10: Stuck

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Third-person view:

While everyone was busy doing their job Lilly decided to rescue the rebel Cornsen. She thought for a moment and then she looked up at the Cornsen lady leading her to the rebels. The female alien looked at her somewhat concerned. After having a silent conversation, Lilly took her bracelet off and turned to Mick.

„Why did you do that?" Mick asked her when she gave the bracelet to the arsonist. "I thought that was supposed to keep you from killing us all"

„I need to confirm that they are indeed rebels and for that, I need my instincts and my senses. If I turn into a dragon they can put me to sleep with their telepathic powers." Lilly turned around and left Mick alone to plant the bombs.

On the other side of the ship Sara, Ava and Lita searched for the director not knowing what Lilly was up to or how many people they would find trapped in the glass-like cages. They reached the part where the glass cages were. Sara stopped for one second feeling something she couldn't explain.

„You wanna stay here?" Ava asked her turning around. Sara looked up at her girlfriend and shook her head. All three of them continued their tracks through hundreds of empty cages. They were searching for a while when they finally found a hostage. It was a human and he was sleeping when the three rescuers got there. Lita started to knock on the glass. The man woke up and looked at the three newcomers, not at all surprised.

„Who are you?" he asked sitting up on the bed.

„We are here to rescue you," Lita said grabbing her version of the heat gun. „Now I suggest you stay where you are." she fired the gun and started o heat the glass-like wall up. After a minute of the constant heat, it reached the critical point and started to melt. The man stepped out when it was melted down.

„My name is David Thompson. I am the director of the AI Agency. An organization investigating aliens. I believe you are the rescue team. I would check the other cells too though there was only a woman near me and she got rescued a few days back." Both Lita and Ava looked at the man surprised.

„The captain is already on it," Lita said after a few seconds of thinking. „Now let's go before those aliens come here" They all started to run towards the jump ship. Sara soon reached them confirming that there were no other captives on the ship which Mister Thompson said was weird knowing the Cornsen and their tendency to be violent.

On the other side of the ship, a group of Cornsen was following Lilly to the jump ship. They reached the parking area when Lilly suddenly turned around. She met with a pair of deep green eyes looking down at her. She was thinking of her favorite song so the Cornsen couldn't get inside her head. The male Cornsen seemed startled than he grabbed Lilly's hand and threw her to the end of the corridor. Lilly's eyes lit up when she looked up and her skin started to turn into light blue scales soon followed by her body getting bigger.

Lilly's PoV.:

I heard footsteps from behind me. A smell caught my attention and a thought from whoever was behind me. I turned around ready to fight for both the Cornsen we rescued and my teammates. I saw a male Cornsen staring down at me with deep green eyes. I could feel his presence in my mind so I started to play a song called Phoenix in my head. It seemed to work as I could see and feel him getting scared. Before I could do anything he grabbed my arm and threw me across the hallway. His bad as the sudden rush of adrenalin triggered a defense mechanism in my body. That was probably the first time I felt relieved to feel the heat rising in my cells. I looked up and saw Sara and her team appear on the corner with the director. I felt the heat rising than the burning sensation on my skin as it became a scaly hide. The Cornsen looked at me and came closer probably trying to get me off my feet once more but by the time he got close enough, I fully turned into a dragon. I tried to fight whatever wanted to cast me out. For a whole minute, I could stay in control and while I fought the urge to let myself go I heard a voice in my head.

Welcome" that's all it said but I knew it was the dragon. Unfortunately, I couldn't hold my position much longer and got cast out again.

I landed on my back hard and got knocked out for a minute as if I was physically fighting for being in charge. When I woke up I started to search for the mirror so I could at least peek in on what was going on in the outside world. I found it and fighting the dizziness probably left behind by being knocked out, I went closer to it. I already dealt with the Cornsen that attacked us and I saw only one female cornsen on the ship. She and Sara were the only ones there standing in front of me. Sara seemed to be frightened and she had a good reason to be. I saw my dragon form reaching towards her. When it did Sara jumped out of its way. After that, she did something I didn't expect her to. She got out of sight and probably touched the dragon as moments later I saw her again.

„Sara, what are you doing?" I asked her.

„Trying to talk to you. Mostly talk you out of looking at the mirror," she said and vanished. I didn't have much time to think. I looked out and all I saw was darkness. She was stalling so the Cornsen could get into the dragon's mind while it was searching for Sara. Smart. The dragon went to sleep without the unique tranquilizer my sister made though, which meant I was stuck in the demon dimension until they got me home. I had to think of something to do as I was completely alone there.

Sara's PoV.:

We succeeded in getting the director out of the cage. I went looking for other hostages and the others started to go towards the jump ship. I caught up to them pretty quickly. We turned around the corner and met with a dozen Cornsen cowering from another one in front of them. In the corner, I saw Lilly laying on the ground. She was probably thrown there. She looked up and I could see her eyes glowing.

„Is that agent Waters?" the director asked.

„Yes" I answered „and with any luck, she's gonna be a dragon soon" After a brief explanation about the rebel Cornsen, we started to board everybody on the jump ship as fast as it was possible. While we did that I heard the dragon killing the Cornsen male who was against us according to Mick. Everyone got on the ship except for one Cornsen female who told me she can help with the dragon.

„Get them to the Waverider and send the ship back," I told Behrad and let the ship go. I turned around and looked at the dragon. I was scared of her. She leaned towards me as if confirming my fears. I jumped away before she could reach me. Then I remembered something and decided to try and touch the dragon. Surprisingly it worked. I only needed to stall the dragon by focusing its attention on me. Soon I found myself in the demon dimension.

„Sara, what are you doing?" Lilly asked looking away from the mirror she saw the outside world in.

„Trying to talk to you. Mostly talk you out of looking at the mirror" I got knocked away before I could finish my sentence but it didn't matter as the dragon was already on the ground sleeping. Suddenly an alarm sounded and the door leading to the flight-deck started to close. We looked at each other with the Cornsen as we both knew that it was impossible for us to get the dragon out in such a short time. We nodded and I started looking for ways to hide us.

„Captain, the ship is here" Gideon informed me.

„Can you blast the doors, Gideon?" I asked trying to find a solution to our rather big problem. I heard some missiles blow up behind the door but nothing happened. „We have to find another way," I said looking at the Cornsen. She thought for a brief moment when I realized something. We triggered the bombs by the closing door of the flight-deck. „We have ten minutes before this whole thing goes boom," I said sitting down beside the dragon trying to think of anything that could get us out of there.

We sat there for a minute after I informed my team about the situation. Behrad insisted on disarming the bombs but I told them not to. More importantly, I told Gideon not to let them do it so that they couldn't even try. There was no way I was gonna let Earth be invaded just so I could be safe. Me and the Cornsen we both knew that we have to find a way out of this mess or we all die, which wasn't a bad thing for me as I could decide what I wanted to do, but Lilly was unconscious and in a dragon form. I couldn't risk her life for billions. Not even I could do that. but we were stuck and we had ten minutes to find a way out and a way to move a dragon.

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