9: Unexpected "visitor"

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Sara PoV.:

I still had my powers. It wasn't just the fact that I saw visions. I could feel it in my bones. I have felt this way since the day we destroyed the Loom of Fate. I ignored it as it wasn't something big and I got used to it. I knew that the difference is the aliens. They got into my head, possibly releasing something that held my powers back. I saw Ava's face. She always knew if something was up with me.

"Hey Babe," Ava came in destructing me in my thinking. "You feeling okay? You seemed more exhausted than usual," she said concerned. I knew she wanted to say something else too but didn't dare to.

"I'm fine," I answered. She wasn't the only person I tried to convince of that in the room. It did not work. I just felt the fire in my bones even more and Ava sat down beside me grabbing my hands. The room started to disappear but I didn't want to ruin the moment so I shook my head in an attempt to delay the vision. Surprisingly it worked.

"Sara look," Ava said seemingly not noticing my movement. "I've spent enough time with you to know when you're hiding something so please talk to me" she took a deep breath and looked down at our joined hands before continuing. "I can't help if you don't let me."

"It's nothing really, just a feeling," I said trying to sound convincing. It was definitely more than just a feeling although most of the time it was just the fire in my bones.

"Sara," Ava said letting go of my hands. She was used to me holding back my feelings and she was probably the only person who could make me talk about them.

"I just don't want you to freak out, or freak you out," I answered standing up. "I had a vision or well, two to be precise." I expected her to freak out but at least look surprised but instead, she just smiled at me.

"Yeah I kinda put that together," she said.

"Than why did you ask?" I asked a little surprised. She was a strange woman.

"For two reasons. A, I wanted you to say it, and B, whatever you saw clearly upset you." she was right about upsetting. It was more than upsetting.

"Yes, but I won't tell you just yet," I said and before Ava could protest I added. "Let me figure out what I saw first okay? Then I'll tell the whole team."

"Okay," Ava said after a huge sigh. "Come on let's get to sleep," she said before kissing me.

We were already ready for bed so we laid down. It didn't take Ava five minutes to fall asleep beside me. I, on the other hand, was still thinking. My head was full of everything that happened. I was on an alien ship, examined when one of my dead crewmates dragged me into another dream. Then Laurel was weird in another dream and then the visions. It was too much to digest in a month but it happened over the course of two days. Slowly, but exhaustion took over me and I drifted into darkness.

As the darkness parted, I saw a valley. The air around me was clearer than anything I've ever felt, and I have been to times before humans. The blue of the sky couldn't be compared to anything on Earth. Well, except for the scales of the dragon Lilly could turn into. The Sun was shining almost directly above me so I had a pretty good view of my surroundings and I didn't have to worry about the Sun blocking my view. There was a little brook to my left surrounded by trees. The mountainsides were covered in trees as well so I didn't see too much of them. Someone or something was watching from behind me, I could feel it.

I started to turn around slowly, prepared for anything. Or at least I thought I was. When I saw who was behind me, I froze. One dream with my dead sister was one thing, but two in a row was a little too much.

"You," I said or more like asked. I wasn't sure whether the woman heard me or not but I wasn't even sure if she was just a dream. The entire scene felt too real for a dream. Just like with Snart. She did nod slightly meaning she must have heard my question or at least could read it from my lips. "Are you really here?" I asked slightly louder after another minute of silence. I had to know though I was quite sure that whatever I saw was more than a dream. Closer to a vision.

"Yes and no" she answered. It was a strange answer. "I wasn't sure you were ready," she continued.

"What... Why?" that is all I could say still not believing my eyes. "Ready for what?" I said gathering my voice. She was my dead sister and she wasn't sure whether I was ready or not. The only other time I had a vision of her was...

"Those were simpler times," she said as if answering my thought. "I wasn't sure you were ready to handle what you've become, but unfortunately when the Cornsen got into your head they made that decision for you. No one would have realized it was a dream. They released your power entering your memories and that is how you knew nothing was real."

"What about Snart?" I asked. As much as the scenarios weren't real, he was. As real as Laurel right now in front of me. "He was real" I clarified.

"Yes and no," she said one more time. "He was an opportunity. Something you could make happen. Just like movie night with me. The spear of destiny was strong, but what you have inside of you is stronger. You have to be careful what you do with it. It's misused easily...

"Sara" We both looked behind me. Ava's voice was far away but I knew what it meant.

"Go," Laurel said then disappeared soon followed by everything else.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my girlfriend standing over me. She was already dressed and from the looks of it, only waiting for me to wake up. She looked at me and kissed my cheek when I blinked in surprise.

"Good morning Babe," she said then sat down beside me on the bed. "Had a good sleep?" she asked. I nodded slowly, not knowing what to say about my dream. It was strange. Good, but strange. Somehow I felt like I knew what dream-Laurel was talking about when she mentioned the powers. It was bad if what I thought was true.

"Captain Lance, Miss Waters is waiting for you on the bridge," Gideon said breaking me out of staring into Ava's eyes. "She wants to talk to you"

"I'm going Gideon" I answered the AI and got up. It was really hard to focus when my mind slipped back to one thing over and over again. The Loom. My sister did not say it specifically but I got my powers from the loom in the first place and really it wasn't that hard to figure out what she meant. I really had to be careful with that, because the Loom was one of the most dangerous weapons of all time. And I knew what I wanted to use it for. It wasn't meant to be ruled by me. It shouldn't have even existed. It was dangerous.

"Captain, Miss Waters is waiting for you on the bridge," Gideon said. That was when I realized that I was walking in circles in front of my door.

"Thank you, Gideon," I said and finally went to the bridge. "Good morning Lilly," I said arriving. She was standing before the control panels seemingly deep in thought. When I got there she looked up and said:

"I wanted to ask you something. Cloe said that you grabbed her hand out of nowhere the day you fought me and seemingly for no reason. Did you have a vision of her as well?" she seemed unsure about asking this. What caught my attention though was the way she asked it. She was clearly aware of me seeing er in the demon dimension. 

"Yeah," I said sitting down. I motioned for her to do the same. "I actually touched her to see if my suspicions were right and I did have powers," I explained when she sat down.

"What did you see?" she asked seemingly afraid. "If you don't mind me asking" She was insecure but also certain about what she wanted. She reminded me of myself a little.

"No I don't mind," I said. "Actually I wanted to ask you about it. I saw how she got her scar" at that sentence Lilly looked down at her hands. "I wanted to ask how she is still alive. I mean your claw cut right through the vein in her neck and that should have killed her but she at least should be blind to her left eye. How is she not?" I kept my voice down and tried to leave any emotion out of my question so Lilly wouldn't get more stressed. I was pretty good at that part although Lilly still got emotional as she answered.

"Well I'm not sure," she said. "My mom had some kind of power and Cloe has it too. No one ever succeeded in killing her and she usually heals completely. There are others like them too although not too many. You have to do something very specific to actually kill them. Like the legend of Achilles. You had to hit his heel to kill him." She took a break to catch her breath as she was speaking quite fast. "I don't understand how I could leave a scar so nasty on her at all" she answered clearly trying to fight back her tears. At that moment Gideon spoke up distracting both of us from our thoughts.

"Captain, Miss Waters, Agent Waters wants to talk to you"

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