11 Obvious way

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Cloe's PoV.:

I was worried. The message I received that morning was just a little unnerving as the Cornsen threatened to blow up Earth if we didn't give up. I knew where I was sending the Team and what kind of danger they could be in. I stayed on the roof as the comm device Sara gave me was the only way to keep in touch with the team. I waited there moving from one place to the other when I heard Sara's voice coming through the comms.
„We hit a bit of an obstacle," she said. „Lilly is sleeping, but she stayed in her dragon form and the Cornsen are aware of our presence and they closed the door that leads to the Flight-deck. Gideon tried to blow it up but it didn't work. Get the director and the rebels back to the Agency. We will try to find a way out."
„I could disarm the bombs" Behrad answered. That's when it hit me. The closing of the door triggered the bombs and now they have less than ten minutes to get out with a huge dragon.
„No, Behrad don't," Sara said. „Gideon, don't let anyone disarm the bombs" she continued addressing the on-board AI of the Waverider. She seemed serious about saving Earth and I could understand it but my sister was on board too. I wanted to protest but Sara disconnected her comm right after she informed us about the events. I felt anger and worry rising in me as I waited for the team to return.

Not soon after that the Waverider appeared in the sky clearly using some kind of portal or teleportation technology to get back faster. I went away from the landing area and waited until it landed. When it did I ran on board and looked at the Legends furiously.
„We have to go back" I yelled at them. „My sister is still up there and she is going to die" someone from behind me pushed a syringe in my arm.
„Don't worry Cloe they are going to be fine" Zari said clearly not believing it herself. By that time I felt a little dizzy and couldn't really stand on my feet. Sedative. It was a smart move I have to admit but I didn't expect any of the Legends to actually pull it off. Though now that I thought of it, most of them had the balls to do it.
„And she has a Cornsen with her. They are going to find their way out I promise" I didn't recognize the voice before I slipped into darkness forgetting my problems.

Sara's PoV.:

I told my team to sedate Cloe if it is necessary. She needed to calm down if she wanted to see her sister ever again. The Cornsen female came back with some food in her hand. I didn't understand it, but then my stomach started to hurt indicating that I should eat something.
"Telepathic abilities remember?" she looked at me when I took the food, clearly answering my thoughts.
"It's just hard to get used to" I answered. When she sat down beside me, her arm pushed against mine. The ship disappeared and I found myself in the valley from my dream. I looked around as I was clearly in a vision this time. I found Laurel where I saw her the last time. I ran to her and hugged her.
„Remember Sara," she said. „You have the Loom's power now" after that sentence the valley disappeared and I found myself back on the ship sitting next to a sleeping dragon and a Cornsen who had a wide smile-like expression on her face. I felt sad that I had to leave the valley so soon.
What did you see?" the cornsen asked me telepathically. I looked at her surprised so she explained. „I could feel it since I saw you. Telepathy is not our only power" she said.
„Just my sister" I answered then looked at the dragon. I knew that the Cornsen had telepathic abilities but somehow I still wanted to lie. I haven't told anyone about the valley yet. „But she might be onto something" I muttered only to myself though I was convinced that the Cornsen heard it or at least read it in my thoughts. „I can try and help with the dragon problem if you can find a way out," I said. She nodded and left running. I looked at my watch to check how much time we had left. According to it we still had five minutes.

I stood up and started to think. The loom could change anybody's destiny and I had its power. I wanted to try and get Lilly back so that we don't have to carry a giant unconscious dragon. I tried thinking it hard enough but the only thing it did was giving me a headache. Then it hit me. I kneeled next to the dragon and steadied my breathing. I closed my eyes and put my hand on the head of the dragon. I waited, trying to focus on Lilly instead of the fact that time was passing pretty quickly and I wasn't even sure that what I wanted to try would work at all. I soon found myself in the demon-prison feeling relieved that at least something was happening. Lilly looked at me clearly happy to have some company even though she was only alone for like six minutes.
„Sara" she ran to me and hugged me. So far my plan worked but I still needed to pull off one last part. I decided to try that when I stepped into the vision. I stepped out of the vision and let go of the dragon hoping to pull Lilly with me. At first, nothing happened but soon, the scales started to turn into human skin and the dragon turned back to Lilly. She was passed out but at least we could carry her now. Not much after, the Cornsen came back. For a second she stood shocked seeing Lilly instead of the dragon. Though her expression had more pride in it than shock.
There is no way out," she told me telepathically when she finally processed what happened. „And the Cornsen are closing in on us" I looked at my watch again to check how much time we had left. We only had three minutes until the explosion. Lilly started to move behind me. I turned to her and helped her sit up. As I touched her I could feel her being a little dizzy but otherwise, she was in very good shape.
„What happened?" she asked a little muddle-headed. „The last thing I remember is hugging you" she turned to me confusion written all over her face. "The only thing that could turn me back was the sedative I developed" she was a little scared.
„It turns out that my powers could turn you back to this form," I said hugging her than helping her stand up. „Now all we have to do is find a way out before all of us die in space." I tried to sound like I was telling a joke.
„What about your time courier?" Lilly asked even more confused than before. „You can portal anywhere with that" I wanted to kick myself for not realizing it sooner. I turned the comm in my ear on but only to connect Gideon.
„Gideon, did you fly the jump ship back to Earth?" I asked the AI.
„Yes, Captain" Gideon answered, „Should I..."
„No Gideon" I cut her off. I looked at the two women with me and got the courier out of my pocket where it was. Pushing the button I made sure to open the portal at the med-bay of our ship. I wanted Gideon to do a quick check-up on Lilly even though she looked okay.

When we arrived I helped Lilly to one of the beds and asked Gideon to do her thing. Then I went to the bridge where I found a very upset Cloe yelling at Ava who had a dose of sedative in her hands.
„I could have come up with something you know" Cloe yelled. She was facing away from me so she couldn't see my arrival unlike Ava and the rest of the team. I wanted to laugh at their faces when they saw me.
„Sara" Ava came to hug me. „How did you escape so fast?" Cloe turned around and looked at me surprised.
„Where is my sister?" she asked still mad but now worried too. She didn't know that I turned Lilly back to human form.
„In the med-bay. Don't worry, she's okay" I said then when Cloe rushed out of the Bridge I turned to Ava. „Now to answer your question. I used the time courier" Ava and John facepalmed at the same time when I said it claiming that they had the same feelings I did when Lilly mentioned it. We all went to the med-bay to see what's up with the Waters sisters. We decided to go and eat out together to celebrate the fact that no one realized that we can teleport wherever we want to. We went to the closest Big Belly Burger and had dinner. We talked a lot about what happened that day and ended up laughing (and some of us getting just a little drunk) by the end. After dinner, we all went to our rooms to turn in for the night. When both me and Ava were in bed already I turned to her.
„I am going to take the Jumpship away for a little time," I said. During our little adventure, I realized that the only person who can help me figure out my powers is Charlie. „I need to talk to someone. I'll be back before you know it." I said to Ava and turned away to think a little.

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