8: How we got here

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Lilly's PoV.:

I woke up to a piercing headache. It was as if someone tried to break my skull from the inside out. To top that feeling my ears were ringing so loudly, that for a minute I couldn't hear my own breathing. I kept my eyes closed for a few minutes to see if the ringing and the headache would wear off quickly. After some time, it drifted to a bearable level and so I sat up in my bed.

I took in the sight of the room. It was the same room I always ended up after my dragon-periods. I could remember clearly what happened, which was strange. I shook that feeling off and got up to get dressed. It was a bad idea. The room started to spin with me and I stumbled back to my bed. I also had a strange feeling that I couldn't understand, but it was pleasant. When I could finally stand without feeling dizzy I slowly got dressed.

When I got ready, I slowly made my way to my lab, for my dampening bracelet. I needed it to stop myself from turning into a dragon. I walked in and saw my sister talking to a group of people. They felt familiar somehow, but all of them were facing away from me, so I couldn't tell why.

„Hey sis" Cloe came up to me with the bracelet in her hands. „I'd like you to meet the people who were brave enough to fight you," she said while I put on the bracelet and finally felt safe with it. The group turned to me and I looked at them curiously. The woman on the left side stood out, as I could clearly recall a dream in which I saw her being shot to death and the day before when I was trapped inside that prison place. She started to speak, introducing everyone.

"Mick Rory" she started with the man on the other side of the line. "Zari and Behrad Tarazi, John Constantine, Nathaniel Heywood, Astra Louge, Ava Sharpe, and I am Sara Lance," I whispered her name when she said it. Seemingly no one realized it and I was happy about that.

„Woah," I said shaking hands with everyone. „I can't promise I will remember all of your names at once," I told them. By then I figured that they need my help with something because if they hadn't, all of them would have been long gone thanks to my sister. She doesn't like any outsider being in our Agency.

„It's okay," Sara said. „We're just glad you're not attacking us." I rubbed my neck looking down.

„Sorry about that. Some moron broke the dampener bracelet I wear to avoid these situations" I said.

„Cloe here says you're an expert on aliens" Sara started. „We were wondering if you could help us out in a chase we have on our hands." she sounded less excited than worried but I could tell it wasn't because of the aliens nor my occasional savage behavior. She was afraid of herself. I could tell because I felt the same way all the time.

„Sure," I said excitedly. „Of course I can't give you a spaceship. We don't have any." I lied but I had to. A.I.A protocol.

„Don't worry about that kid" the guy on the right said. „We have that," he said showing what seemed to be some car keys. I looked at him.

„First, those are car keys," I said skeptically. „Second, do not call me kid. I'm twenty." It really bothered me when someone called me a kid.

„So kid it is," Sara said laughing at me. „How can you be an alien expert at this young age?"

„Long story, but the point of it is that my mom worked here too and she taught me everything I know," I said crossing my arms and leaning against the doorframe. I enjoyed the company of these people. They were different but so was I and they welcomed me even though I wanted to kill them the first time they saw me.

We talked all afternoon about our lives. Mostly the team actually, told me about their adventures. What they said, sometimes didn't make too much sense but then again neither did aliens or my work so I let it go. I was interested in what they were doing because I always felt drawn to time travel for some reason.

„And that is how the original team finished our mission" Sara finished the story of her life. This Rip guy sounded interesting. He also showed up a few years back in the A.I.A looking for something.

„So what happened to the originals? You said that Zari, Nate, Astra, Ava, and Behrad joined later." I asked curiously. I did have my suspicions but I couldn't assume they were dead until I knew more.

„Well, three of them died saving us or the world and four of them left to live their own lives" Sara answered.

„Technically, Ray left to help Nora live her life" Nate added. There were so many names and members that I wasn't sure I'll ever be able to keep track of them all.

„Who's Nora?" I asked starting to get lost as she wasn't mentioned before.

„She's a demon-possessed fairy godmother," Mick said. „And Haircat's wife."

"Was demon-possessed. She became a fairy godmother after she was cured" Behrad said.

„Guys you go ahead too soon," Sara said then turned back to me. She went on explaining their next mission, finding time aberrations. They had to stop time-traveling "pirates" from ruining the timeline. They also had to fight off a team they called the Legion of doom which apparently included one of their dead partners. When Sara got to the part of breaking time I stopped her for a moment.

„Everyone looks at you with a judging look when you say you broke time" I pointed out.

„Because it was her fault," Mick said

„Anyways" Sara spoke again and started to explain the Time Berau and how Ava became a team member. Then she talked about the threat of Mallus, a time demon who wanted to rule over all of Time. When she explained the prison/limbo dimeson she visited I looked at her with wider eyes than I wanted to which made her stop in the story.

„What?" she asked. „Did I miss something?" she asked as if she knew I know exactly what she's talking about. She did actually know that, as she saw me in that limbo. The question made Ava look at Sara with a question in her eyes soon followed by the question itself from John.

„What do you mean Love?" he asked. Sara still looked towards me so I could see the flash of fear in her eyes. It was again of herself but also a little worry for her team.

„She probably just misspoke," I said. „How did you get to that dimension?" I asked to get the story back on track. It seemed to work as she started to speak again and everyone kept quiet. She went on for another half hour. She finally reached the part about how they defeated Mallus but before she could say it, Nate and Behrad started to laugh soon followed by Ava and Zari.

„Guys, would you fill me in on what is so funny about killing a time demon?" instead of answering Behrad took out his phone and started a video for me. There was a messy fight when suddenly something jumped out of the building next to whoever was stupid enough to take a video instead of fighting. When I saw what it was, I couldn't believe my eyes. A giant Beebo toy landed on the ground yelling „I love- love- love you". Someone asked something which I couldn't make out. The answer shocked me even more than the fact that there was a hundred-foot fluffy plush toy.

„That's Sara and the others" a guy who wasn't in the picture said. I stopped the video looking at the team shocked. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was impossible but also cool.

„You mean to tell me, that you defeated a demon with a giant Beebo," I said trying not to sound too doubtful even though I was. The team was still unable to form a sentence so they just nodded. I continued the video. I was curious how they did that. It was an exciting fight but the video ended before the team defeated Mallus. I gave Behrad his phone back and looked at them with a wide grin.

"So, wanna see our ship?" Sara asked and I nodded unable to form a sentence. Ava pushed a button on what seemed like a watch and a strange white rectangle appeared right before me. Inside the rectangle, there was a strange place, with eight seats and a window looking at the top of the Agency. Sara and the team went through and I followed them, ending up on what seemed like the Bridge of a spaceship.

"Woah" was all I could say. The team gave me a tour of the ship explaining how it works and what it actually is. I spent the rest of the afternoon there talking with them about their last two missions. I decided to get Sara alone at some points as I had to know if she actually saw me when I was a dragon.

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