6: Legends at the Agency

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Sara's PoV.:

I was staring into the void. There was a woman on the street down below, seemingly lost.

"And here I thought you used up all your League of assassin vacation days," Laurel said from behind me, distracting me from observing the lady below me.

"You look great," I told her. There was something about her that felt different but I didn't know what it was. "How's dad doing?" I had to know but I couldn't stop by to ask him myself. Not this time.

"The same" my sister told me. "Seeing you will help" I knew she would say that and I knew she'd be crushed if I told her I wasn't gonna visit my father. I looked away and stopped for a moment to see the girl still standing right under us.

"I don't want him to know I'm in town," I said looking back. "Not just yet." Laurel gave me a look that I couldn't describe. It was both pride and disappointment but there was something else in it. If I didn't know better I'd have said it was mischief.

"You're not," she said. Her voice was reassuring and she smiled into the sentence. "You are far away from home aren't you?" I was confused. I saw flashes of adventures. The Waverider. Ava. The Legends. And lastly the alien ship.

"Sara" Laurel said to me. Her voice was different this time.

"Sara" I opened my eyes and found myself on my bed in the Waverider. Ava was standing above me, trying to wake me up. "We have a little problem," She told me. I got up from the bed still a little confused by my dream. I followed Ava to the bridge where everyone was already gathering.

"I pick up sightings of a dragon," Gideon said when I arrived. "The records say it starts its rampage at the beach of Coast city and destroyed half of America before contained." We stood in shock at the records Gideon pulled up from 2021. It took less than six months for one creature to destroy half of our continent. We had to do something about this.

Everyone sat down and strapped in without a command and I set a course for 2020 August. The familiar pull appeared and the Waverider landed on an abandoned part of the beach. I still asked Gideon to camouflage us as a shipwreck just in case.

We walked out to the part that was closest to the city. People were either running off the beach or staring at the street. There was a huge dragon walking towards the sandy coast. It was mesmerizing and terrifying at the same time. All of its body was covered in light blue scales that looked similar to the clear summer sky. Its wing bones were highlighted with a shade of black I didn't know existed. I somehow felt like it was a female.

Looking around I wanted to facepalm as most of the people were still just staring at the rampaging creature, some even filming it with their phones. I and Ava started running around telling everyone to get off the beach immediately. By some miracle, we actually cleared the entire coastline by the time the dragon reached it. It stopped for a moment looking around. Her eyes were mostly red filled with rage.

Shifting her gaze, she stared down at us, closely inspecting all members of my team. As I looked at her I had the strangest feeling, as if she was scared underneath all that anger.

"You are far away from home aren't you?" I whispered to myself but the dragon stopped to stare at me as if hearing my words. Her eyes turned blue for a moment until John interrupted.

"Come at me you demon," he said without caring about what could happen. The blue eyes were once again covered in red and the furious creature turned to face the demonologist, letting out a long breath of fire. I rolled my eyes before approaching the dragon along with Ava. I didn't know what I wanted to do but I had to do something. I hit the dragon's leg.

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