24: Goodbyes

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Sara's PoV.:

We time jumped back to the AI agency a day after we left. We had an agreement with Cloe that we would do that so she had time to plan the party for Lilly leaving. I was proud of her. She didn't need my help to do what was the best decision for both her and Sylesia. She was strong even though she usually didn't see herself that way. She was going to be a perfect addition to our team. Lita had to leave so the Jump-ship and Mick were gone. Probably for the best though as Mick wasn't exactly the best choice for party planning. I called Lilly to the bridge as previously agreed with Cloe.
"Cloe was delayed so we have to wait for her but until then, why don't we go to your Lab?" I asked. I was said to be a horrible liar and the expression on Lilly's face just supported that. I couldn't do anything about it. Lying was easier as a member of the League of assassins because I didn't have an emotional attachment to anyone.
"So how many people did Cloe invite?" she asked walking beside me. "Don't worry I'll act surprised" she said reassuring me.
"I don't know actually. She had a whole day that is the only thing I know." In the meantime, we were joined by Mick and the rest of the Legends in the elevator. We pushed the button to go down to the third level where we were supposed to be. The elevator started to go down and I saw Lilly slip into her thoughts as if we weren't going to a party. It passed soon though and she was back with us excited for the last party before she officially took off with us.

We arrived on the third level and were met with Cloe in the elevator door. She hugged Lilly and motioned for us to go inside the huge hall-like thing.
"Sara, wait," she said when I was about to step inside. I turned around and looked at her surprised. She was always distant with me so I didn't understand why she wants to talk to me now. "I was thinking," she said. "I still don't believe in time travel, but you do a great job protecting Earth. I mean some people remember this thing when Eobard was in charge of STAR-labs and well, most of us remember the Fates controlling everyone. I know Lilly will be in a good team. Just please promise me that you'll protect her" She seemed pretty worried about her sister who according to her last information was protected by a dragon.
"I will," I told her. She was part of my team now and if anything that was a huge reason to protect her along with the fact that she reminded me of myself in a lot of ways.
"So what happened?" Cloe asked me. She really started to be chatty that night and that was weird.
"I gave up the Loom along with your sister who let Sylesia go and behind in the dragon society," I told her. "What is the deal with you?" I asked back. "Lilly says you're hard to kill" she pointed at the scar that was already healing which was a little strange.
"This here should have killed me," she said walking inside the party and towards the bar. "But you already knew that. I inherited this ability from my mother. I can't be killed unless you cut my head off or hit me at a very specific point which fortunately I didn't figure out yet. Lilly has the gene too but she didn't develop the power itself" After that we both ordered a drink and talked for the rest of the night until it was time for the goodbyes and than Cloe gave a lovely speech and let us go back to the Waverider where we made our little private "welcome to the team party" and didn't sleep at all that night.

Lilly's PoV.:

For a moment I was thinking about what Sylesia said as we went down with the elevator. I didn't think there was anything that allowed people to travel through time but according to her, I could do exactly that. I soon decided to lay the topic down as it was my goodbye party we were going to. My sister was the best. I knew she didn't believe in time-travel and yet she let me go with the team. When we stepped out of the elevator she hugged me. I hugged her back and when we broke apart she motioned for us to go inside the room they most likely planned the party in.
"Sara wait," I heard Cloe say before I was met with at least one hundred people on the other side of the door. The whole agency was there and some aliens as well. I teared up as I saw all the people coming to say goodbye to me. The music started and I went dancing with my friends.
"Hey Lilly" someone from behind me said. I looked behind myself and couldn't believe my eyes.
"Richie?" I asked the obvious. "It's been ages," I told him. "Thank you for coming," I told him while still dancing. We danced through the night until I felt a telepathic presence in my head.
"You came too?" I asked the Cornsen lady standing behind me.
"Of course. You saved me it is only fair that I attend your farewell party" her voice was soft inside my head but it also made me tear up reminding me of Sylesia and how we had a psychic connection.
"Excuse me," I said and left to have a drink. I tried to make up my mind for a real drink while I got to the bar but when I was there I only asked for a coke and went to the corner of the room. Soon I saw my sister and Sara walk in and have a drink together.

They were talking until my sister stood up and started a toast as a goodbye.
"My sister Lilly was different ever since she was born. She had the strangest ideas and a secret that not everyone here knew about. She was the bravest woman I ever met when she let that thing go so that the dragon living inside of her, could have a life on her own. I wish the same to you, Lilly. I hope you find your place among the Legends" she said that more than ten other people said some things about me that were good memories. When they all finished we all drank our drinks, which was a coke for me once again and all the people said Goodbye at the same time. I teared up again and stood up so they could hug me before we left for the ship with my new team. I felt exhausted and so I tried to go to my room immediately but Sara insisted on having tea with me so we went to the Gally.
"Surprise!" the rest of the team yelled as we stepped inside and they motioned for the desk full of food.
"Welcome to the team Lilly," Sara said. We were up all night and we talked about different stuff. Most of the team was already drunk and got just even drunker during the night but it was the best party I've ever had. I liked the team and when we went to sleep that was my last thought. My last party ended with success and I was ready to go on adventures.

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