Chapter 6: Surprise!

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~Spinel's POV~
As my hands were in my lap I tapped my foot looking around the car. "Hey are you okay? I'll be with you the whole time" Steven said holding my hand. I gave him a smile then felt myself blushing.

Soon I saw that we arrived at the almost broken down house. "I know it's shit, After my dad left we didn't really have a lot of money" I explained. "It's fine" He said squeezing my hand. We walked out the house and I already frowned seeing that my mom and her sister were home but also seeing... My dad. "Holy shit why is my Dad here?" I said starting to get afraid. We walked towards my window as I showed Steven how I sneak in. Once we were in my room I went in and decided to change, "Aw is this you?" Steven asked as he looked at one of the photos. "Actually yes it is" I said fixing my makeup and hair. "I need to wash my hair" Steven said pointing to his pink fluff. "Oh uh l-let me help you" I volunteered. He smiled and I took off his jacket.

I ran over to my shampoo and started washing his hair with my bathtub. The whole time we were quietly joking about this situation and laughing from what I remember last night, Soon I heard a knock on the door "Spinel are you home? Who are you talking to?" Yellow asked. "Shit" I cursed under my breath as I grabbed a towel and wiped Steven's hair, It was finally back to normal. "Hide!" I told Steven. He decided to hide in the closet. I took a deep breath and opened the door, "Who were you talking to?" She asked barging into the room, "Wow so much for privacy" I said spinning around as I grabbed my shoes, "You should be getting ready for school! How was the party? You didn't drink did you?" She asked. I groaned "No mom I actually didn't" I lied, "Good!" She said, "Your father is back home for today to help out with money since we might be moving" moving? "Wait we're moving?" I asked looking at the closet, "I said maybe, It depends if we get the money we need"

"No I don't want to move!" I yelled out, "Missy you don't have a choice" She said walking up to me as I stepped back. "You don't have a say in this you are just a child" "No I'm not! I'm 17 years old mom!" I screamed defending myself. Then I felt something sting on my face. I looked down and took the hair out my eyes as I realized that she slapped me. Then Steven jumped out.

Yellow spun around looking more pissed then before but something shocked me. Steven stood still the whole time not even getting a little scared. "Spinel who is this?" She asked. Soon Blue heard the commotion and walked in, "What's going on?" Blue asked, I face palmed as I walked next to Steven. "This is Uh Steven, He's just a friend" I said, "Nice to meet you guys" He said waving, I saw Yellow and Blue eyeing each other then Blue laughed, "Oh wow" She said, "Nice to meet you as well Steven" She said. "What have you guys been doing?" Yellow asked. I blushed which Yellow and Blue both saw, "NOTHING!" I shouted shoving Steven outside, "Just wait in the car" I told him. He nodded and he was off. Once he was officially out of ear shot I turned around to see a laughing Blue and a suspicious Yellow, "You like him don't you" Yellow said, "W-WHAT NO WAY" I said, Blue snickered and I felt myself blushing as I covered my face, "Oh my gosh you do!" Blue ran over to me, "UGHHH" I yelled, Yellow just laughed at me. "This is Your first official crush isn't it" She asked, I shook my head yes and heard Blue scream of happiness.

Even if yes I did sleep with a lot of guys I never liked them, "Spinel I'm so happy!" Blue said hugging me. "Oh we have to celebrate! Oh my! Now I can tease you!" She said running downstairs getting ready for a dinner. I looked up at Yellow, "We'll continue that conversation later" She said which sent chills down my back.

I ran outside to the car and sat in the front seat seeing my mom form a heart, "Just drive" I said. As we drove to school I went through my bag making sure I had my cigarettes and my notebook. "So, They're cool" Steven asked. "There probably going to tease us and say we're dating when we're not" I said clearing my throat, "No! Do you know how funny it is to mess with my friends parents and to pretend we're dating and having sex it's hilarious to see their reactions!" Steven chuckled, "Seriously?" I asked, "YESS! I did it once to Amethyst's parents when I walked in I started joking because we were sneaking out to visit Lapis and Peridot. Or when I joke about Lapis and Peridot. They always look so shocked" He told me. I laughed imagining it. Once we arrived I saw Steven's girlfriend or should I say thottie walking towards the car. "Steven I need to talk to you" she said. We parked and We got out the car, "well I don't want to talk to you" He said. "I'm going to head to class peace out" I said not wanting in one the awkwardness.

