear flooded me. It was long enough to realize it but not long enough for me to find out what it was.

Finally, the battle was over and we reached the end of the corridor where Nate waited. He opened up a door and I saw the jump-ship. We all got in before Nate pushed a button and set the explosives off.

"We only blew their main computer and beam system up" he informed me then drove the jump-ship back to the Waverider.

"Gideon, get us out of here," I said as soon as we were on the ship. "Preferably time-jump. That is the fastest" I said and soon felt the familiar pull leading up to the jump. We ended up in the temporal zone and finally, everyone could breathe. It was a crazy rescue.

"I think you'll need this"Zari gave me a comm device.

"We found it in the main control room. It took several aliens knocked out to get it back but we did it" Nate added. Almost right after that Ava ran on me and hugged me so tight that the metal robot clinging to my neck seemed nothing compared to it.

"How long was I gone?" I asked her when she finally, let me go.

"For five days two hours and fifty-two minutes," she answered. I had to laugh at it though I would count every second too if Ava was missing. The whole team, except for Mick hugged me once again.


Hey Agan, I apologize for the delay. I will try to be faster but I can't promise anything. I had to write the previous chapter and edit this one before they could be put up.

Thanks for reading everyone.

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