4: Emotional

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Sara's PoV.:

The dream was slowly fading away as I heard someone walking around in the room.

"Where's the wine?" Oliver's voice was distant and out of place. Only partially awake, I couldn't put my finger on it, but it felt off somehow. The bed under me shifted as a slight reminder that I was still on a boat. I wanted to go back to sleep as I felt oddly exhausted. I turned to my other side when a hand suddenly touched my hip. I groaned in satisfaction as the man behind me landed a kiss on my neck before standing back up.

"What's the time?" I asked turning my head toward Oliver. I lost my sense of time since I was on the boat and I did just wake up. Oliver instead of answering pulled out two glasses of wine. I had the weirdest feeling of deja vu as if I have done this all before. When the thought crossed my mind, Oliver's face twisted in horror as the boat shifted harder under us. I got tossed off the bed and lay on the ground still a little out of it. Water rushed into the boat and took me with it. Pulling me deeper and deeper the water seemed to have a mind of its own. I tried to hold my breath and swim-up but was unable to move. My lungs were burning as I couldn't breathe and soon enough I passed out. Or at least I thought I did until I sat up in my bed panting.

"Just a bad dream," I thought to myself, though my lugs were still burning. I was in Nanda Parbat, back where I belonged. Or not. Everything felt off as if I wasn't where I was supposed to be but I shook off that thought and got up. I walked down the corridor to see if I had any assignments when I found myself on a rooftop. I had a mask and a black leather suit on. I looked around trying to make sense of what was happening. Someone I felt like I knew was behind me.

"Hello Sara," she said in a distorted voice. I knew she wasn't supposed to be there but I couldn't remember why.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. Instead of answering, she shot me with three arrows. I fell off the roof I was standing on. Before everything started to fade I saw another person staring at the situation. Someone I have seen only that night and never before or since.

When I was conscious again, I finally felt awake, though I could not form a single thought. It was as if I was drugged, not fully awake but aware of my surroundings. All the voices around me were strange and not understandable at first but as I drifted back to sleep they slowly turned to English.

"Maybe this time, you shouldn't put her in a scenario that will end up being a disaster," a masculine voice said soon followed by a feminine one.

"I wasn't the one choosing the memory. And also, how were we supposed to know it would turn into a nightmare? How about a relaxing scenario with a friend?" they were arguing but not around me. I could feel that they were in my head. And they were not human. I was finally aware of what was happening and I almost let my two stalkers know, but the feminine voice spoke again.

"If she reacts the way our other subjects did she'd be permitted to stay awake for physical testing in no time" Testing sounded bad, but awake was still better than asleep, so I decided to go along with whatever they were planing. I opened my eyes to find myself in a shopping mall with Zari beside me. It took a great deal not to roll my eyes at the scene. I wasn't against shopping, but Z is the girliest person on the planet so going with her, would be like a nightmare. Which was kind of accurate in this case. Then I realized that whoever tries to put me into this "scenario", as they called it, can not control it but maybe I could. I was in my head after all. I looked around looking for anything that would pose a threat.

We were at the shopping mall for what felt like an eternity, but considering what the two arguing creatures were talking about it had to be less than five minutes when I heard a scream. It was a relief to know I could finally relax by punching out something, though it wouldn't be the two creatures keeping me in stasis. I really needed to punch something but my emotions took over and when I reached the source of the screaming I froze in place.

The guy trying to rob the bank on the second floor was facing away but I could tell who he was. I wanted to curse loudly for being so emotional in a dream-sequence. I was way over the traumas of my life, but I never really got over this. I wasn't sure why, though I knew that the reason somehow revolved around the person standing in front of me, facing away. For now.

For long seconds I couldn't move and I seemed to have surprised my audience as well. They went quiet the moment I stopped frozen in the bank door. I also had a fictional audience made up by my own mind and they were kind of surprised too.

"Sara? Are you okay?" Zari asked causing me to look at her and the blue-coated individual to turn around. I wanted to kill Zari at that point but my mind seemed really preoccupied with my emotions.

"She is acting slightly different from our other subjects" I heard the feminine voice finally speak again. I was acting different but she had no idea how much.

"Captain Sara Lance," Snart said causing me to jump backward. "I've heard you took on the mantel of Rip but I had to see it with my own eyes" he was speaking but my foggy mind didn't seem to understand. I was shocked beyond the point of waking up but the two talking voices weren't the ones keeping me in the dream any longer. It was him.

"Impossible" was the only thing I could say at any level but he didn't seem to be bothered by my silence at all. He took a step towards me lowering his cold-gun. Everything else disappeared around us. The mall, Zari, the bank everything. Even my two stalkers.

"It is. But time travel is impossible as well" he replied to my previous comment with his snarky tone that nothing could be compared to. "You still not dating?" the question surprised me but I shook my head. I had Ava by my side now. "Good," he said. I wasn't sure if he understood my gesture as it was pretty easy to misunderstand it. I didn't have time to explain it to him as he started leaning in closer and closer.

"Guess we'll continue this later" I was shocked to see him take a step backward but I heard the third, slightly threatening voice too. He winked at me before stepping back and disappearing, leaving the darkness around me and a strange void inside me.


Hey guys. Sorry for the long delay but I had to write this chapter and the next two in order to not create a strange void in the story. I really am trying but most of the time I'm pretending to write instead of actually doing it.

Hope you enjoy the story.

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