~Steven's POV~
"Please Steven" Connie pleaded, "What?" I said giving in, "I never liked Kevin, I just wanted to know what sex felt like" She said. I groaned "Connie you could've asked ME but you didn't, obviously you liked Kevin and you chose to sleep with him!" I yelled out. "Fine I'm sorry!" She said. "I'm sorry Connie" or should I say thottie "but I can't accept your apology" "It's because of her isn't it" She asked. "What?" "You like her, You never liked me" she asked crossing her arms. "Connie" thottie "Go fuck yourself" And with that she was gone from my life, Completely crossed out.... I hope. I walked feeling as if everyone's eyes were on me but I knew they weren't, As I walked into class I sat next to Spinel and sighed "That bad?" She asked, "She's just annoying that's all" I said.

Once it was lunch I ran over to my table, "Holy shit look who's here!" Lapis said. "Bro you totally like Spinel" Peridot jokes, I blushed "HE DOES!" The three of them said in unison, "Bro tell her!" Amethyst yelled, "No! How do I even know if she liked me?" I answered, "Oh she likes you, Trust me"

~No One's POV~
See what Amethyst didn't tell Steven was that before Spinel ran away drunk she confessed something, "H-Heyy Steven's friend~" Spinel Slurred, Amethyst groaned and turned around. "What's up Spinel?" She asked knowing that she was Drunk and needed to find Steven. "Ya know your friend is pretty cute~" she said. "Uh which one?" Amethyst asked now intrigued, "S-Steven obviously~" Spinel hiccuped. "Holy shit" Amethyst blurted out. "I k-kinda just wanna grab him and kiss him ya know?" She said drinking more of her beer. Amethyst took the cup and told Spinel to stay here but when Amethyst came back with Water the pink drunk haired girl was gone.


~Steven's POV~
All of us agreed to have a hang out day since Halloween was yesterday which was a Thursday and now it's Friday. "Let's have a sleepover!" Peridot suggested as she sat in my car. Everyone agreed but me, "Wouldn't be weird? Since I'm a boy?" I asked, "Nah! It'll be fun!" Lapis laughed. I agreed to go so I arrived at my house and told them I would be out soon. I grabbed a toothbrush, Deodorant, Fresh clothes and brush. "Where are you going?" Pearl asked me. "Oh just to hang at Lapis's house" I said smiling. "Excuse me sir" Pearl said a little angry. I forward knowing I was caught.

Pearl handed me my pills "Your not sly Steven" She said waving good bye as she sat back on the couch. I ran outside putting the pills in my bag as I ran to my car. "Alright everyone have everything?" I asked turning on the car as everyone said yes.

Finally we arrived at Lapis's house. "Little warning. There's three guest bedrooms so Amethyst you can pick one" Lapis said, "HELL YEAH MY OWN BED!" Amethyst yelled grabbing her bag and running into the house. I froze realizing "wouldn't that mean me and Spinel have to share a bed?" I said grabbing my bag as well. Lapis chuckled "If you guys aren't comfortable with that then tell me I can split y'all up but promise me you don't want to share a room with me an Peridot~" She said snickering, "The walls are soundproof aren't they?" Amethyst chuckled. "Actually they are~" Lapis said eyeing me. I rolled my eyes "It's fine" I said as I felt Spinel lightly hit me with her elbow on my rib.

We entered the house and took off our shoes since Lapis's parents are strict on shoes In the house. "Lapis!" We saw Lapis's little sister run down the stairs and hug her big sister. "What's up Luna!" She replied. (Get it Lapis and Luna?) "Are you guys having a sleepover? So fun!" She said running to their kitchen. "Hi mom" Lapis said hugging her mom. We all waved, "Uh you guys have fun" Her mom said looking at us, We all smiled and headed upstairs to Lapis's room. "What first guys? We have all day" Amethyst asked sitting in Lapis's chair. "I really don't know" She said. "Well I have an Idea~" Spinel said giving everyone a glare.

Dear Diary,
Spinel just told us she has an idea so we're probably going to die tonight but it's all good, as long as we have fun... right?
~Steven Universe

Dead to Me(Human Spinel x Full human Steven) Where stories live. Discover now