3: Cast out

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Lilly's PoV.:

I was cast out. I didn't remember what happened to me or where I was, all I felt was the difference. I took a deep breath before opening my eyes but I immediately realized that it was a big mistake. The air smelled funny and in a way comforting but at the same time it felt like it was full of ash. It made me cough so hard that I couldn't open my eyes so once again I couldn't see where I was. When my lungs finally got used to the amount of smoky-ash that was in the air I opened my eyes. Wiping the tears out, I found myself laying on the ground in some kind of sand. The sky above me was greyish and the atmosphere around me felt empty of basically everything. There were no feelings except for one. Fear. I was afraid of something. I could feel my heart racing and my breath getting quicker. And then the voices came. They were whispers from the distance at first but as I started to concentrate on them they became clearer by the moment.

You did this" one of the first whispers I could make out was this. „You killed them all" they made no sense at first after each other. „You're a killer" I decided to sit up and close out the voices as they didn't mean anything to me. They were just sentences after each other. Then I saw it. A city burned to ashes in front of me. It reminded me of something but I couldn't make out what.  People were laying all around most of them unrecognizable by the burn marks and the claw marks all over their bodies. The ones that were more than ash that is. Claws. This one word stuck to me as I stood up to take a closer look at the person laying the closest to me.

„What killed you?" I asked from it as I kneeled to examine the claw marks. They were deep and wide. Definitely, not a cat but not even a lion caused them. The claws cut right through the bone too, which left one choice as to what did it. A dragon. And from the looks of it, not a small one. I looked around for some more clues but soon I wished I hadn't.

As I approached a building I saw something familiar about it. A sign that said A-tall grocery store. The moment I read it memories started flashing through my mind and I stumbled back a few steps. I finally knew what the scenery reminded me of. There was only one city A-tall could be found in. Rainbow-bridge. I didn't remember much just blurs of red clouding my vision. Smoke escaping my mouth and the screams. I stumbled out from the ruins as the voices around me got louder once again as they started to make sense. I was what they said. I was a...

Killer," they said as if finishing my thoughts and it seemed to come from all the dead people now behind me. I couldn't look at it as I finally knew what happened so I had to turn my back to the ruins. I burned down the city and killed all the people in it. I wasn't really myself then but it didn't change the fact that I did it. I was cast out just like now but not all through the destruction. Suddenly I saw a mirror in front of me. I went closer to be able to look into it though I didn't know why. When I did look into it I realized that it was more like a window to the real world. I didn't see much as red flashes of light covered my vision, the window. The red flash covered the window for a second and then I saw a woman standing right in front of me. Smoke covered the window enough so that I wouldn't recognize her but not enough so that I could actually see her. She was calm as she looked up at me. Way too calm. I knew what she was facing and there was no way out of it.

„I know you can hear me" her voice came. I recognized it immediately. It was my sister. Her voice calmed my racing heart slightly and drove the voices away. „I know you can control it. I believe in you" she continued not moving one bit from where she was standing. She trusted me and I knew she had a good reason to do so.

You'll let her down" a whisper came from behind me. „You will kill her just like you killed all of us" I turned around and met with a dozen burnt zombies. „Accept it," they said in unison. I looked back at the window when I felt a slight pricking on my leg. My sister still stood in front of me calmly. Another red flash clouded the window and I fell on the ground unconscious.

I woke up to the sound of footsteps. I opened my eyes and found myself laying on a metallic floor staring up to some kind of ceiling. It looked an awful lot like a spaceship. I sat up quickly as the footsteps were getting closer. I had no idea where I was, but somehow I knew it was not a good idea to stay on the floor. I acted on impulse and ran into an open room near where I was standing. I pulled the heavy door halfway closed so I'd see out but whoever came down the corridor would not see me unless they looked right at me. I felt their scent so I looked down at my arm. My bracelet was nowhere to be found and my pounding heart did not help with my stress. Then it hit me. I didn't feel the rush of heat in my veins. I did feel the need for it, but I could push it down. I heard a loud echoing thud from behind me and turned around. I saw a backstreet, with a woman laying on the ground. The strong smell of blood told me she was dead, and then I heard someone yelling. Somehow it wasn't right.

"Lilly!" the woman was yelling while kneeling beside the corpse. But my name was coming from somewhere else, not from her.

„Lilly" I heard my name again. I opened my eyes as the dream was fading away fast. My sister was standing above me clearly happy that I woke up. I wasn't so much. Every waking hour was a threat to everyone on the globe. Except maybe my sister. I never killed her before but a look at her face told me that this time she wasn't as lucky as any other time. There was a long scar going from her forehead down to her shoulder. I was surprised that it didn't kill her, but then again my sister was the hardest person to kill on Earth. Several tried and most of them ended up in our prison.

„How long was I out?" I asked while sitting up still observing the scar on my sister.

„A day and a half" she answered as if this was the most normal thing. „Get dressed. We have work to do. Oh, and the dampening bracelet is already on you so you don't have to worry about it for the next twelve or so hours" she said then left the room leaving me to my thoughts.

I took on the clothes my sis picked out for me. A light blue T-shirt with a black dragon head on it.

„This is kinda ironic," I said into the air taking it on. She also picked out my favorite jeans shorts. It was black which was my second favorite color. Putting my hair in a ponytail I stared into the mirror thinking. I completely remembered my dream and I could tell that part of it was happening that day, and the other part had already happened.

I and my sister had to go check out a supposed alien sighting on the main street. I was kinda glad to be outside but at the same time scared. I just woke up from being a dragon and we went to a place full of people.

„You check the shops, I stay on the street," Cloe said when we arrived. According to the description we were looking for a humanoid race with colored skin. The one that was reported was said to have green skin. I was half glad, half scared as it was probably a Cornsen. They had telepathic abilities which made them dangerous, especially if I was involved. As I came out of the first shop someone bumped into me. I looked at him and realized that I found the alien I came here for. Before I could do anything he stabbed my leg and showed me my bracelet right before he broke it. He achieved what he wanted. The heat that usually flows through my veins to my cells got five times hotter.

"Not again," I thought before looking around. „RUN!" I yelled before my skin started to burn and I felt it being replaced by scales. I started to grow and I could feel my wings appear before I lost control and got tossed out of my mind. Again.

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